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.::DiScLaImEr::..: This RP Layout Was Done By The Game. Steal It And I Will Have No Choice But To Take My Sledgehammer And Show You Why I Am That Damn Good .::EnD DiScLaImEr::.
Rp Brought To You By:The Game
People Mentioned:Read and find out
Rp Topic:Scroll down and get your answer
Rock Jr:Ladies and gentalmen earlier this morning i caught up with our wwf undisputed champion triple h. we all know that hes been gone for quite sometime for reasons we dont know. but in this interview all these questions were answered Rock King:Oh boy Rock {scene cuts to the interview} Rock Jr: Well i am sitting here along side the game and our undisputed champion triple h. now triple h we havent seen you for quite sometime now. we were all wondering just what happened to you? Rock Triple h: well jr put it this way. what happened was i had some personall buieness to take care off. I had another responsibilty to take care and to tell you the truth i had to choose and well i didnt choose the wwf. and well i know i might get heat for that but you see i could care less. because you see i have had heat before but you see i deal with it and i get past it. you see i heard alot of people talkin about how they were counting on me and how they were depending on me to go out there and beat the living crap out of the nwo. well you see it didnt go down like that. i didnt uphold my responsibilities as the champion. but you see times have changed now. and you see there is a new game in town. there isnt no more crap that all these people heard . I talked to rock a couple days ago and i asked him if he wanted somethin different. he told me yes. and well thats exactly what he is going to get. Your going to see a more ruthless triple h. When i got here jr no one saw that side of me because i didnt think it was manditory for me to be that way. but since everyone thinks that i am some kinda joke and they dont take me seriously then i will have no choice but to bring out that ruthless triple h that no one has seen. I will have no problem beating my opponent within an inch of there lives. if they deserve it or not they will recieve a beating of a life time Jr: So basically triple h what your saying is that play time is over Rock Triple h: ya damn right thats what im sayin jr. Play time is over. Rock +~+Triple H On DX+~+ Jr: triple h my next question to you is that rumor is that a dx revolution may be coming. what do you have to say about that? Rock Triple H: a dx revolution? what kind of crap is that. you see if this rumor is true jr then you won't see me being apart of this so called "revolution" if people are thinking about bringing back dx then whoever is then let me say to them right here and right now. Dx is dead! why in the hell would anyone want to destroy the legacy of dx. Dx was without a shadow of a doubt the best damn group in the history of this buieness. I dont really know who's thinkin about joining it. but i tell you this. whoever plans on doing better watch there backs because I won't let some jackass destroy what was built a long time ago. Rock +~+Triple H on the nwo+~+ Rock Jr:Well triple h this nwo thing. we all know you were suppose to be in the 10 man tag at summer slam. but what message do you have for the nwo Rock Triple H: Well first off i would first like to say to them that if i was here during summerslam. if i was here to show them what would of happened then no words would of been said jr. I could care less what a title means. because i dont need a title to back up the things that i say day in and day out. But when it comes to this undisputed title right here then thats a different story. because you see this is my life. this is my religion. There is no one in the back right now who wouldnt want to try to beat my ass for this title. but you see they will never do it. Because you see bottom line jr if your not in this buieness for this title then you need to find another job. And well you see that brings it right around to the nwo. because you see if they dont like the way the wwf is runnin things then they can get there asses out of here. but you see they wanted to figure that out the hard way and well that sucks for them. I could go down the list of every single person in the nwo and completly take them out one by one with no problem what so ever. Rock +~+Closing remarks+~+ Rock Jr:Well triple h is there anything else you would like to say? Rock Triple h:watch the show tonight. you'll see what else i got to say Rock {screne cuts back to the arena} Rock Rock King:Wow jr the game sure had alot to say and judging by the way he ended the interview he is no were near done. Rock Jr:I cant agree with you more king. he has alot on his mind and i think pretty soon he is going to let everyone know just what it is Rock Rock King:Speaking of jr. there he is Rock Jr:The game is here and it looks like he is coming this way! Rock +~+Commercial+~+ Rock Rock {Scene:Triple h's music hits over the pa system and the lights go out and begin to flicker multi colors. triple h then stands atop of the stage with water bottle in hand and title around his waist. he walks down