contents || stars & dreams
  • 411 › wanna find out more about me? then just click here. and enjoy! my 411.
  • pics › oooh. so many sexified people up in here. holla!!! and have fun! wdup my sexy people?
  • dedication › ² ta death of my hboy jeffrey m. kim 3/16/84-10/29/01. my angel on earth but now in the skies
  • shout outs › shout outs ² the people i love the most 7942-143-012. thanks fo lovin' me & havin' my back.
  • journal › read about hurtful/happy times in my life. my life ain't the easiest nor the hardest.. =\
  • poems › some naice sweet poems and quotes by me & other people <3
  • eternal l0ve › i love you with all of my heart.. this is for us
  • other things › this is just things that didn't really belong ² the other places.

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