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=*= Passion is Life ::: Living is Impossible Without Both =*=

The vision comes and goes … … mostly goes … … but I live for IT … … for the MOMENT. … … … Annie Dillard

= Kim And I, Taiwan =

= Me =

= At Homestead (W. VA) Waiting For Dad To Take The Photo =

= What You Want (Me) =

= School Pic Way Back When =

= Chin Up =

Hari And I, (Chicago Summer)

= Girl Meets Doggy =

= Me ‘n The Snowball Hat =

= With HUGE Owl-like Glasses Feeding Deer (Somewhere, I should ask my dad lol) =

= Family Picture (Atlanta) =

= Furiously Practicing my FHS Induction Speech, LOL (Va) =

= Bench By Korean Memorial (Washington, D.C.) =

= Me, My Lil’ Sis, Andrew (N. Carolina) =

= Me In Stroller =

= My Lil Sis Looking On In Fear As I Lose Horribly To Dad In Chess =

= Kim And I (Some VA Battlefield) =

= Follow The Red Brick Road, Homestead =

= Chelsea & I (with THE messiest hair), On Boat (Key Largo)

= Snow Woman And I =

= On a Corner At Bryn Mawr (PA) =

= Almost Leaning Off =

= Most Recent Photo Of My Parents (Spring Break, ’03)

= LOOK at that Freshie! LOL =

= Me In Another Frilly Dress, Haha =

= Me Again (Early this year ’03)

=Lil’ Me In My Tweety PJ’s (Atlanta) =

= Me and My Cousin Jennifer (Somewhere in GA) =

= My Dad & I (Philly, ’02) =

= Moi =

= Just Me Again =

= Kao Sistas (W.VA) =

= Me Surrounded By Works =

= On Boat (Seattle) =

= Hugging Da Chipmunk (Disneyworld) =

= In Sun Rm (Va, Fall ’02) =

= On Beach With Dad =

= Chubby Me and Dad, Boating =

Mer & I, London (England) =

= School Picture =

= Waiting For Boat (Seattle) =

= In London =

= On Kitchen Floor (Atlanta) =

= My Lil Sis & I (Quebec) =

= My Lil Sis & I, Posing With Umbrellas (Quebec) =

= Snow Costume (Connecticut) =

= Tilt Your Head (Seattle) =

= Stylin’ In The Streets of Seattle ~_” =

= Mom And I, 6th B-day =

= On Settee (Homestead) =

= Me & My Lil’ Sis At The Zoo =

= On Boat En Route To Tillicum Village (Seattle) =

= Poise In Toronto =

= Hiking In Quebec =

= Truly and Insanely Poofy Hair =P