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Language International

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Our language center in Singapore is devoted to language teaching and language teacher education, and has been recognized as a leader in the field of language teaching and teacher education since its inception in 1968. Our learning system enables our students to achieve maximum results.

Here at LangInternatinal, we guarantee a successful language study for everyone. LangInternational offers a wide range of language courses. Our most popular programmes include: intensive and semi-intensive English, Languages for Executives, Junior programmes, summer campus programs and many others.
Our language centre also offers general and specialised language courses, cultural courses, university preparation, work experience and many other programmes for students, business and professional people, teenagers, teachers, groups and individuals.

Several popular languages taught at the centre includes English, Japanese, Business Chinese, French and German. We also offer language courses for the lesser popular languages like Spanish, Portuguese and even Swedish.

Last updated Monday, 06 February 2006 11:51 AM

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