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As you can see I am completely changing everything around. I got tired of the old layout and then I found out it was based off Evanescence so I had to change it, plus everyone was talking about having issue with it loading right. This one should work much better. Right now this is the only page that has been changed but slowly the others shall change also. I like this layout a lot more too. The picture in the left hand corner is one that I took; my friend Asfet Mau has so wonderfully worked out this layout for me, which I absolutely love. Well look around and as always have fun. I promise one of these days I shall put up my new work, if my camera shall work that is.

Well, I've done some work. The art link is now working. YAY! I have also changed the splash page around, course I guess you have already seen that since you are here reading this. ^.^ I know now that the other pages look really bad compared to this page so don't worry I'm working on that! lol Well that is really all I have for now. Have fun!

Blessed be.

Website (c) 2004 Shorty. Design (c) 2004Asfet Mau.