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This is just one example of THE MANY THOUSANDS OF BACKGROUND TEXTURES, IMAGES, COLORS AND FONTS, THAT I CAN COMBINE TO CREATE YOUR NEW CUSTOM WEBSITE. The basic structure that I use is easy on the eyes and easy for your visitors to understand: A side bar ( optional ) that contains your links/advertisements and some images if you'd like... and a top bar ( optional ) that announces the name of your website. Great for a no nonsense business site! CLICK ON SOME OF THE LINKS ON THE LEFT TO SEE MORE EXAMPLES OF THE WEBSITES I CAN CREATE.

I use ANGELFIRE, A Lycos company, to build and host all of the websites I create. ANGELFIRE will host your website for FREE. In exchange for the free hosting ANGELFIRE will attach a few of their banners to the top and bottom of your website just like you see on this one. This can save you alot of money in hosting fees. If you want to register your own domain ( .com, .net, .org, etc... )in the future you can get a really cheap package through angelfire that includes hosting OR I can show you how to register a domain through NAMESECURE, apply it to your ANGELFIRE website, AND KEEP THE FREE HOSTING. Personally, I just keep the banners on my sites and get all my hosting for free! The ANGELFIRE Account is free to open and will be your account, free of charge. I will use it to build your website and then it's all yours to use as you please unless you need me to make any future changes to your site.

I charge only a fraction of what It would cost for a professional website designer. Website design can start in the hundreds and run into THOUSANDS of dollars. Don't be fooled by an initial low price. It is more than likely that that's where you will start and not where you will finish! There can be many hidden fees that you won't know about until you are in over your head.

I can get your website up and running in a matter of days starting with a small start up fee of only $35.00. When you are satisfied with the initial outline ( background, top and side bars, colors, textures, website title... ) I'll require a second payment of $50 so I can add text, links, images, tools and whatever is necessary to bring your site to near completion. Your last payment is $50.00 and upon receiving it I will make any necessary corrections, make sure the site is fully functional, and fully activate the site to make it internet ready in 24 to 48 hours or sooner.

CONTACT ME! Fill out and submit the easy to use e-mail form below and I will e-mail you back complete instructions on a few things you need to do so I can start building your website. I'll show you exactly what to do to get things rolling along and answer some questions I'm sure you already have. My home phone number is at your disposal when you need to speak to me personally. ( Please call between the hours or 10AM and 5pm EST ) You will speak with the person ( me ) that will actually build your site. I don't work for a company... I work for you!

THERE IS NO OBLIGATION on your part to pay anything until you are sure you want me to build your site. Submit the form below and get all the info! You can also click on the ORDER WEBSITE button below for more information. If you decide to order from there I will contact you as soon as I recieve your payment and make sure you have all the infomation you need.

My Home Phone: 727 848 9506 ...Ask for Martin!   E-Mail Me At:

Online Contact Form
Your Name:

Email Address: