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chapter Two:

Carolyn, Marianne, Jannigje, Emily, and Dustin all screamed "Oh no not the cat!"

Melanie ran over to the cat and hugged it. "What a sweet cat!"

"Huh?" said Emily, "Isn't that my evil twin sister?"

"No, When Carolyn wished that Catriana would blow up, the evil left her."

Carolyn glared at Melanie, "I didn't mean to! And how did you know that?"

"Because I am older and smarter than you." Melanie replied.

"It's only one year difference." Carolyn stomped off. She stopped at the top of the stairs then turned around to yell at Melanie again, but instead ran over quickly, faster than the speed of light, to the side of the boat and grabbed Chris right before he fell off the side of the boat.

"How...?" Melanie asked. Carolyn just stuck out her tongue at Melanie. "Fine if that's the way you're going to be about it. This is my floor, the downstairs is yours, now get off my floor!" Melanie yelled.

"Fine then!" Carolyn said as she walked down the stairs. "Who's coming with me?" Emily, Marianne, and Kali all followed Carolyn. When Carolyn reached the bottom step she yelled up to Chris, "Are you coming?"

"No." Chris yelled back, "I wanna stay with Melanie."

"Melanie!" Carolyn screamed.

Melanie burst out laughing. It continued this way until they reached land. All of a sudden, "crash!" the ship hit land, everyone jolted forward. "Great job Care! Now we can't get off here, the ship is broken." Melanie complained.

"It's not my fault! And if you would let me wish on that necklace then we could fix it." Carolyn said in defense.

"It's my necklace and you're not touching it! Melanie yelled.

"Well I don't care, it's just a stupid necklace anyway." Carolyn sneered.

"It's not stupid! Take that back!" Melanie shouted.

Marianne whispered in a tiny voice "Please stop fighting." Melanie and Carolyn turn to Marianne and glared at her. "Well it was just a suggestion." Marianne said quietly.

"Marianne is right, you guys should solve your problems in another way." Jen suggested.

"Great idea!" Melanie exclaimed.

"I knew you would feel that way." Jen smiled.

"Let's spilt up!" Melanie finished.

"Not quite what I meant." Jen sighed.

"Good idea." Carolyn agreed.

"Fine." Melanie said.

"Fine." Carolyn repeated, "You spend all your time with Dustin anyway."

"Oh, so you want to be with him?" Melanie asked.

"No!" Carolyn yelled.

"Yeah right." Melanie said.

Suddenly a knife shot out from behind a tree and hit Dustin in the back, "Help" Dustin said weakly.

"What?" Carolyn and Melanie asked, turning to him, seeing him fall to the ground.

"What happened?" Melanie asked frantically, "Dustin are you okay?"

"He's dead..." Jen stated.

"Oh... Oh well...Long distance relation ships never last long any ways..." Melanie sighed.

"Okay, I'm leaving now." Carolyn said while turning to leave, but stops when she hears,

"Hey guys!"

"Nick?" Carolyn asked.

"No it's Dustin." The person replied.

Melanie punched him in the face. "I was being sarcastic of course I'm Nick."

"I know I jsut wanted to punch you." Melaine smirked.

Nick is a 15 year old with short brown hair and brown eyes.

"I've been watching you guys ever since got here." Nick said.

"How'd you live through what happened?" Jen asked.

"Huh? You mean the tidal wave? I was here on Nova Scotia on a family vacation. Oh... You guys want to meet my new friend? Hey Jack get over here."

"Coming Nick!" Yelled Jack

Jack is a 14 year old with blond hair down to the beginning of his ears and brown eyes.

"Okay, this time I'm leaving." Carolyn said, "Come on guys."

"Who's coming with me?" Melanie asked, "Chris, you coming with me?"

"No, I want to go with Care." Chris stated.

"Yeah Mel, Chris wants to go with me." Carolyn rubbed it in.

"Well... so what? I don't care" Melanie said.

"Yes you do." Carolyn teased.

"Shut up Care! The cat is coming with me, anyone else?" Melanie asked.

