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February 5, 2006:: I have just began to tweak out the Layout to the site while watching the superbowl at Anthony's house. Its coming along pretty good also considering stupid Cameron kept getting on my computer checking his myspace. Seahawks are going to come back and show them what we saw at the USC Texas game.

February 6, 2006:: I began photoshopping my friends photos and they will be displayed on the websight for all to see with their consent of course. Also today I am super busy do to working on my bosses websight and also doing my teacher's homework they left for me, but oh well no pain no gain I guess. I'm thinking about adding the guestbook tommorrow and a message forum for people to talk and chat on the websight. I guess if it gets big enough I'll by a domain name and give out email accounts to some users and name some Web administrators. does anyone have a clue to what the websight should cater to or should it be my interests. Oh well, email me with your thoughts. I know that no one actually visits the sites but hey I mean you can hope can't you.

February 10, 2006 Major adjustments to the site. Added a forum/Guestbook/Chat Room and cleaned up a bit of the Code. Removed the Cheesy Background picture and will continue to make actual logos and stuff for the Site. Now that I have a bit of free time due to the 3 Day Weekend I can pimp out the site. New Goals((Brand Freaking New Layout For the Site//Flash Stuff))

Copyright © 2006, The Spot, Robert Jones, All Rights Reserved.