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*~mE n My NuCcAz~*

This B me(Kim) N my nuccas from Baltimore MD, Kelly Lori and Rachel. Yah wurd up, shot a holla! So I'm in high demand up in MD so I figure I'll be movin der like June of 2004. HELL YAH BABY!! Party Hardy! Well Lets about me....I'm 5'7 haha (kelly...shorty)...hehehe...newayz.....I'm blonde and beautiful, need i say more? Rachel is my homegurl, shout a holla at her.....Kelly and Lori....awww how cute....YO....but dont mess just cause Kelly short dont mean she can't beat ur ass. Dat mug is got some muscles YO. Newayz....Lori is a trip....U my sista right nucca??!!! LOL! Its aight its body, one mind, one soul, as we live out lives in Unison! HOLLA!!!

My Favorite People in the WHOLE world in ABC order...LOL

My Favorite Web Sites

AmErIcAn EaGlE cLoThEs
Free Web Building Help
TN VOLS.....wurd up!
aBeRcRoMbIe N fItCh