"I'll go with you." Jack said.

"Of course you're going with her, cause you're going with me and I'm going with her." Nick stated.

"Okay, let's just go, I don't care who's coming with me, well except her." Melanie pointed at Carolyn.

"Well there's no way I would go with you anyway." Carolyn said.

"Shut up!" Melanie yelled.

Suddenly, Chris fell through the ground onto a pit of spikes.

"Chris!!" Melanie screamed.

Jen looked down in the pit, "Another person dead."

"This is your fault!" Melanie yelled at Carolyn, "You could've saved him with you're speed."

"If you're so smart, you should've saved him." Carolyn yelled back.

"Speed? Smart? Huh?" Nick asked.

"Oh shut up and come on." Melanie said as she stomped off followed by Nick, Jack, and Catriana the cat.

Care stomped off in the other direction followed by Emily, Jen, Kali, and Marianne. They go into the forest and soon got lost. Emily said, "I wish Melanie was here, she'd know which way to go."

"If you want to be with Melanie, then go with her, otherwise don't mention that name!" Carolyn yelled. "Now which way do we go?!"

"Right." Emily said.

"Right it is then." Carolyn started walking.

"I meant right to the other thing, but oh well." Emily whispered.

They followed the dirt path until it led to a dark, old house. " we go inside?" Emily asked with a look of terror on her face.

"Of course!" Kali said while floating towards the house. Emily looked towards her in horror, but Kali was already headed through the wall. "Come on Guys! This place is cool!"

Rain started to pour down. "Well, we might as well head on in the house, it will get us out of the rain and Kali did say it was cool." Carolyn looked towards the house then to everyone else.

"You must be joking!" Emily exclaimed. "There's no way I'm going in that house."

"Emily, the rain is ruining your hair." Marianne pointed out.

Emily started running towards the house, "Well I guess it couldn't be all that bad."

As they entered the house they heard low voices coming from upstairs. The house was dark, Jen ran to get a torch off the wall, they lit it using some matches Emily had been carrying in her pocket. Cobwebs and bats filled the rooms. "The rain would've been less hard on my hair." Emily complained.

"Oh shut up already!" Carolyn yelled at her.

Meanwhile, Melanie, Jack, Nick and Catriana came to the edge of the forest. In the distance they saw a city. "Hey, I live over there, come on," Jack said as he ran ahead.

"Wait up!" Nick yelled.

"Should we follow them?" Melanie asked Catriana. Catriana shrugged. They slowly followed them. The four of them stop in front of a house.

"You live there?" Nick asked.

"No, no, that's our dog's house. I live there." Jack pointed to a even bigger mansion.

Melanie, Nick and Catriana's jaws dropped open. "You all can stay here and I'll get you guys registered at the school." Jack said.

Back at the old house, Carolyn had fallen through the floor. Kali had gotten some of her new ghost friends to help try to bring Carolyn back to consciousness. Carolyn was laying in the middle of the basement floor unconscious. Jen, Emily, Marianne, Kali and Kali's friends were surrounding her trying to wake her up. As Carolyn came to, she screamed, "Ahh!!! Ghosts!!!" She jumped up and ran towards the stairs.

"Wait!" Kali yelled, "These ghosts are my friends."

"I don't think she likes us." George the ghost frowned.

"Yes I think you're right." Frank, another one of the ghosts sighed. The four ghosts, George, Frank, Cindy, and Candy floated off crying.

"No don't leave, I'm sorry!" Carolyn said. But it was too late. Kali frowned at Carolyn then quickly floated off after her new friends. "Kali wait, would you like to stay here with your new friends?" Carolyn asked.

Kali turned around. "I think I would be happier here, this is where I belong."

"Then stay." Carolyn stated.

"No Kali!! Don't leave us!! If you leave, who will do my hair everyday?" Emily whined as she started to cry.

"I'll do your hair for you Marianne offered.

"No way! You're not touching my sweet delicate hair, just look at yours!" Emily yelled with tears falling.

