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Mrs. Joyce R. Johnson, Instructor

  • MONDAY (1-4)
  • o Translate verbal expressions and sentences into algebraic expressions
    o To solve equations using properties of equalities

  • TUESDAY (1-4)
  • o To solve equations or formulas for an indicated variable

  • WEDNESDAY (1-5)
  • o To solve equations containing absolute value

  • THURSDAY (1-6)
  • o To solve inequalities and graph the solution sets.

  • o CHAPTER I TEST (1-6)

    Students are expected to complete all work with at least 80% mastery

  • Lecture notes will be given on definitions of terms students need to know and important concepts

  • Examples will be presented from textbook

  • Cooperative learning assignments will be assigned for small group participation. (groups of 4)

  • Use audiovisuals, transparencies, to show graphs

    • Questions and problems written on board for students to answer during the first 15-20 minutes of class during roll call

    • Presentation of practice problems on the board with classroom participation

    • Cooperative learning assignments

      • Students will work board examples

      • Students will work even problems at the end of sections

      • Students will work in groups to assist one another in understanding problem solving techniques

      • Teacher will supervise and assist students doing practice problems

        • English/Language: Strengthen recreational and textual reading by having students read problems aloud

        • Incorporate writing through summarization of what students have learned for the week

        • Zoology/Science: to show the graph of the decrease in population of zoo animals

          Health: Conditions of hypotherma

        • Students will be assessed with practice worksheets

        • Students will also show what they have learned by working problems on the board

        • Homework of odd problems in the exercise of sections completed

        • Students will take a weekly quiz as well as a weekly test

        • HW (1-4) problems19-47 odd only, page 31

        • CW/HW (1-5) page 41, problems 22, 24, 26, 32, & 34

        • HW (1-6) problems 15-35 odd only, page 47

          • Teacher will teach from bell to bell

          • BTW handbook rules

          • Student code book MCBOE policy

          • Teacher's classroom rules

            • Glencoe Algebra II textbook

            • Pathways for Learning

            • Alabama State Course of Study

            • Items specifications for AHSGE

            • Calculations

            • Computers

            • Graph paper

            • Paper/Pencils

            • Compass/Protractors

              • Students must work all homework assignment within three days in order to discuss the assignment as a board activity in class.

              • Math is a WONDERFUL thingMath is a WONDERFUL thingMath is a WONDERFUL thingMath is a WONDERFUL thing