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GooBeR's PaGe

~*~isnt my lil cousin so cute??!!??~*~ here goes teh SHOUT OUTS!!! ~*~BeV~*~hey sissy i love ya jail buddy "I WANT DICK NOT PUSSY!" lol love ya ~*~ShElBy~*~i love you gurl PHYSCO BITCH!! pickles or bananas?? ~*~AmBeR~*~hey im gonna miss you so much have fun with jeff lol going to florida lol ~*~if your a gurl and wanna be in here just ask~*~ ~*~MaTt~*~im so sorrie bout all that stuff umm i miss you call me! ~*~JoSh~*~ gosh you just like hooken up with my friends huh first tori now jenna dang boy! ~*~SkYlEr~*~thanx for putting up with my shit! ~*~TyLeR~*~MOONER! i love you like a bro miss ya

~*~My FaV sOnGs~*

My Favorite Web Sites

where i check my mail DUH!
awesome poems and shit
where i pick out all my presents!!