"You'll live Emily." Carolyn said, "Now lets get out of here." They all said bye to Kali then headed for the stairs.

As they walked out the door Emily started to whine, "I'm going to miss the way Kali dose my hair."

Everyone turned towards her and yelled, "Shut up!"

They headed towards the city planning to attend school there, make new friends and start a new life.

At Jack's house, Melanie, Nick, and Catriana had gotten lost in one room. The room was totally filled with teddy bears. There were mountains of teddies, "Have you found the door yet?" Melanie yelled to Nick.

"No it doesn't seem to be anywhere in sight." Nick yelled back.

Jack finally got back, he arrived at the door of the room Melanie, Nick, and Catriana were in. "I registered you two at our local school, you'll start attending it tomorrow. Are you three having fun in there?" Jack yelled.

He heard a voice answer him, "Help us, we're lost!"

"Why don't you two guys just turn around?" They turned around to see Jack standing right in front of them.

Jack pointed up, "See the exit sign? Next time you guys might want to look for it."

"It's so big, how could we miss it?" Melanie asked.

The two groups spent weeks trying to avoid each other, but one day at school the two groups met. That morning Marianne and Melanie were talking about homework that Marianne had not gotten because she had missed the previous day due to a sickness.

Carolyn saw them talking and went over to them. "Marianne why are you talking to that moron?" Carolyn asked.

"I'm just asking her what I missed yesterday." Marianne replied.

"Yeah right, you're probably telling her my secrets!" Carolyn yelled.

"You know I wouldn't do that." Marianne started to cry.

Just then Jack ran over to them. "What do you want to do after school? Do you want to go to my arcade room?"

"You have an arcade room?!" Carolyn screamed, "Isn't this just my day?"

"Yeah of course he has an arcade room, he lives in a mansion." Melanie stated.

"And this day just keeps getting better." Carolyn turned to walk away.

Marianne yelled "Wait! I have detention, wait for me please!"

"Why should I wait for a traitor like you?" Carolyn yelled back.

"Oh well, coming to detention Jack?" Marianne asked.

"You have detention too Jack?" asked Melanie.

"Yeah I was late." Jack replied.

Marianne and Jack both walked off together to detention. The room seemed a little colder that usual. They were the only two in the room other than the teacher who was reading a book, she saw them come in and pointed to the two desks in the middle of the room. "No talking! Now take out your homework, I don't want to hear one word from either of you two until 4:00!." She yelled, her little beady eyes glaring at Marianne and Jack. They quickly rushed over to their seats and put their books on the desks.

Suddenly they heard a voice over the loudspeaker, "Mrs. Smith, there's a call for you in the office, they say it's an emergency."

The teacher got up from her chair. "Don't even move while I'm gone, I'll be right back." She said as she walked out of the room.

"Well this is just our luck, we're stuck in detention with the teacher from..." But Jack didn't get to finish that sentence, he felt a pain in his back, then he fell out of his seat and onto the floor.

Marianne saw a pencil in Jacks back and was about to scream, when a pair of scissors flew at her and stabbed her through the throat.

Meanwhile, Mrs. Smith picked up the phone in the office, "Hello, hello? Damn prank calls..." she kept muttering to herself. As she walked back to the classroom, when she arrived there, the sight made her scream.

Carolyn, Melanie, Emily, Nick, and Jen, who hadn't left the school yet, came running. Jen ran up to her dead sister and started to cry. Carolyn ran up to comfort Jen.

Melanie saw the scene then ran off, Nick yelled to Melanie, "Hey, where are you going? Wait up!" Then he ran after her. Emily just stood there with her mouth hanging open.

Melanie ran to jack's house and left a note to his parents on the table grabbed her stuff and the cat than ran out of the house.

Nick stopped her on the steps, "What are you doing?" he asked.

"It's all my fault! Get your stuff and come on, we got to get out of here." She replied.

"Why do I have to leave if it is your fault? I like this place!" Nick said.

"Fine then stay for all I care." Melanie said then ran off.

