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+ Final Fantasy 7 
+ Final Fantasy 8 
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+ Final Fantasy 7 
+ Final Fantasy 8 
+ Final Fantasy 9 
+ Final Fantasy10 
+ Doujinshis 
+ Fan Art 
+ Fan Fiction 


This website is not family friendly. Though yes, this website was made by a group of minors this site isn't intended for minors. (Sound Weird?) Okay, so we have no right to stop you. The choice is all yours. Just don't get us busted because me and my friends don't like the idea of jail. =(  This website was also focused on mostly yaoi but to be fair to our other perverted guests we have some yuri and hentai on the side.

AND please remember that me and my friends think sex is natural and beautiful just what makes it wrong is posting it on the internet. LOL! You get my drift. Well I'll hush with the warning now.

What I Need to Enter?

You're already here. Just click on the two side columns to your left and right to navigate  But do remember our main rules. .

1) No Weirdos allowed. That includes you... you disgusting stalkers who want to find us minors and rape us for a good time. You guys really make me sick and if you're looking for some real child porn well we don't have it so LEAVE! Sickos.

2) You must have maturety. Some of us are here cause of curiosity or becuase these drawings makes us laugh. But if you masturbate while looking at this I've got nothing to stop you, you can go right ahead. But that's weird. And please, in the guest book don't use words like pussy, dick, or boobies. Use the real word. Entries that contain slang will be deleted. You may only use slang in fan art or's called 'creative license.' 0.0

3) No flaming! Flames are mean posts which are usually written to bring someones confidence down. Flaming is unacceptable here at Final Fantasy Sanctuary and this includes: flaming the guest book, message board, fan artists, ect. Entries and such will promptly be deleted plus you may earn a one way ticket to the 'trashbin of shame'. If the reason you want to flame is because you think the website can be improved there are other ways to show this. Example: Writing a nice letter saying what you want to see more of or see less of and why? Remember! Flames will be used to burn down the village in which the flamers live.

Copyrights & Credits

This layout was created by DayDream Graphics. Their link is below.  Many of these pictures were taking off the web but mostly from these three web sites and they deserve all the credit.  Final Fantasy Hentai,, and The Picture Shrines. =P

Thank you for listening and enjoy.

+ Final Fantasy 7 
+ Final Fantasy 8 
+ Final Fantasy 9 
+ Final Fantasy10 
+ Doujinshis 
+ Fan Art 
+ Fan Fiction 

+ FF4-6 Hentai 
+ FFT Hentai 
+ KH Hentai 
+ FFT Yaoi 
+ KH Yaoi 
+ Fan Art 
+ Fan Fiction 

+ Adoption 
+ How to Draw 
+ How to Write 
+ Submit 
+ Fan Doujin. 
+ Fan Songs 
+ Trashbin of Shame 

Layout designed by