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Welcome To Tim's Page

My Influences

Welcome to Tims page - Hope you enjoy! - Today we asked Tim to answer a few questions for us.. ************************************************************************************************************ "Hello Tim and thank you for taking the time to talk with us - What we are asking from you is for you to tell us your home town and alittle about yourself." ************************************************************************************************************ Tim's Hometown : Muskogee Oklahoma ************************************************************************************************************ Alittle About Tim : I started playing guitar at age six, trumpet at 12yrs old - Grew up around musicians of local bands and had a desire to be a part of one - I am the father of 4 beautiful children and a grandfather of one - a son that is currently producing his own movie ofr a college project - A daughter and son-in-law who have their own home in Georgia - They love boating and family activities - I am immediate past president of the Steubenville Lions Club and currently secretary of Lions Club - I work as an insurance agent - And fundraiser for my childrens hobbies - Cheerleading - Motocross ************************************************************************************************************ Tim's reason for being in a band : Opportunity to express myself - Its a form of therapy - a way to vent - Being a part of a team and bringing happiness and joy to those who enjoy music ************************************************************************************************************
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