Nick took one last look at the house and then yelled to Melanie, "Wait up! I'm coming with you!" When he finally caught up with Melanie he said, "What do you mean its all your fault? Just because you left them alone it doesn't make it your fault."

Melanie replied, "Yeah I know that, and that's not why it is my fault, I mean, here look at this." She passed him a sheet of paper, written on it was a list of everyone that had died since they had left PEI Chris, Marianne, Jack, and Dustin.

"So?" asked Nick. "Don't you see what they all had in common?" Melanie was starting to sound mad. "Uhh... They all knew you?" Nick asked stupidly.

"I give up!" Melanie yelled

"Huh... Sorry" Nick said, "Where are we going to stay now?"

"Hmm... How about there?" Melanie pointed to an abandoned temple the distance. When they got in the temple, they took a look around. The stone walls looked like they were about to fall down at any minute. There was a stone chair in one corner of the room, but beside that the place was empty. "Well, with a few minor adjustments, this place will be home in no time." Melanie said.

"You got to be kidding me, this place is a mess!" Nick said almost crying.

Melanie walked over to him, "Hey come on, cheer up! This place isn't that bad."

"I miss Jack's house!" Nick Whined.

"You can decorate here if you want." Melanie said.

Nick looked around, "Curtains would look nice there," he pointed to a window on the opposite side of the room. "And a table there," he pointed to a corner on the left. He kept talking, Melanie just rolled her eyes and sat down on the chair.

Meanwhile Carolyn was trying to keep her group sane. She had finally got Jen off of the floor and was trying to snap Emily out of the trance she was in. Jen pushed Carolyn aside and said "Let me try!" and she gave Emily a good slap across the face.

Emily shock her head, "But... I..." she started

"You what?" Carolyn asked Emily

"Umm... I loved Jack!" Emily said quickly.

"What? You barley knew him!" Jen said.

"Oh yeah you're right... Let's go then." She started to walk off. Carolyn and Jen looked at each other, shrugged, then followed Emily.

The next day at school Melanie spent all of class jotting down more notes on her paper about why the others may have died. Mrs. Gabella was trying to teach math but no one seemed to be listening, "Melanie what's the answer?" Mrs. Gabella asked.

Not looking up Melanie answered, "I already told you it's none of your business!"

"Excuse me?" Mrs. Gabella said.

"Leave me alone! I'm trying to figure this out" Melanie said starting to sound annoyed, then noticing what she just did she looked up "Opps!"

"Get out of my class now!" Mrs. Gabella yelled

Melanie reached for the books and papers on her desk

"No leave those here." Mrs. Gabella said almost teasing her.

"But..." Melanie started, then noticed the paper missing off her desk and Carolyn smiling at her, "...Fine!" Melanie started walking towards the door "I'll get you back for this!" She yelled just before the door was slammed shut in her face.

Carolyn started laughing. So that's why theyÆve all been dying. Carolyn thought to herself. It all makes sense now. We were jealous of each of them right before they died. Our jealousy took form and has been killing anyone who Melanie and I are jealous of, well this should be easy enough to solve. After school Carolyn headed over to Jack's house to talk to Melanie, when she got there she found out Melanie had left. "Oh great, now how am I going to find her?" Carolyn mumbled while walking down the steps.

Back at the temple, Nick was decorating the place he had found some furniture in the attic. "Doesn't this place just look great now?" Nick asked Melanie

"Umm... yeah great...." she replied, wishing for the bare stone walls again. "Didn't they have any other colors that florescent yellow?" she asked him.

"Why don't you like it?" Nick sounded insulted.

"No, no it's fine." Melanie said, trying to sound sincere. "It's only temporary, It's only temporary..." Melanie whispered to herself "I hope..." All of a sudden, they heard a loud bag, it sounded like it came from beneath them.

"Wh... Wh... What was that?" Nick asked.

"I have no idea." Melanie stated "But I am going to check it out..." she started to walk off then turned around "Umm... You haven't seen the stairs to the basement by any chance have you?"

"Yeah there're over there." Nick pointed to a small hallway leading to a set of stairs on the left.

