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..::|/*~WILMA & BETTY~*\|::..

MOOOOO!!! Cows rock! Welcome to our site!!! Wheee!! Have a look around and be sure to sign our guestbook!!! This website just started so we don't have a lot up yet....but you can still check it out! Tell your friends!!!! Wilma and Betty


I'm Wilma ( a.k.a. Kerry) and she's Betty (a.k.a. Erin). MOOOOOOO! This site is about our friendship........CHEESE! Well, there's nothing much left to say.....except what you can find on the site!

On our AWESOME site you can find our biographies, pictures of us (and pics of cows, YAY), what we have done in the past 2 years we've been friends, and eventually (when we finish it, which will probably be sometime in August or maybe July...) our story we're writing! All I can say about the story right now is that it involves cows, but I'm not giving away anymore TOP SECRET information......Have moo moo fun!!!! WHEE! Bye......