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Game Tips N-Z

Here are the game tips for games starting with the letters n-z.

Special thanks blackorchids for the following tips! The main trick here, is to not move! Put your index and middle fingers on your left and right keys... nothing else (but remember the bomb button is "b" and the tounge is "v") and you don't wanna turn TOO much- it'll wear down your paddling, occasionaly stop when you're not busy to let it fill back up. All weapons are good, especially the green "rapid fire" and the yellow "spread". It may sound annoying- but no moving once again! even the slightest tap with your up or down button will cause you to move FOREVER in the game! there is NO stopping once you go. Bugs: I'd suggest you go after the red, blue, black, and yellow-orange ones And remember not to move when grabbing them, wait for it to come to you! And if you don't get it (sometimes they dissapear just when you push the button) don't worry- you'll get others... if you see a bug that's changing it's colors- Its not really smart to go after it unless you are absolutly positve what color it is- it may change your weapon... colect the same color bugs for your shooting it makes it stronger) it get's easier with that. Shooting: Once again- don't move from the center- if you DO get hit with a lilly pad, you can get a red bug later, always shoot for one heading towards you (you can easily tell, because once they leave the screen- they area at the same spot, only on the opposite side) if more than one are coming- go after the bigger one first- incase the smaller lilly pad touches you- it'll give you less damage as the pads decrease in their size. You could use a bomb in this situation as well- but you should only use it when the bigger lilly pad hasn't decreased size (and is still heading towards you) and you're getting surrounded... remember- you only have three to start and the black bugs will let you get more. Your health does not restore like that- you have to get your red bugs. When aiming, try to get a little bit ahead of the lilly pad you're targeting, that helps you hit it more as it passes through your fire. That's it! Have fun! And remember- moving bad, bugs good! ^_^

write these down as you go through them and you should have 750NP a day.
29-17 22-24 17-29 31-23 32-24 24-22 26-24 33-25 24-26 21-23 16-28 14-16 9-23 28-16 7-9 27-25 18-30 20-18 11-25 30-18 13-11 10-12 3-11 18-6 1-3 3-11 12-10 5-17 17-15 4-16 15-17

Special thanks blazeofire for the following tips! I'v played this game a lot, and it's a Great game.When you begin the game move the Pteri up a little so you won't get hurt when the Grarrl comes up.And try to collect ONLY 1 color of Gun if you keep on changing then you won't get a higher level of gun.My Fav. Gun is the blue gun beacause it's powerful and they shoot anything in front of you.Now, on level 6 watch out for the blue birds because they come form the sides. Here are they number of Colored rings you have to get in a row to get the ultimate of that kind. ~Blinking White/Red Gun:3 IN A ROW ~Red:5 IN A ROW ~Blue:5 IN A ROW ~Green:3 IN A ROW First,Try ALL of the Kind of guns there are and see which one you like!

Special thanks dancnkitkat for the following tips! 63363 combo -- 250 pts three 5's and two 3's --200 pts 5 of a kind -- 100 pts 20,19,18,17,16 -- 100 pts jack and ace of spades -- 50 pts 2 blackjacks in a row -- 50 pts

SCORCHY SLOTS Special thanks 1oddball for the following tips! On Scorchy Slots, you can set your keyboard to repeat just like on dice-a-roo. When you first go to the game, press the button that reads,"click here to play" and then immediately push and hold down enter. Just be aware this game costs more, 5 np for each time you push enter. So you may want to set yourself a limit. It may be worth it, as you can win faeries and map pieces from this game, in addition to the jackpot.

Special thanks _Tenel_Ka for the following tips! Start out with small words at first but as you get on to higher levels look for bigger words. It is best not to use words bigger than four or five letters. Save your change-letter boxes until last and your little V.2 neopet boxes (the little boxes with that green figure in it).

Special thanks fuzzykittyniky for the following tips! The most common death that's occured to me so far is running out of time (2nd most running out of bullets). Now personally, I can't figure out what the clock is trying to tell you how much time you have left. But I do know that if it starts shaking, your running VERY LOW on time! If this happens, try really hard to get a time clock that comes floating down, but also use up your bullets as fast as you can for lots of points because you know that you might run out of time soon, so why waste perfectly good bullets? Also remember when trying to get lots of points that the pies give you the most points, then arms, then umbrellas and feet, then heads, then the rest of the chia. Also, if you get the feet of one, and it starts to shake in place, GET RID OF IT AS FAST AS POSSIBLE to avoid getting your health lowered one plus sign. Remember that the plus signs are for health, too. If you forget that, you can remember by linking the heath boxe's plus sign to your status bar's plus sign. Be really careful with the health because though its almost hard to lose it, it's even more hard to gain it back!

Special thanks Bufalowings for the following tips! 1.The base need not be bigger than the top portions. 2. In fact it is better, thatway the points will be divided by less and the score would be more. 3.Preferably make the base of 1 turnip and increase the no. of turnips as you go up.(These will not fall as these are special neopian turnips) 4.This is a game of pure LUCK. It can fall at any stage. 5.Lots of times, the tower falls on the 8th row.

Special thanks Lularliv for the following tips! Ok this game can be fairly hard if you don't you don't know what to do so I am going to help you :): To move your Scorchio through the volcano u have to click on the screen. The shorter clicks you do the more forward he will go. Short clicks is useful when you are coming very close to a fast moving fireball etc.. The longer clicks you do the Scorhio will glide more. Gliding is partically useful for going through a tight squeeze. Use the spacebar to help you slow down or avoid blocks. But I do not suggest this to beginners because I find you are more likely to crash. Avoid the red walls, fireballs and fireblocks. Gradually as you continue the Scorchio will begin to fly faster so be aware of what is coming towards you! ALWAYS try to collect the blue sheilds it will protect you continuely UNTIL you touch the wall, fireball etc... Dont bother trying to get the sheild though if it puts you in danger of crashing Try to always collect the crystals they give extra points but remember if it puts you in danger of crashing it wont hurt to leave them behind. Try to always stay central of the volcano but when you become to the large areas of space it is smarter to go high! I hope I have helped and good luck on reaching the high score list ;)

Special thanks blackorchids for the following tips! Strategy: For this game, try to hit the staff members in the order they pop up. This gets harder as you move up in levels, but it's the eaisest way to score in the first few. Those of you with tablets and know how to use them might find it easier if you use your pen as the mouse in this game... Playing: This is a great game for if you get mad at the Neopets staff- just whack 'em on the head! When you play, try to remember who is worth the most points. The females (Donna and Snowflake) are worth the most, 10 and 8 points. The male worth the most points is Mr. Ro-boto- 6 points. Incase two staff members pop up at the same time, try to go after the more valuable one. Scoring: Remember that you have to get 75 points PER ROUND. This doesn't mean that on round 2 you have to get 150 points (well, unless you get a perfect 75 on round one). As I've said, the females are worth the most points. Also Snowflake tends to pop up more than Donna... Good luck- and have fun! ;)

Special thanks extreme_tiddlywinkz for the following tips! Its the new game in the space station. I recomend you play with the energy ball, which is easier than others like the metal ball. If youre new to the game, its best to have a few practise go's so you can get used to how to play. Just basicaly hit the bottom of the ball when it comes down towards you. You cant hit it above the red line. After youve practised, try to aim the ball at the wall a bit more by hitting it on the bottom and slightly to the side. After hitting the ball against the wall you'll get more points. To actually *get* the points, you must hit the ball above the red line though, so remember to do that after a tricky combination or you'll lose the points if you drop the ball! :(