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Kristina's page

All my friends are the greatest and I could have never made it this year witrhout them!!! :) ***Ronnie~ I am so happy that we are going out and I hope we last a really long time. These past couple of months have been great with the Florida trip, Camp Greenville (even with having to put up with my dad), the mall, Layken's house, and even English 1 at times. 2/20/03 ***Layken~ where do I start? Omw- we have been through so much this year. With everything from our guy problems and just a whole lot of drama, but we have had so much fun along the way. Your favorite songs, your 1 month present, the creepy radio, phone calls, trips to the mall, movies, trying to stay up late, birthday parties, the weekend guys, babysitting, and so much more. I kno I could not have made it without ya this year, Thnx for everything!!! LYLAS ***Afton~ my blonde buddy, lol. We have a lot of fun being blondes. Our band in science, making the egg container, Camp greenville, George Clinton, the computer isn't working, us acting crazy, "that's my story and I'm sticking to it", guys, and everything else that has happened this year. You are a great friend and I hope ya always stay that way!! ***Kelleigh~ wow, this year has been great getting to know ya. The baseball fields, April Fools, Internet buddy, Hibachis Grill, the mall, school, your house, and Layken's house. I think those highlights did some major damage to you head, lol. Thnx for everything!! ***Charley Ann~ THWONKS RULE, lol. This year has been awesome. Lunch everyday was interesting considering who all was there. Your merry-go-round, and you being a ping-pong ball. Ryan's explanations of cetain things were just way too funny. Haha- your gonna work at Hooters. You've been there for me a lot this year, so thnx. You are an awesome friend. ***Kristen~ me and you are so freakin blonde but at least I admit it, lol. The retard and the deep one. Algebra and lunch has definatly kept us laughing all year long. Game nights at your church were so much fun!! You are kinda crazy when we go to the mall but we astill had fun. Stay sweet and thnx for being a great firend. ***Aubrey~ well what is there to say.... A LOT, lol. We have been friends for the longest time and we have been through a lot in that time. We are totally different which makes everything so much fun. So many secrets!!! You are prolly one of the craziest people I know but at least you enjoy it. I don't think I could've have made it these past couple of years without ya and hopefully we will always be friends. haha- you so fooled my parents for the longest time. Doing sumfin worng is so much fun... ecspecially when ya don't get caught!!! LYLAS Simple shoutouts: Mary Catherine, Brianna, Samantha, Kelly, Shaylah, Aaron, Juastin, Lucas, Mark, Alex, Chris, Whitney, Chenell, Crystal, Shelby, Melanie, Carmen, Alex, Megan, Colton, Kevin, Dominic, Sherria, Demetria, Emily, Toni, Heather, Tyler, Charlie, Erik, Angela, Jamie, Nick, Kyle B., Klye L., Kayla, Lyndsie, Laura, Michael, Dexter, And everybody else too!!! Lemme kno if I left anyone out and I'll add ya.
