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If YoU WaNtEd SoMeThInG ExItInG ... YoU'Ve CoME To ThE WRONG PlAcE !!

If YoU WaNtEd SoMeThInG ExItInG ... YoU'Ve CoME To ThE WRONG PLAcE !!


DoN’t PuT tHaT tHeRe CoZ iT wIlL…oH lOoK

Welcome to this the first weekly edition of Don’t put that there coz it will…Oh look. Well it’s Easter Holidays, time to party and spend as much time as possible with friends, to basically have a good time before it’s all over. This the first week of the two-week break was quite an eventful one for myself, I and the rest of the group went out Friday night to celebrate Steven’s 19th birthday, we went to Sunshine to watch the movie DareDevil, then Pizza Hut afterwards. It was the first time the group has all gone out together and after the terrific night we all had I’m positive it will not be the last. I stayed over Daz & Wayne’s place for two nights this week, but the second night was in doubt, coz I was suppose to be dropped off at 10:45 but my mum decided that she didn’t want me to go out that night and refused to take me down. So I figure if she wont take me I’ll find my own way down there, I waited to she was asleep, I grab her car keys jumped in the car and drove to the end of the street, it was at this point that I realized, if she woke up to find her car missing I would guarantee you that I would never drive again so I went back home, parked the car, put the keys back inside then decided to walk to Daz & Wayne’s. Only to be screamed at the following day, night and thru to the morning. As a result of this I am forbidden to go to Renee’s party on Friday. But as you should be able to tell from the above story I will be making an appearance at Renee’s one way or the other. I am happy to report that on the morning of Thursday the 17th my dog Tilley has given birth to 5 puppies, I’ll keep you updated as the weeks go on. Keep in mind this was my first go so I’m sure these weekly editions it will get better over time. This is Bradox wishing you a happy Easter and until next time catch ya’ll later


Friday - well this morning I left to go to dazza’s b4 my mum woke up, we were just hanging out till the afternoon when we went to nays party. It was good we were listening to music Daz and Wayne were getting drunk, I got a concussion, I was just sitting there and Renee passed Wayne two beers, he turned to me, threw the can and said hey Braeden I looked up and POW it hits me right in my head, I put a dint in the top end of the can. Wayne challenged me to a chug, he absolutely killed me, I downed the first half of the can then I couldn’t drink any more, it was over right there. Later after that we were playing darts and Steven was thrashing everyone, but then out of nowhere Renee comes along and with one dart, kicked his ass with a bullseye. I left early with Brett and Kylie, oh and before I forget to Renee I am really sorry I didn’t mean to say what I said and I know I shouldn’t have so yeah sorry once again.

Saturday – well to day I did fuck all till about 7, I went to my neighbours 21st in Essendon, it was at the Essendon Rowing Club, it was pretty pox to start off with but then the lights went off and the party lights came out, add in a couple of beers into the equation, it equals a good nite out. I was drinking with my sister’s boyfriend Craig, we started in the car on the way up there and keep going all night at the party and then again when we got back home. It was one of best drinking sessions I have ever had.

Sunday – well its Easter, hope u all have a good time. Well today if u didn’t hear a guy jumped off the bridge right by my place, he hit a car on his way down and surprisingly he lived. Today was basically nothing, we just had some people over for dinner, then after that I went to Michelle’s place for like 10 minutes waiting for Sarah so that we could go to Sunshine for the Easter Movie Marathon. We meet up with Lorena, Carly & Carlos. We decided to see the marathon with the movies – Shangai Knights Bringing down the House The Recruit The marathon started at 11:15 pm and finished at 6:00am. When we got in, the cinema was packed so we had to split up, Sarah/Lorena, Carly/Carlos, and Bradox/Michelle.

Monday - Still at the movies. They were good but by the time The Recruit started I was too tired to understand what was going on. Afterwards Michelle’s dad came and picked us up, by the time we got back in Melton the sun was coming up. So I get home and go to bed, I didn’t wake up till 6:00 pm. Then I called Wayne and stayed at his place for the night.

Tuesday – Well today I got a call from Fiona of all people, she said that she had sorted some things out and that she would like to be friends with me if I would like. Well I said ok fine but yeah lets keep it that way no more bullshit. Later that afternoon Darren, Wayne and myself we went to Renee’s place and we just hung out, watched the telly.

Wednesday – Today I really felt like getting out of the house so I walked to Renee’s but I couldn’t stay because she was grounded, alright no worries, so I walked to Darren and Wayne’s but I couldn’t stay there because there Aunty and Uncle were there so then I walked to Ryan’s but no-one was home, I had to go back home. Shattered.

