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My City & University

Suzhou New & Hi-tech District was certified by StatCouncil of PRC on 18 November 1992 and it was one of the first industrial parks open to APEC economies as well as an export base of national hi-tech products. In 2003, the whole district has realized a total output value of 25.1 billion yuan, industrial sales of 70.06 billion yuan, The local budget revenue registered 1.53 billion yuan and export of 8.76 billion USD.Up to the end of 2003, the district has attracted a total of over 800 foreign projects including 40 MNCs of the Fortune 500. The contracted foreign investment has reached over 6 billion USD while the actually utilized investment reached 3.4 billion USD. In the district, an industrial framework of electro-information, precise machinery, bio-pharmaceuticals, and new materials has taken shape.Business development bases including Suzhou New & Hi-tech Initiative Center, Business Incubator for Returned Scholars, Suzhou New & Hi-tech Incubator, Suzhou Science and Technology Town have all been constructed and optimized. Suzhou New & Hi-tech District was accredited with ˇ°ISO 14000 National Demonstration Zoneˇ±and has led the nation in building itself into an environmental friendly zone. The construction of the National Industrial Park of Env-ironmental Protection, Science and New & High Technology has made its debut in December 2003.

1. University Philosophy In the pursuit of truth, one must develop pride, dignity, and will. Through spiritual clarity and independence, Woosong University works to embody humanitarian ideologies. Woosong strives to educate students to become devoted members of the human race, to practice good spirits, and to evolve into efficient members of society. 2. Educational Objective Under the educational principles of Korea, Woosong University is governed by the ideology of independence, righteousness, and goodness. We provide students the opportunity for a high level of educational advancement. Woosong is dedicated to those students who want to learn professional knowledge and those who strive to attain the technological skills and research practices necessary for the present and the future industrial society. Woosong University also dedicates itself to the cultivation of people who devote themselves to national and social developments as well as improvements. 3. Educational Goal To nurture a life-long learner who continues to develop themselves intellectually and morally throughout their lives To develop a culturally rich person who will lead an internationally global and information-orientated society To educate specialists with a high level of hands-on knowledge and practice of technology To cultivate a professional career person with a clear sense of direction and the special skills needed in their field of study To bring up a motivated person who will actively volunteer and provide service to his or her community 4. University Principles Independence: A spirit of self-reliance Righteousness: An upright mind and moral will Goodness: A devotion to integrity and practice 5. University Motto ˇ°Paving the way to a stronger and brighter future.ˇ±