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Welcome to Rock Bottom

(Work in Progress)

The blame for this project goes to Mr. Wilsonville. May he rot in the bad place for a long, long time.

Links to Things Inside This Website

This is a collection of links to things that I either made, collaborated with, or pirated. All odds point to the last one being the most prevalent. Your accusations slide off me like water on a well-greased midget. Don't bother.

Other Websites Worth Looking At... Maybe

This is my Link's Area. This is where I show you what I think is funny and/or retarded. And please leave any and all hate-mail (if you care to leave some) in your head and off your computer. There is no way you can make me feel like any more of a d-bag for doing this. But if you have your mind set to leave me some, leave it at Of course it won't really hurt my feelings because I'm wasting an entire period of Calculus doing this, so take off, Hoser!

This has been my web-site. You have now sampled of the dreg's of the internet. In other words, if you actually found your way all the way to this ending paragraph, you have seen the worst there could ever be. You can now go brag to your friends about this torturous experience and go look at something worthwhile on the internet... like porn. But if you're just itching for punishment, visit Page Two.

Page Two... suckers.

Do it to it, hit counter! Go Go Go!

Woohoo! I'm rackin' up the hits! You know what this means...? I've got more friends than you. Doot doot doot. I'm dancin' the Irish jig. Cha-Ching! Score one for the home-team! Mr. Wilsonville, One! Rest of the World, Nil!

Date Last Modifed: 5/26/06 3:19 A.M.