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I Was a MAN Once!

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Well the above picture is indeed not me, sorry gals.

But the ones below are. Ar...

Jesus told me at school today that I was dressed as the only man he'd ever turn gay for. I'm flattered?

oh i make a sexy pirate man

Or a pirate Hippie...

I look like a pioneer! Which by the way AMANDA, doesnt have a T or a K in it.

My mom says I look like her late sister in this picture. Should that be a good or bad thing?

Not a very good picture, look at the dog shaped growth on my arm. I guess thats what you get for a 50$ camera.

I acquire Captain Jack Sparrow's notorious balance skills while dress in this regalia.

I have found treasure! Behold! A WALNUT!

Ah, me on my pirate ship hehe out on the fast ocean, nothing for miles but watewr and deadly sea creatures and only the horizen to smash into ahead of us. with my car in the background.

Just to see the full costume, minus the painful boots that were the only way i could get his drunken-effeminate swagger down.

and my cat with her ghetto booty. She's really that big in real life, yep shell make a good thanksgiving diner, cuz it's wrong to eat turkey.

she likes to be held like that i swear. especailly if you sing and bounce up and down. try it with your cat! but dont charge me for the band-aids.

And we just get farther and farther away from the costume....Its just a praying mantis but its cool. the thing was 4 1/2 inches long.

And this is just a picture to haunt you in your dreams as you have just spent 15 minutes of you life looking at a girl with a mustache (Its eyeliner i promise). Turned on? OK i know those picture were small but come on, its embarassing! you dont need a gigantic picture of that do you? Rhetorical question.

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