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Hey There! My name is Nancie... but most people call me either, Peat, or Zi. (Kai too...) I'm a pretty outgoing person, and I love just meeting new people. This picture doesn't really look like me, it was taken last year... but I plan on getting a new and better one, when my scanner gets fixed. The only sport I really enjoy is rock climbing, but i truly suck at it. I still try though. I'm not a big partier anymore... which means I no longer drink or smoke anything. (But i don't believe in drugs, so i never have.) I work with little kids, and I love my job! I spend a lot of time there, and I also spend a lot of time just hanging out with friends. I'm on a sailing team, and I go sailing a couple times a year... sadly i live in alberta, and i don't live anywhere close to water. Aw well! Well I don't really know what else to say... i've got ICQ... just look up ~kai~ and that will be me... I've also got msn, Hope to talk to you later!