the ramp slowly as the crowd gives him one hell of an ovation. triple h then stops when he reaches the bottom of the ramp. he walks over to the side of the ring apron and hops up. triple h then looks into the crowd as they take pictures and cheer for him. He then does his water pyro and the crowd goes more crazy. he gets in the ring and takes his belt off and climbs the ropes. he then raises his titles to the crowd and they begin to take more pictures} Rock Rock {Triple h then gets down and signals for a mic. lillian gives him the mic and the music cuts off. he then begins to speak} Rock Rock Triple H: Just in case you people forgot just who i am then let me give you alittle reminder. I am the game! and you can bet your ass i'm back! you see while i was gone i know alot of things changed but you see i know for a fact that they changed for the better. you see sure i have been gone for quite sometime. and i know that buieness was taken car off without a doubt. but you see the time for change is now. and it will start with me. you see i hear in the back alot of the boys talkin about the game and my style. Well you see i dont have a style if you want to know. They come up to me askin me just how in the hell can i beat you. or what tacktics would it take just for me to pin you. well you see there is no tacktic or way in hell anyone will ever beat me. Now some people might say that i think im the best in the wwf. well you see i never said that they just think that way so if they think that way then so be it. but you see i have yet to prove that i am the best in this buieness. even though i have the undisputed title around my waist doesnt prove a damn thing. so if they want to think that then by all means do it. If people want to think of me as the best in this company and hell i dont even think that then maybe i should change the way i think. You see i dont give a crap about what any of those guys in the back think about me. i dont care one bit about what they want to do to me. i dont care about all the heat i've got because of the way i am because you see all this heat will just add up to more anger and more fury for me to feed off of. They want to come up and talk to me about they way i do things in the wwf? well you can keep on doing it. but i tell you will only hurt themeselves in the long run. Make no mistake about it. you can believe that im back and when i said that play time is over then you can bet your sorry ass that it is. you want somethin different then you got it. you want the more ruthless triple h then you got it. to tell you the truth i didnt even want it to come to this but since alot of people want to run there mouths then well they will have to pay for it. This title is my life and i will have no problem coming out to this ring and putting it all on the line just to prove to the world that i dont hold this title for nothin. Now earlier today i decided to go and check out some old footage of whats been going on and i stumbled across one of booker t's promos. And well once again he ran his mouth about me. Well booker you like to run your mouth dont you. well you like to come out here dancin and singing and having a good time. well you see i could care less if you like to have a good time because you see all that talk is nothing but talk. you have no idea what would happen if things really got out of hand and i got the chance to whoop your ass. you want to come out here and talk about me? well then heres the ring you can do what you want. but when im standin in this ring there is nothin you or any of those nwo ass holes that can stop me from sayin what i want when i want. You see all that negativity i was gettin while i was away taking care of buieness made me want to come back. it made me want to come back better then ever and thats what i plan on doing. and it will all start now. You see negative things can do alot to many people. it could drive people crazy. it could send people packin. or it could give people the drive to come back with more anger then ever before and thats what happened to me. im back with somethin inside that not one of those guys in the back could ever have. The time of the same o, same o is over and the time for the cerebral assasin is now. triple h is back,better then ever and i will begin to make my mark on this company. going to anyone and everyone who thinks they got what it takes to beat me. Because this is only the dawning of a new era here in the wwf and i will be in the front of the pack with titles in hand. telling anyone and everyone who thinks they can come and play the game to come and step up. and watch what happens {Scene: Triple h's music hits and he drops the mic. the look on his face never changes as you can see the anger in his eyes. he goes over to the ropes and climbs up. he raises the undisputed title to the crowd as the chant his name} Rock Rock {He then gets down and gets out of the ring. he walks up the ramp slowly. when he reaches the top of the ramp he turns around. he looks at the crowd and then raises the title once more} Rock Rock {Triple h then turns around and goes back into the locker room area and heads for his locker room}