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Three Peaks Challenge 2003

The Challenge!!!

Thank you for taking the time to check out our site! As part of our course, (HND Public Service Activity Management), we are putting forward a team of seven (+three tea makers) for the three peaks challenge this spring in aid of care international, a charitable humanitairian aid organisation. To do this we need to raise a minimum of £2,500 by the time the event takes place on 17th-18th May. The challenge consists of climbing Ben Nevis in Scotland, Scarfell Pike in England and Mount Snowdon in Wales, the three highest mountains in the UK. The total distance climbed will approximately 11,200 feet, (+the same distance back down again!)...the equivilent of running up and down the stairs in LRC about 1100 times!!!! You've seen the challenge, now please take pity on us and sponsor us! I could spend hours trying to explain the wonderful work that CARE international do across the globe but if you follow the link on this page they can do the job so much better than i possibly could! In addition to your kind support we are hoping to gain sponsorship from the college suppliers and by pleading desparately with our friends and relatives!To help us please take your donation to the student union where Tony Skates will gladly use it to buy himself a one way ticket to some non-extradition country where its sunny all the time! So many many thanks for your time, help and support not only from us on the team but on behalf of everyone at CARE International and the thousands of under-priviledged people they help.


Care International Homepage