"Thanks." Melanie said, then headed off in that direction. The basement was surprising well lit by the high up windows. There was a large shelf with many bottles on it at the far end of the room. On the left was a wall made of fire and on the right was writing inscribed on the wall. It was written in another language, but Melanie could read it perfectly. She wasn't sure why. "So... This is the answer, I knew for so long why everyone was dying, but I didn't know how to stop it, and all this time the answer was right here." Melanie said to herself. "Well I might as well get started." She pulled a bottle off the shelf. Then she heard a noise behind her. She turned around and saw nick.

"So what's going on? You said you know who the killer is, is it Catriana at it again?" he asked.

"No Catriana isn't killing again, she is back though." Melanie said calmly.

"No she isn't back, she left last night, and I haven't seen her since." Nick stated.

"That's not what I meant, wait... what did you say? The cat is gone?!" Melanie yelled, "I can't believe this! I've been so caught up in trying to solve this that I forgot about her! You have to find her, I need to get her out of that body and back where she belongs!"

"Are you insane?" Nick asked "Don't you remember what happened last time? I'm going back upstairs to decorate." He turned and walked back up the stairs.

"Well... that will have to wait for now, I guess." Melanie said while measuring out an amount of red liquid into a spoon then pouring it into a bottle.

She didn't see Carolyn running up behind her trying to memorize the ingredients. "One spoon full of red stuff, two of blue, three of green..." Carolyn kept saying to herself, running up to look over Melanie's shoulder then back to the wall so fast she couldn't be seen. "Or was it two of red, three of blue and two of green?" She sighed.

"You can give it up, you don't have a god enough memory. Unless you have a paper and pen don't even try." Melanie said.

"How did you... oh never mind" Carolyn said, "Do you know how hard it is to find you?" Carolyn asked, "Why didn't you tell me you moved?" Melanie just shrugged.

Melanie worked in silence for a long time. Carolyn, wondering what was going on finally broke the silence, "What is that potion for?"

Melanie pointed to the firewall. "It'll allow someone to go though there, but it will only last for two seconds, and I have no idea how deep the fire goes."

Carolyn looked worried, "And you're going to try to go though it because?"

Melanie pointed to the writing on the wall. "It says that jealousy lives past the fire wall and can only come out when strong enough. You should already know the rest off of my paper." Melanie said madly.

"Yep I sure do." Carolyn smiled.

"It's done!" Melanie said.

"You'll never make it." Carolyn said, "Let me go through, I can run fast enough."

"But what will you do when you get there, how will you kill it?" Melanie asked. "Wait, do you think you could carry me? There's enough potion for both of us."

Carolyn picked Melanie up. "Yeah I could carry you through there." Carolyn picked up the potion and put half of it in a different container, then gave it to Mel. “On he count of three. One, Two, Three!” They both gulped down the potion and Carolyn ran towards the fire. The fire was about five meters long. They made it through safely with time to spear.

"Hmm... There is a switch here to turn off the fire." Carolyn said as she flicked the switch.

"No! Don't!" Melanie yelled, but it was too late, the fire went out and on the other side of the room, a green figure clothed in a black cape appeared.

"Oops..." Carolyn said, "You should have warned me a bit earlier." Melanie rolled her eyes.

The dark green figure spoke, "Thank you so much for freeing my true form, all this time I have been living off you jealousy, now I'm free!"

Melanie looked angrily over at Carolyn, but then she saw some weapons behind Jealousy. Melanie ran over to grab the weapons but the Jealousy stepped in the way and pushed Melanie into the wall.

Carolyn yelled out, "Why didn't you just ask me to get them? I have the speed to."

"You and your stupid speed can go shove it, I don't need your help!" Melanie yelled back.

"Yeah, well how do you think I feel you the smart one!" Carolyn screamed.

Melanie got up and ran towards the weapons again, but this time Jealousy pushed her so hard that she flew through the wall.

