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My Shout Outs


My Favorite Web Sites

Dave- I can't believe it has already been 3 months... ever since I laided eyes on u I felt something inside myself... a feeling that I couldn't describe... U r this amazing guy.. Goodlooking, ambitious, loyal, Caring, Compasionate, Romantic, Honest and the list goes on... From the first moment that we started talking my heart skipped a beat, and I had butterflies in my stomach.. its weird how life works.. because the day before I was feeling pain.. and then the next day I was so happy... I love our trips to dominos, forest park, gregs parties, hanging out with the rat pack, watching movies, sleepovers, hampton beach, pool time.. eveyr single moment i spend with u makes me so happy.. I love u dave.. and it feels good to know that u feel the same way about me! Tammy- Hey girlie Girl! DUC forever... 3DD concert, 6 Flags, Britney Spears Dance Beat Game, Bickfords, DT, sleepovers, Mrs. E, Survival Skills, Parties, Car Troubles, McDonalds, Wendy's, Driving around town and no where to go, Sunbridge, Fenway Golfing, Batting Cages, Bowling, Foodmart, Shopping at the Eastfield Mall, semi formals, Prom, Graduation, HCC .. yup we have been through it all and we survived it all.. Been freinds for 4 years now, we have been through a lot.. it sucks that u won't be going to HCC next year now I will have no one to talk to in my classes LOL... it has been fun.. goodluck at STCC... Friends Forever.. Peace!! Russ- Well, well, well... the time has finally arrived.. u are now home for good.. what am I going to do with u... it sucks that I am going to have to put up with u... j/k... I missed ya.. we have been through a lot.. some things I would of rather not been through but hey shit happens, u learn to deal... I think we pretty much know eveything about each other.. its pretty safe to say that we have remained good friends through thick and thin... I know things ended rough with our relationship but at least we r still friends.. u will always be a big part in my life.. I hope life treats u good.. and I hope u find happiness soon.. good luck The Rat Pack- ..Dave, Greg, Erin, Jared, Me... Haha what a cute name... we have had a lot of fun times.. many sleepovers at Gregs, Jareds Parties.. trying to kill the mouse in Gregs house at 4:30 am, Swimming, Powers, Boat, Partners.. can't wait for the rest of the summer!! Sarah- Hey hun! Ast class was fun... DT at cocktails.. party at ur house.. Greg and Andrew are so nice..
