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FriEnDsHiP QuOtEs 2

*..We HaVeN't BeEn FriEnDz SiNcE dOsE pRe-SkoOL dAyZ..
bUt We'Ve GrOwN tOgEtHeR iN sOoO MaNy WaYz..*

Me AnD My GiRlS aRe tiGhtEr ThaN FaT boYs In SpAnDeX!

i LoVe mAh fReNz WuT cAn i sAy
iM wIt dEm jUsS aBoUt eVeRyDaY
wE HaVe tHa FuNnEsT TYmEs 2gEtHa
nD tHaT y We WiLL b fReNz 4 eVa

^-°¤°-^GuRlZ JuSt WaNnA hAvE fUn^-°¤°-^

FrIeNdS R SuPPoSeD tO LaSt FoReVeR
EvEn tHo ThEy RaRLeY dO
BuT i KnOw We'LL sTiCk ToGeThEr
CuZ tHe TrUe OnEs aLwAyS dO

iN mY wOrLd u aLwAyS cUm fiRsT
& u wiPe aWaY mY tEaRs wEn iM aT mY wOrSt
tHaTs wHy u mY siStAs..
mY vErY bEsT fRiEnDs
& wEn U eVeR nEeD hELp..
iTLL be mY hAnD U cUd LeNd

\\ dere where mOmentz we //
// lauqh'd n'criied we alwaiz'\\
\\ stOod bii eaCh Othaz siide//
// thOuse many dayz spent \\
\\ tOqeta dey wilL a l w a yz//
// stay iin maw h e a r t

mAh gUrLz r LyK tHa SuN
dEy FiLL MaH dAy WiD LiGht
MaH BoyS r LyK tHa mOoN
WaTChIn oVa mE aT NiTe

Me N GrLz We'Ve BeEn ThRu MoRe ThEn AlOt w
E aLl KnO wHo EaCh OtHeR tHinKs Is HoTt
ThEsE ArE tHe OnEs WhO i KnO i CaN rUn To T
hEy ArE mY bAcK nO MaTtA wHaT i EvEr Do
TrUe FrIeNdS NeVeR fIgHt OvEr DuMaSs ShYt
ThEy aRe doWn WiD w/E aNd U kNo It

We'Re MoRe ThAn GoOd FrIeNdZ
MaKe ThAt UnDeRsToOd
yUr My LyFe WiThOuT a DoUbT
My SiStErHoOd

MuH gUrLz HaVe BeEn ThErE fOr Oh So LoNg
sInGiN n DaNcIn To OuR fAvORiTe SoNg
ChEcKiN oWt Da FeLlAs In Da MaLL oN sKoOL nIghTz
OuR kRaZy AsS tYmEs n StUpId LiL fIgHtZ
ThRoUgh Da GoOd N dA bAd
HaPpY n SaD
nOt TaLkIn FoR a DaY oR tWo
OuR fRiEnDsHiP aLwAyZ cOmEs ThRoUgH..
tHrOuGh ThYcK n ThYn, bIg Or SmALL
FrIeNdZ fOrEvEr n EvEr AfTeR aLL

NaW We AiNt FrIeNdS..We r StRoNgEr
NaW We AiNt SiStAz..We LaSt LoNgEr

YoU bEeN mY gIrL fRoM tHe PaSt TiLL nOw
We WoRk ThRu aLL tHe PrObLeMs tOgEtHa
Ya GoT hALf My bRaIn n HaLf mY SoUL
Ya KnOw WeLL bE fRiEnDz fOrEvA

0u`rE mY bEsT fRiEnD
wE`LL bE FrIeNdZ TiL tHa EnD
YoU`vE aLwAyZ bEeN tHeRe FoR mE
WiThOuT y0u I DuNnO wHeRe I`d Be
YeAh We GeT iNtO sTuPiD LiTtLe FiGhTz
BuT We UsUaLLy MaKe Up ThA nExT niGhT
i Kn0 wE`LL bE bEsT fRiEnZ fO LyFe

i GoT uR bAcK .. U kNoW i Do
JuSt LeT sOmEoNe TrY 2 sTaRt WiTh U
We sTiCk ToGeThEr LiKe CrAzY gLuE
iF sOmEtHiNg HaPpEnS ..iM tHeRe 4 u

YoO wErE aLwAyZ mAh GirL
BuT nOw u WaStIn TiMe On HiM
i WISh i CuD tURN bAcK dA cLoCkZ
whEn u StILL hAD tImE fOR uR FrIeNDz

tru friends walk in
when the1st ones u thought were tru walk out

surE ..thE pageS mighT crumblE
anD thE pictureS maY fadE
buT nO waY coulD i forgeT
thE friendshiP we'vE madE

love to my friends, ya kno who you are
love to the tru ones i know who you are

My FRieNDS aRe LiKe CHoCoLaTe...
SoMe aRe DaRK,
SoMe aRe WHiTe
aND SoMe HaVe NuTS

We WeReNt FrIeNdS tHeM kInDeRgArTeN dAyZ
BuT wE'vE gRoWn ToGeThEr In So MaNy WaYz
ItS aMaZiNg HoW wE aRe So ClOsE
If U eVeR nEeD mE i'Ll Do ThE vErAh MoSt
I lOvE u BaBe MoRe ThAn AnYoNe EvEr

iM gLaD i hAvE mY tRuE fReNz wHo gUt mAh BaK
tHeY WiLL aLwAyS b tRuE n tHaTs a fAcT
i pLaCe aBsOLuTeLy nUtHiN aBuV tHeM
cUz ThEy MaH rEaL fReNz n i LoVe ThEm

We*Re ReAL CLoSe n DaTz hOw iTs gOnNa bE
NoT bEsT fRiEnDz---->SiStAz FoR eTeRnItY

" A friend is someone who sticks (hangs) to you at all times,
and a friend is someone who you trust...."

"A best friend is a sister that destiny forgot to give you."

"One loyal friend is better than ten thousand family members."

"A Friend is someone who knows all about you and loves you anyway!!!"

"A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart, and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words."

"A true friend is the one who knows more about you than yourself and still loves you"

Best friends are like diamonds, precious and rare
False friends are like leaves, found everywhere."

"Friends are angels following you through life"

"Friends are God's way of taking care of us."

"Friends are like bras...they give lots of support"

"Without a world there is no friends, but without friends there is no world."

YoU sEe My FrIeNd iS gOnNa bE a StAr
ShE wAnTs To Be A sInGeR n ShEs GoNnA gEt FaR
EvEn WhEn ShEs FaMoUs WeRe GoNnA rEmAiN fRiEnDs
CuZ wHaT wE gOt Is SuMtHiN yOu JuSs CaNt BeNd

^ ToRi ThAtS fOr YoU :)