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Burning Hatred

    Hey! You've reached my page! My name is Clare [screen name Burning Hatred] and I am 15 years old, living in the UK with my mum, dad, psychotic sister and an insane amount of guinea pigs. I am the creator, owner and administrator of Voodoo Squirrels.  I like having fun with friends, rock music, surfing the net, eyeliner, spicy food and a few other random things. I HATE lamers, cleaning up after my pets, hangovers, work, my computer freezing and people who think they know what they are talking about but really, really don't.

    My friends are very important to me, they rock my world! Both real life friends and net friends have been there for me at times, and they are all so damn rad! So yeah, The Emilys, Sara, Annie, Adi, Stevie-o, Koen, Chris, Fattie, GV, Milz, Vince and various others. You are amazing! Oh and the Bettaware man. Yeah, you are cool. 

10 Random Facts About Me

 I have owned a total of 4 cats; Abby, Jasper, Spider & George. Abby grew old, Jasper was put down, and Spider wandered off and never returned. Only George is alive, that we know for certain.

I am slightly long sighted, but not extreme enough to wear glasses

I accidentally took over 40 sharp objects through airport security, form country to country. No one ever stopped me.

I took my French GCSE a year early

I speak English, French, German, Dutch and Japanese

My hair is blonde

My eyes are blue

I am short

Apparently I am quite funny, with a dry sarcastic sense of humour

I am an all round bitch