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|| Rules ||

These rules must be obeyed or face warnings, suspension, and even leading up to your release from the Fed.

Bashing/Flamming Members and Admin- Will not be tolerated. Simple as that.

Advertising- Advertise and your GONE!

Superstars- You may only sign up as ONE superstar. If I see you have signed up as more than one, which I will it will result in immediate dismissal from the Fed. Post your Stats within two days of joining or your Superstar will be placed back on the Vacancy Roster.

Being Active- Please try to Roleplay every 10 days. If your not gonna be active then why join a Fed? Please use some common sense.

Grammer- I cannot stress this enough. Please use correct grammar, capitialization, and punctuation.

Vacations- Yes even on Fed's there are times when you just need a break. If you're having personal problems, or you just need a break please inform me so that I can place you on LOA so you are not deleted.

Shows- There are three shows. Raw and mpact. We also have the OVW for stars to improve their roleplaying to make it to the big time shows.

Attacks- Yes attacks are allowed but only if you and the other superstar plan it.

Signatures- Ok I've seen it on enough Fed's where people request a signature then not credit that person, and then the maker becomes upset. These guys put work into making your sigs if you request them so the least you can do is credit them.

Roleplays- No Nudity, Offensive, or Vulgar pictures Please. Swearing is allowed keep it to a minium though. I don't wanna see F this and F that in your Roleplays. Your match roleplays must be at least 10 lines. If you dont not roleplay for your match, and dont give me a reason for not doing so you will be deleted!

And lastly...Have Fun!

Main Events

Raw Main Event: Sting vs HHH for the WWE Title

Impact! Main Event-

Menu 1

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o Raw Roster
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Menu 2

o Impact! Card
o Impact! Results
o Impact! Roster
o Impact! RP Board
