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Hey Hey my fellow Chickz and Dudez! Whats up? well yeah, this is my page! hehe!! its still under much construction and yeah, will never be done! hEhE!! in the mean time! look around and please go tagg the guestbook!! thanx much!!much luv!!

!!Page Info
A While ago «» Member Since
Mizz. Trini «» Designer
October 18, 2oo3 «» Last Updated
PiNknEsSs «» Theme
LiStEn aNd FiNd oUt «» Song
To all my friends and family «» Dedication
!Anything else? just Holla

!!Da Four One One
Tu-Trinh «» Given Name
Trini «» Known As
a numbah «» Age
Chicago «» Location
August 13, 198* «» Birthday
Baby Girl «» Sex
Single yet loving my baby *Chim* «» bOo Statz
Vi3tSw33t07 and DORKETTE Trini «» Aim, «» Other Contacts *messenger *too
!Anything else you wanna know? HOLLA

»If i forgot you, Tell me and I`ll add you! :: Chris::BoBBy :: Bro :: Huy :: Hoang :: Johnny :: Ken :: Jordan :: David :: Denis :: Samantha :: James :: Brandon C :: Juan :: Kyle :: Noel :: Joe :: William :: DOng Gee :: Faris :: Sam :: Peter :: Yehor :: James :: Chris :: Son :: Elliot :: Zach :: Daniel :: Ted :: Richard :: Melvin :: Brandon W :: Jimmy :: Brian :: Irvin :: Anh Vu :: Nick :: Son :: Hieu :: Johnny :: Hung aKa Tommy :: *Khai Lam *RIP :: Hung :: Paul :: Hogan :: Phu :: Tuan :: Minh :: Jesse :: Jon :: Jullius :: Lester :: NiKo :: Jack :: Phong :: Joey :: Kevin:: Chim :: eJae :: Rafeal :: James ::Mark:: Aaron :: Joey :: Chris :: Wes :: Kirby :: John :: Tony :: Chaney :: Nolan :: Todd :: AnhVinh :: Quang«[[Boyz]] [[Girlz]]»Mayra :: Laila :: Sey::Maeghan :: Grace :: Sanja :: Anum :: Joanna C :: Melanie :: Trina :: Danielle :: Eliana :: Jennifer :: Muamera :: Alexis :: Tuyen:: Kaye :: maggie :: Sarai :: Michelle :: Nubia :: Sandy :: Stephanie :: Jessica :: Christal :: Viki :: Kristel :: Rachel :: MaryClaire :: Ashley :: Katherine :: Joanna T :: Rebecca :: Nguyet :: Nga :: ThuHa :: Jessica :: Nikki :: Nancy :: Tammy :: Kim :: Hang :: Linda :: Thao :: Sandy :: Sandy :: Stacy :: Natasha :: Sarah :: Saba :: Marifi :: Hang aKa Hannah :: Phung :: Athena :: Tinh :: Hong :: Tammy :: Desiree :: Melissa :: !If I forgot anyone, Tell me and I`ll add you«

!!Special Shout Outs
Nga - Hey chi!! whats up? i wna meet paul!! lmao!! its gna take forever!! i dont wna wait until the wedding!! lmao!! the wedding isnt for YEARS to come gurl!! lols!!anyways.. thanx for always being there when i needed someone to talk to.... you always knew the right things to sayy... ill always be there for you if you ever need me... you know that... everyone`s lives are gna go crazy at some point... dont worry about it chi.. ill be hea!! ALWAYS!! till eternityyyy!!! lub you
Jon - hey nemo! okayy.. i gues imma just open uP to you.. you were always there fuh me.. and i thank you fuh that.. ive noticed that evry time i wuz down.. you always knew.. is like. you felt whatevr i treated me like i wuz yer sister.. i loved that about you.. remember that ull always be in my heart and that that spesho spot cant be taken by anyone but you.. you cared fuh me like no one else can.. you were always such a sweetyand knew that im hea fuh you. through thick and thin.. always and forever..rememberthat im hea fuh you whenever you need me..and whenever youfeel the need to talk.. im hea.. remember that i will alwayslove you fuh whats in the inside not the out.. remember that any grl thats has you ish the lucky one.. not the other way around.. well.. i guess thats all ill write... LOTS OF LOVE
JazziE - hey grlie.. wuddupz?? lols.. man yO.. i like talk wit you yer sister Jemma yer brotehr Jon and yer two cuzin JeLo and Joff.. lols.. but yeah.. ish kool.. lols.. grl.. yer such a good frendz... such a kool one too! =) lols.. remember that ill always be hea fuh you if you need me.. i hope ish da same way around!! =) lols.. okiee.. im done.. lotz of love okiee
Bobby - heyLoz beh! wuddupz? lols.. you were always so swt to me.. thank you... you always knew how put a smile on my face and make me giggle... i lubz yooh bOo! lOl! muah.. thanx foe always being such a good fwend! hehe
Bro - i know i just met you in all.. but ish like i known you ferever. lols.. you are so swt and nice to me.. i luv you for that.. hehe... i hope you have funn this senior year.. its the LAST time youll see yer frendz cuz you going off to college and all ya know? lols.. lubz you! muah
Mark - hey dude!! we dont talk anymore... lols... i noe i noe... i gta call you sometime but when!! you never home when i used to call!! lmao!! thanks for always watching out for me!! you always knew when i was down and always knew how to bring my hopes up and make me laugh. i wna thank you for that. you were always like a good friend to me and i hope i wuz for you!! lub you mark
Nguyet - hey chi!! welll... your still young chi,.. y are you worried about fiding "the one" right now? you still have at least 50 years of your life to live!!!live your life furst!! the right person will come when he`s supposed to chi!! lub you! *muah
Kirby - hey!! whats up? uhmm.... HAPPY FOURTH OFJULY SWTY!! i hope you are having agood one!! hEhE!!anyways..come andvisit me somtime! ;) hEhE!! thanx foralways being there for me... you always knew how put a smile on my face.. lub yooh
Chaney - hey dude! you and my sister were so kyoote together.. hehe... i hope that we can always be frenz! til the VERI end!! lols!! your crazy self also made me laff and i thnk you for that!! those chatrooms are always funn eXceptfor when then star person starts being annoying.. lols... i still say these chatroom dont compare to the ones we had last summer... =( but yeahh...not everyone comes on anymore... what ever happened to wes? hes buht doesnt kome on anymore... things have changed so much since last summer... whats gna happen when the next summer comes? eh... no one knows... i just hope we still are frendz!! hehe!! lub yooh dude!! *muah
My Anh Phong and Anh Joey - heyLoz anhz! whats up? how you two been huh? you guyz forget about me already? eheh! we dont talk no more!! you two stopped calling dudez! =( i miss when we used to be on da fone!!hEhE!! i remember when phong furst called! it wuz so fuckin late!! lmao! and man! you and my sisterwouldnt stop calling each other.. lols.. i remember you being the last person we would talk to each day and the furst person we would talk to! lols!! i also remember the furst time you , joey, called! lols!... lets see.. my mom picked up the phone and wuz like.. who are you? lols! it wuz so funny... you were lucky it wasnt my dad but ish all good! hEhE!! anyways... call me up something so we could talk agen okay? lubz yooh two LOTZ!! always.. till eternity if there is one.. hehe