The Jealousy slowly moved towards Melanie, who was lying unconscious on the ground. "No! Don't touch her!" Carolyn yelled as she dove in front of her sister just in time to protect her from a powerful kick. Carolyn went flying back into the other room.

Melanie woke up and ran to her sister. "Are you ok?" Melanie asked

"Yeah I'm fine." Carolyn managed to say. "Let's call it a truce."

"Ok." Melanie said. "Do you think you could get those weapons?" Carolyn stood up, the next thing Melanie knew Carolyn was standing beside her with the weapons.

"Do you want the axe or the sword?" Carolyn asked.

"Uh... the sword." Melanie said slowly shocked.

Carolyn passed the sword, then said "Let's get him!" Carolyn ran quickly up to the Jealousy and swung at him with the axe, Melanie joined her.

The Jealousy fought back and hit Melanie, but she didn't even move back. "Is it just me, or does the Jealousy seen to be getting weaker?" Melanie asked.

"Yeah I think you're right." Carolyn stated. The Jealousy was losing power quickly now that Carolyn and Melanie weren't jealous of each other.

He was barley even moving anymore. "Wait!" Melanie said, "I have an idea. Carolyn I really love the way you use your speed, it really comes in handy." Melanie winked at Carolyn.

She quickly caught on to MelanieÆs plan. "You are so smart Melanie, I love all your plans, they are brilliant!" Carolyn told Melanie.

They looked over at the Jealousy, he was shrinking! "Carolyn you fight really well, did you ever think of going professional? You'd do great I'm sure!" Melanie smiled.

"That necklace looks really great on you, it really brings out the brown in you eyes. Carolyn said. They continued on like this until the Jealousy was about the size of an ant.

"Should you do the honors or I?" Melanie asked.

"Oh please allow me." Carolyn said. Then she stepped on the Jealousy, squashing him. "Eww... jealousy guts are all over the bottom of my shoe now!" Carolyn said disgusted.

Just then, Carolyn and Melanie heard a sound coming from where the firewall used to be. Care and Mel turned to face the wall and saw Nick and Jen ran into the room, dressed as if ready for a fight. "We're here to... help?" Nick said looking around.

Melanie rolled her eyes, as Care said, "You're a little late."

Melanie looked at them, than asked, "Where's Emily?" "She disappeared last night, we haven't seen her since." Jen replied.

Melanie walked over to the wall and hit her head against it.

"What's wrong Melanie?" Carolyn asked.

"She free, on her own!!" Melanie screamed.

"So...?" Jen asked, but Mel didn't get a chance to answer that she saw something move from where the Jealousy had come out of.

Melanie slowly walked over to where the movement had come from. "Care! Come here! You got to see this!" Melanie yelled.

Carolyn walked over slowly, limping most of the way. She arrived over to where Mel was and put her hand on her shoulder and said, "I wish Johanna was still alive, she'd know what to do now."

Suddenly the necklace started glowing and Jo appeared beside Jen. Mel and Care looked over at Jo and shrugged. Jen started to cry.

"Why are you crying?" Jo asked, "Aren't you glad to see me?"

Jen replied, "Yes, but I forgot to cry when you died!"

Carolyn looked at Mel "So what was it that you wanted to show me?" Melanie pointed at the animals.

Carolyn looked down, "Aww... there're so cute!" There were three small animals sitting on the floor.

"They must have been prisoners of the Jealousy." Melanie said, "Let's kept them!" The small cat jumped into Melanie's arms. "He's got a tag on his collar, it says "Find out our names, and you will see, we're actually quite smart, like Melanie." Melanie looked shocked.

"That can't just be a coincidence." Carolyn said, "A bunny!" she bent down and picked up the bunny. "It's so cute! Hey look at the symbol on her forehead. It's a carrot with wings."

Melanie looked at the cat again, "Mine has a symbol too, it's a heart with fire works in it. There's still another animal here who's going to take care of it?"

The dog ran out of the room and jumped at Nick, "Well I guess that answered my question." Nick looked at the dog, "Your symbol is a heart balloon, I wonder what your name is..."

Chapter 1

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

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