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Las Vega$ Files, Pt. 1 (12/30/05 to 1/06/06)

Ahh, Vega$ sweet Vega$. Let me take you through the first two nights while the memory is fresh.

First Night: We met at Sun's house for the trip to Logan to catch our 8:30 or 9pm flight. Fortunately, even while running on the usual "Sun-Time" (see CK's 2004 Festivus complaint),we were able to make the flight with about 5 or 10 minutes to spare. Call it foreshadowing, but I'm just happy we made the flight. I spent the next 6 hours wondering how Song Airlines managed to seat me in the middle of Tom and Sun, while Brad got to sit in the next row by himself. Anyway, the cool thing about flying on Song is that they have TV's built into the back of their seats where you can watch basic cable, listen to an extensive song catalogue, play onboard trivia, or order and watch a pay-per-view movie. It was great for the first 3 hours, until the whole right half of the plane lost TV functionality. After repeated attempts to revive it, the brain-trust of the flightcrew decided to leave it alone, so the entire left of the airplane enjoyed their flight and tv programming, while the right side quietly simmered with discontent. Yeah, so far so good. We landed at 10pm PST and began walking to our luggage to meet up with Pete, the classiest man in Vega$ this side of Robert Goulet LIVE!®. The remainder of the night was spent grabbing some food and shopping at 2am in Wal-Mart picking up some air-mattresses. Will the air-mattresses last the whole week? stay tuned...

Second Night(NYE): TIESTTTOOOOOO!!! We woke up the next morning unsure of what New Years in Vega$ would have in store for the four RI'ers in a strange and foreign land. We went out and grabbed some grub and returned to rest up before the big night. Our gracious host, Pete, grabbed some tickets to see DJ Tiesto live at the Orleans Casino for New Years since everyone at the house prior to our arrival were big fans and we didnt mind checking it out. DJ Tiesto is currently the "World's Number One DJ" and to admit, the only memories I have from the concert were pretty good ( At this point in the trip Brad and I have yet to find any Taco bell's nearby.. more to come..

Every picture has a story...

Crashing the front of Tiesto (Tom parting the red sea of people trippin' on E.)