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SARAH a star a girl a wonder
Monday, 13 October 2003
i am going to be a bass player in a awsome band!!!! everyone should ( will) love me and our band will play at dances and stuff cause our generation needs to bring back the rock like stevie nicks, the cure,jorney, the RAMONES, even the beatles cause all these "bands " or singers now rap and it sound like poop on a stick so we need real music... to find out more See SCHOOL OF ROCK

Joey GAYDOS jr ...we love you .... email me...even it you share a name with someone w/ am major attitude problem its ok i still love u

so ya also if any one has a bass hanging around there house please lend it to me thank you

Posted by crazy2/awsomeness at 4:47 AM
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Saturday, 11 October 2003
ur hair is ugly u wont be an actress, i will LIVE with it and u going shoppin every single dingle dy will not help w/it

anomnys greatest luck on ur book

the skool of rock is SO COOL omg it is the grreat

I am being lucile ball (i luv lucy) who are u being... email me ok

I willk audition for broadway soon so if i miss a whpole lot of school thats why jkjkjkjkjj

the war is between the weak ROss and the aLmiGty RUDOKOWSKY
so ya see ya lpve u bibi

Posted by crazy2/awsomeness at 1:23 PM
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Friday, 10 October 2003
hi u all
ya my rents r in VEGAS
so i am home ...
its a 3 day weekend MMM yeah
sorry i havent BLOGGOGGOLB for along time
that guy in peter pan he's sizzlen' lol malfoya
so yeah i will work on more later BUBI

Posted by crazy2/awsomeness at 1:16 PM
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Tuesday, 30 September 2003
sugar twitches
yea today we had an advisery party and i had alot of sugar and i am all TWITCHY
yea also today i sold jeni a candy bar for like 5 dollars yea so if she doesnt give it to me we will all beat her down so yea and it is actually ZAM ZAM river so yea!!!wahoo!!!!!
love you all

Posted by crazy2/awsomeness at 3:24 PM
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Monday, 29 September 2003
MOnday BLues
yeah todays monday and i made a blue color palettte i am going to be an interior desighner on trading spaces after i become a AWSOME actress on brodaway!!!!and in every good summer movie!!!

today i went to the libary with my friends elsa and sophia the ROCK MY SOX !!!!!!

yeah today me michela and stephany made up this joke wam wam water from the wam wam well and WE11 aww it was great.

my brother and i our sitting on our tockusses listening to Billy Joel we are such freaks REfrase
He is such a freak

yeah and all the 6th graders are dorks ..exept for the ones that arent but the dorky ones our on my bus *cough cough natalie salmanowitz* she slapped me ..come ojn that is jusy wrong and hunter swears to much and he gets angry really easilyhim and natalie are such love birds its funny!! i am such a dork ingaging into there social life OH WELL

tomorow is advisory party.... mrs fugate is 51 yeah i kno !!!

i am thinking of sending all the cool people i kno a code for my blog so it can also assciate with the SGH8ERS
email me if you think so
yeah see you awsome peeps

Posted by crazy2/awsomeness at 2:48 PM
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Friday, 26 September 2003
today was free dress YIPPEE!!!!
yeah also its rosh hashana and i have to go to boring services but i have something to celebrate
MRS. Dorsaneo got fired !!!! or so we think ....she has been getting alot of complaints

Yeah and Lauren is kool i felt like saying that but really i luv all my friends 'cause if i didnt they wouldn't be my friends

Now about my stardom i think that frampton will relive AGIAN i think in san jose or novato might just be some rumor hopefully not because i luv being in frampton
GO FRAMPTONETTES i love you all
It will keeep y'all posted

Blobbing is fun so if you think you are going to blob then you should say" SArah Rocks" ok yeah and you say that like once a week or elSe

Yeah and this whole gothic thing is going to go down the drain ok because its ugly
Yeah so you guys all rock see ya around happy friday and i will add more on Mon

Posted by crazy2/awsomeness at 1:47 PM
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Thursday, 25 September 2003
WELL today was very intersting not reeally but whatever
Umm yeah if you think you want to join choir you should cause its really fun!!!! but thatsjust me ....
also i am really mad at MRS.DOrsaneo cause i am getting a b for no particular reason and she wont do math labs so yeah but then i saw her in thre office at like4 ....yeah my mom go rreally mad


Posted by crazy2/awsomeness at 1:54 PM
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Wednesday, 24 September 2003
hi you guys this is my blog it will tell about me and my stardom
Also about every little thing that is happening at school!!! (that i kno about but i a VERY uninformed) and if nothing (that i kno of because i am very uninformed) is happening than i will make it up

*Anonymous* is writing a book and it rocks!!!!
Go her!!!!!!!
MRS.DORSANEO=pure evil okay(in her evil nasel voicce
Mrs. CLisham impersion pull upper throat and say in a fake voice"have i ever told you (us:grooan)that i love it when you are here(take a few breaths)ANIMALS ARENOT HUMAN(turn all red) THEY ARE ANIMALS!!!!!GOD DID nOT CHOOSE THEM

SO you guys have the greatest day and i will CYA

Posted by crazy2/awsomeness at 3:06 PM
Updated: Wednesday, 24 September 2003 3:20 PM
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