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Welcome to Allie have just been warned. If you find adult be offended...I mean not offfended...not offended...::cough cough:: The worst I will do is...oh I'll let you find out and be scarred. Mwahahaha. Oh, I forgot to mention. There WILL be extreme phsychotic-ness. (Is that a word?)

So if you're bored or actually serving me with a purpose (why wouldn't you??)then be amused...or utterly horrified...hahaha udder-ly.

P.S. FLIP A BITCH!!! ...

Disclaimer: I don't own the song, it's all courtesy of MXPX. Rockkkk onnnn wit you bad self.

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^^ Shan-illia the Swedish fighting goldfish in a llamas body. Oh haven't we all been there.