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I'm studying the Correllian Nativist Tradition & takes an interest in faeries, tarot, runes, candle magick, herbs, oils & making incense...



You are a Witch!

Take the "How Do You Use Magic?" test! Written by Brimo

"I think I might be 'Born Old' because ever since I can remember, in this lifetime that is, I have felt different, I didn't feel like I even belonged to the family I picked in this reincarnation, it started at the age of two when I started getting these feelings of misplacement, even my siblings didn't like me but they were much older then I was. Now the question is ... why would I pick to be the baby of a family with older sisters that didn't care for me? I do know why now, but at the time of growing up I didn't know.. I do know this was a life lesson for me since my past life I was rich and a man and could of cared less for my neighbor, but in this life I grew up with money again but when I left my safe ground and ventured out on my own I struggled all through life from the time I was 18 and quit High School until just recently when I was homeless which was 1 1/2 yrs ago when I got evicted from my apartment in Baltimore, Md.. I blame myself, I blame the drugs I was addicted to, now I blame myself.

It's really odd when all this time you have blamed others for all your faults, all your mistakes, but what I didn't know was that my 'spiritguide' was with me all this time, she didn't start guiding me until I saw for myself of who I was and why I was, now I can say I am so glad my eyes and ears finally took the time to see and listen. My Goddess, is Briget, and my God is Dagda, they have led me to where I need to be, in the here and now.. they held me down so other's could teach me of what I still need to learn... and I am so glad that I am a student at, I am now getting that feeling of belonging somewhere and the feeling of family has come back to me and the love is wonderful, my family is now with them as they are with me...."

written by Spirit Wind

1st Degree Student at the

Correllian Nativist Tradition


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