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 RRCC Wi-Fi Mobilization



What is Wi-Fi?

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Data Collected Though Research


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Cisco 350 Series Access Points and Antennas

Orinoco 2500

3Com Ap-8000



Students can be a valuable resource in maintaining the network along with the Technical staff.  Many students will be willing to help support the Wireless local access Network.  If the Wi-Fi technology is included in school, students could use solve problems with the network. The Wireless fidelity technology can be used as a learning experience, valuable to careers.



The current RRCC network’s security operates by use of a domain.  Any student laptop connecting to the local area network will be unable to connect to the domain. Only specific logins are allowed to access what is the secure domain used for the faculty and faculty purposes.  This domain is why all of the computers in student labs have the same Microsoft Windows log-on.  

Students will be on the local area network (LAN) in which they are unable to see any local computers.  The proposed addition of Wireless Local Access Network capabilities does not prevent the use of the network for  both students and faculty. 



Placement is important when making a Wireless Local Access Network. It is best to place access points in wide-open areas to maximize signal range.  Electromagnetic waves make a signal that bounces off objects. If there are too many objects in the way of the waves, the signal may be worsened.  Minimal bounce is achieved through placement in open areas.   

Faculty office areas will be the hardest areas to cover, because they are walled.  More open areas such common areas will be points of high signals. People will notice that the areas uncovered by the existing Local Access Network will be well covered by Wi-Fi.  

With proper placement, students will be able to move throughout the school and maintain a connection to the Internet.  In other words, a student will be able to “roam.”  Laptops will connect to the next available Access Point if the connection is disturbed.  As students move throughout the school from one class to another, their connection will be good as the student moves around.

 Figure 2 (linked below) is a possible idea to the placement of access points in order to create a large connection.  This may not be the correct idea , but a Wireless Local Access Network would need similar placement .

Figure 2: Possible Placement Access points for Wi-Fi  <Click Here>



Our research included 3 hardware picks for Wi-Fi. The models Orinoco, 3Com, and Cisco are what we found to be the best hardware for Wi-Fi at RRCC.  All three are able to handle the needs of the student body and faculty and will support further growth into the future. 

 All of the Antennae hardware will be able to support the network to achieve the desired objective of wireless access to students and faculty on campus.  In our opinion, the making of a Wi-Fi connection relies on the hardware structure.  The Antennae hardware is different in price and options.


Cisco 350 Series Access Points and Antennas

 This line of Cisco Wireless Local Access Network is the first of its kind to be an “Enterprise Class”, meaning it is made for large businesses. Cisco is an industry leader in the making of new networking technologies.  The 350 series is the latest contribution to the Wireless Local Access Network industry.   

The 350 series hardware could create an impressive public hot spot as well as serve the faculty with a secure and private Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN).  The 350 series presents amazing reception with its ultra-powerful antennas and performance.   

Replacing hardware can be expensive.  The Cisco 350 series is made with internal hardware that will not be replaced, because it is upgradeable. 

The Cisco series also allows the technical faculty to use the hardware for a teaching tool for use with the Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) program. This teaching tool will help carry RRCC networking school into the world of wireless.

The Cisco series can be used outdoors with a model made to resist high or low temperatures. Outdoor Wi-Fi would be a pleasant for summer semester students or for the warm spring or late August school year beginnings.


Orinoco 2500

 The Orinoco AP-2500 is made special for Wi-Fi hotspots.  The Access point is stylish and presents the quality of Orinoco. The AP-2500 “enables Internet access without compromising the integrity of the corporate LAN.” 

The AP-2500 has been called a ‘Hot-Spot’ in a box.  It has low maintenance, so it is easy to take care of. The AP-2500 can handle 500 people online at the same time, while providing easy roaming.


3Com Ap-8000

 3Com’s access point, the 8000 series, is an attractive solution to creating a Wi-Fi network.  It can handle up to 256 people online at the same time as well as provide long range.  This hardware is a simple solution to create Wi-Fi.  The amazing range on the AP-8000 could translate into less access points. As a result, it will cost less to install the 8000 series hardware.

 The AP-8000 can provide the needed capacity and could be easily replaced when damaged.   Although the AP-8000 is not designed for the purpose of creating a “Hot-Spot,” the 8000 series is a competitor with the Orinoco AP-2500. 

Access Points in this for Red Rocks Community College can be judged in multiple ways.  Many ideas are arguable when deciding upon which hardware is best for students and faculty.  Descriptions of the three hardware choices tell much about the their use to the student body. 

Go to: Conclusions




RRCC Wi-Fi Project - ENG131 - (C) 2003