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Tuesday, 2 September 2003
Hey, so i haven't made an entry in a couple days...but when you havin fun wit your friends, it's kinda hard to keep up. But i'm here now and it's tuesday...and i'll bring you up to date with what's been goin on. As i had metioned before my friend came down from springs on friday...then on saturday evening...muh cuz came down from springs...we had a good night. Went to a friends..drank..went to the bar after that.. and after that we went to a dif friends house to drink some was fun and i ended up gettin a lil tipsy once again..but i had a good time. didn't get home till like 6 sunday morning. There were just a few peeps there hangin out havin a good time! But sunday was my recover and relax day...just being a bumb. My cuz and i went to my friend amy's house to just chill out and kick back. that's about all i did sunday..then that i night i talked to muh and we talked till like 4 30 in the i was hella tired on monday..but at least i wasn't hung over. then today is the 2 of september and i have been with my loved one for 4 months ya i'm a lil excited! but alright i have updated bout my weekend...nothing to exciting...not gonna go into detail bout anyways that's all for now!

Posted by crazy2/angelchic33 at 2:32 PM MDT
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Saturday, 30 August 2003
What a morning....i like to go out and have fun and drink...but wakin up the next morning after a night of drinkin isn't that great. So i went out last friend from springs came down and we went out last night i haven't drank like that for awhile! lol...that's prolly a good thing. We had a good time tho...just us two..sittin there talkin and drinkin some beer. We finished a flippin 20 pack between the two of us...let me tell Tonight we are goin to go back to springs...but just for the night...we are gonna go to a club up there so i'm pretty excited about that...dont' really have much to say...don't even really feel like typin right now, but hey i had to make an entry. well that's pretty much it for now...PEACE OUT!

Posted by crazy2/angelchic33 at 12:19 PM MDT
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Friday, 29 August 2003
Friday Afternoon
Man i am so tired today...i think i went to bed at like 4 this morning...then everyone kept callin me this morning. DAMN PEOPLE LET ME GET MY BEAUTY SLEEP. lol So i waited for the one i love to call me last night, they never did...they finally called me this morning and we got to talk about all this crap that has been goin on. Lot's of crying and confusion was goin on but we finally got everything worked out. They still aren't all better and dont' know exactly what to do..but they do wanna be with me and they love me and i feel the same towards them...well i guess that is all for now. peace out home fry! lol

Posted by crazy2/angelchic33 at 12:51 PM MDT
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Thursday Night Into Friday Morning i just got home from the bar and felt like makin an entry. It feels go to be able to come on here and just let things out and write what i am feeling. So my night was to hang out with my friends. The bar was just a little packed and the DJ wasn't that great so we ended up leavin a little earlier then usual. College is back in so all the college kids are back...therefore the bar was packed...since i live here and have been goin to the bar this summer i'm just not used to the bar being packed...but it was fun for a lil while. I actually got to see a couple of my friends from last year who i haven't got to see all summer...that was pretty nice...they crack me up. So i think i failed to mention earlier bout my lil situation with my heart goin two different directions that i told the one i'm with about the other person...ya well my person wasn't to happy bout that and don't know exactly where we stand right now. I got outta the bar tonight and i had a message on my phone saying that we need to talk about this tonight. But they aren't home at the moment so i don't know exactly what's goin to happen. I'm nervous...i love this person dearly and i don't want to lose them but they arent to happy with me right now...but at least i told them about the other person instead of keeping it to myself...that would have prolly made it worse. So i guess we will see where things go from here. Hopefully they go for the better and not the worst. Well i guess that is all i have to say for now...i'm done venting and gettin things out for now.

Posted by crazy2/angelchic33 at 12:27 AM MDT
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Thursday, 28 August 2003
Day 2 what a morning i had...i'm not used to wakin up early but today i had to. We sold our house and now we are lookin for a place to live...yay...i just can't wait till i get outta this town. I'm ready to get away. Of course i will miss this place...i have lived here muh whole life....and the memories will always be with me. So i had a not so good night last night as well as today. I heart is going in two different directions...wanting two different people...and even though i am with one of heart still wants to be with the other..which is strange cause that person also has somebody else....really confusing...but i want them both...i guess i can't have my cake and eat it to can i...THIS SUCKS. Why does my life have to be so complicated. I dunno...but i guess that is all for now.

Posted by crazy2/angelchic33 at 11:53 AM MDT
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Wednesday, 27 August 2003
Ok so i just started this wonderful thing and it took me forever to figure the dang thing out...but anyways...i feel like a total geek because there are gonna be people on here to read this and i just fell really retarted...but ok...i guess that's all for now...and i will keep up with my everday life...cause i've nothing better to do!

Posted by crazy2/angelchic33 at 11:55 PM MDT
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