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*~*Crys's Webpage*~*

*Two things in my life that mean the most to me*

Hey y'all..It's me CRYS! ya kno ya love me! ;-)lol..Well..If ya don't already kno me..My name is Crystal but like errbody calls me Crys ya am 15 yrs. old. My birthday is January 11. I'm currently "talking" to sum1..and hopefully things are gonna werk out..but neways. I'm mostly a nice gurl..if ya don't piss me off! lol..well neways..hope ya like my webpage..i've been werkin pretty hard on it..I try and keep it updated and errthang! Well holla @ y'all L8a.. Lots of Love, ~Crys
::Becca:: Gurl..i'm soo glad we done bacame friends this past year! i swur..u have got ta be tha coolest! haha.."juss jump 'em", "NUTS & VIBRATORS" ooh my lord..i will neva forget that..and yeah..ppl prolly thinkin nasty wit their dirtay lil minds..haha..but who cares! oh and "SCREAM LIKE A MAN" and he screams like a girl! LMAO..we have got to get together this summer and chill sumtime..lord knows wut we'd get ourselves into..haha..ur a trip! lol..luv ya ta death gurl!
::Slagle:: Hey chick! wut up..well u've helped me thru soo much this past year! and i can't thank you enough for being there for me! you kno if ya ever need to talk bout nething/netime u got my number and my email..all u gotta do is holla at luck wit ya boy! lol..we doin good..we both got our men..hehe..well luv ya gurl! ttyl..
::Lou:: Hey HO! wut up.."CHEESE" haha..and omg..cums/comes--WHICHEVER! it doesn't matter! LMAO! gosh..we got soo many lil sayings or whatever..BIFO! haha..glad she's G-O-N-E! lol..well gurl..i'm so sorry bout everything that's happened..and i kno he's treatin u like shit..and that's juss not right..i kno exactly how you feel.he's juss an ass when it comes to things like that..and i think ur prolly right bout wut u tol' me when we was driving up tha road..but neways..LOVE YA HO! hope ur havin fun in VA beach.LYLACH! i ttyl..
Ashleigh: u've been a gr8 friend..i kno i ain't been tha best..and i'm really sorry! i'm juss glad ya don't hate me no more..haha..and we gonn find u a! L8a
::Sam:: Hey gurl! thanks again for always cheerin me up! haha..and i might juss try out for V-ball so we can sit on tha bench..LMAO! well i ttyl! and ya kno i'm here for ya if ya ever need nething!L8a
::Karen:: Hey cuz! wutcha up to! lol..i swur we always say wut eachother gonna say! if not at the same time! lol..gosh..and we gon have a blast down in Richmond in August..well i holla at cha l8a gurl..LYLAC!
::Travis:: Haay! wut's up? ooh my..i had fun last night at pizza hut! (friday the 12th)...well neways..neva eva show me a snake! lol..u kno i'm terrified of em..haha..and i really like kno that already tho..hehe..and yeah i'ma hafta come to ur house when my mom is at werk one day! :D ..hehe.. and i ain't gonna get skin cancer! lol..well i talk to you l8a..*kisses*
::JMitch:: HEY man! wut up?!well i'm glad we done became friends! ur really kewl! and i wish ya tha best of luck w/ Lois! everything will werk juss might take time..but it will...well ya kno you can talk to me bout nething! L8a
::Russ:: thanks bunches for everything! i'm glad u and alysia are doin good! u best not hurt her! lol.. well i talk to ya l8a..and thank ya again!
:::~~Nebody Else that i may have don't mean i don't love ya..cuz ya kno i do! lol..but juss lemme kno and i see wut i can do!~~::
Well..2 All my friends---I love y'all soo much! i don't kno where i'd be w/o y'all..most of y'all have been there for me thru alot of stuff..sum of y'all are crazy, sum wierd, sum juss..i dunno bout..haha..but all of y'all are tha greatest! Thanx so much!
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