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Amanda Hitschmann

Owen Williamson

Engl. 1204

June 10, 2003

College Essay Being a tomboy and being in sports are the two things I have always been into. So I am going to school to do the one thing that I am good at, playing basketball, and put it to use in my major. Play sports all four years of high school and having to endure all the pain with the injuries, it just seemed right to be an Athletic Trainer.

My family has always been into some kind of sport, from my brother racing ATV’s, to my sister cheerleading. Sports have always been in my life. Toward the end of my high school years, I never gave much thought to playing sports in college because I was not one of those "natural born athletes". After sub-state basketball, the head basketball coach at McPherson College confronted me. He offered me a scholarship to play for him and after signing for basketball I also decided to sign for volleyball. While playing volleyball, I started having problems with my knee. It was one of the hardest decisions I have ever had to make, stay at Mac or come back home. In the end I had decided to come home, let my knee rest, and change my major. The only reason to come to school now instead of pursuing other things is there is nothing else in my life at this point.

Here at Barton, all I am trying to accomplish is getting all my general education classes out of the way, so when I go to Labette Count Community College next year I will be able to go right into Athletic Training. Right now the only class I am taking is comp and the only reason I am in comp. is because I have to have it to graduate. To help with all the expenses of college and saving enough money so that I do not have to work next year, I am currently working at Great Bend Honda Kawasaki. I think that all my responsibilities have made me a stronger person and have helped me with my life choices.

My general plans after this year is going to Labette County Community College and finishing the next two years of school and playing basketball, I do not plan to stay at Barton because I just fell I have to get away from home and out on my own again. After completing school at LCCC, I plan to go to a four-year university. I am not sure where yet, but I will be majoring in Athletic Training. Five years after graduating, I hope to be working at a community college or university in the Athletic Training Department and starting a family. Ten years after graduating I hope to be in the same field and trying to work in the WNBA as a trainer. Twenty years after graduating I hope to be working for some WNBA team on the East Coast.

Being an athletic trainer is something I have always wanted to be and I am hoping to reach that goal while in college. Being in college has helped me to grow as an individual and show me that I can make it on my own. I do not really hope to graduate from Barton, just leave here next semester to continue my education. My reason for coming back home and to Barton has changed altogether. Barton has not really advanced my hopes for the future because I did not really accomplish anything here.
This website is for my English Comp Class Thank you for visiting!!! Amanda