Thursday– Today I went to Fiona’s house to catch up, but while I was there I got a phone call from her boyfriend Chris, he told me to leave Fiona alone and that she is pissed off so it would be best if I didn’t talk to her, so I said alright hang on a second, I passed the phone to Fiona and she told him off for calling me. Later that night while I was talking to Ryan he mentioned it was Kylie’s birthday so after I finished talking to him I called Kylie and wished her a happy birthday. (Happy Birthday Kylie)

Friday – Anzac day, a day to reflect and give thanks to the diggers who risked there lives to protect our way of life and our freedom. (God bless you, everyone) ok well today is also my Opa’s 68th birthday so I went with my sister and we surprise him with a visit. We had lunch and then my sister went to work and my Dad drove me home.

Well this has been the week that was, next week I will be talking about going back to school and what goes on at a Viking wedding. Hope you all enjoyed your holidays as much as I did if not more. This is Bradox signing off, until next time catch ya’ll later



Um... Hmpft... Okies people... Im gunna start doin
meh thing now so... yeh... BLOODY SHIT AGAIN... ARGH!
[By the Way, I did this b 4 and I went to preview and
the asshole shitface cunthead bitch slutwhore didn't
save so yeh... Thats why Ima cuttin sick] 

.. Well... Seeing as though I dunno what to do... and seeing as though ya'll know how much I love the Horsies... well, ya'll alwayz hear Kyza Higgs and I blabbin' 'bout horsies all the time well, I will give ya'll a horsie lesson... hehe So suck shit if you dont wanna know cas I am gunna tell ya's anyways... so ner nernerner nerrrrr...

..][ NaYs HoRsIe LeSsOn ][.. So yeh... Look through that if you wanna chuckle a little... tee hee... Anyways... ONWARDS PEOPLE... Im gunna tell ya'll a story...

..DaRrEnS fIfTy CeNtS..

Friday lets see during morning it was so good I got on my computer and I started on the web page then Braeden came over and we watched blured now that was fun. We got to the after noon I was so excited about going to Renee's party. I had finally got there it was fun untill every body got there. I started to become really pissed of I had decided to take my alchol and sit in a corner by my slef when I had finished my drinks I almost spewed the amount which I had drinkin into the toilet. We went to bed and I fell asleep when I had woken up I had the biggest head ache sounds fun well it was.

There is one problem with my group of friends and that is the way they treat each other. They dont understand how some times it gets to people I dont blame them for saying something once but when they do it over and over again it really gets to you I hope it starts to change or I might leave my group of friends and I will sit by myself. So I really do hope it change because I dont want to leave because they are like family to me.

I have to say sumthing last night was one of the first time I had a good time while the hole group was together and I would also like to thank every one who camed, I would also like to know what was wrong with Braeden last night because every one was happy except for him. I hope your all had a good night. Thank you for Renee & Ryan for bringing some videos and DVD's over. Well tommorow we all go back to skool how exciting. Well Im just hoping I have a just as good time as what I had with my friends last night.

Well it was the first day back at skool wow I was so excited about going back it was so fun not!!! Well skool has all ready started to change. Last term I would be upset by the time it came up 2 lunch time and today was cool. There is one problem with my LIFE at the moment and that is I need to get away from my dad I know that sounds a little bit hush but that is how I feel every day he comes home & he becomes a total jack ass he BITCHES every 5 seconds and im just getting sick of it... PS. THANKS FOR LISTING AGAIN!!!


This is the closest friend I have ever had in the group with out this person I porbally wouldnt still be in Melton so I thank her for that.Renee is the only one who help me to see what Fiona was like I also have to thank her for this one to. Renee is the only person which I can tell anything to and she will try to help me out if I have a problem. Renee is currently going out with my bro congrats. I hope I have renee as my best friend for ever because she is like a little sister to me.


Braeden is a funny person and that is one of the reason why I like him. Braeden and I have been friends since the start of last year but half they way through the year me and Braeden had a big fight over a girl but this help me to see what this girl was really like so I thank him for this. But ever since this Braeden and I have become Closer friends now I count him as one of my best friend. I hope I stay friends with Braeden for years to come.


This person is one of my closest friend out of the guys in my group of friends and when ever I want to go some where he would offer to give me a lift to place where I want to go. Steven is the only person in our group of friends which is 18 years old this can come in handy if we need a lift or some drinks but we dont only like Steven because he has a car he is just a funny person all together and I hope I stay friends with him when I finish school.

..KyLiE A..

Kylie is one of the closest friend which I have in the group I have no idea what I would do with out her or Renee I have only started to get to know kylie last year but one of the first things I had figured out about Kylie is that she is one of the nicest people which I know, she is also one of the people which I can talk to if I have a problem. Kylie is currently going out with brett, I will talk about him later I just want to thank Kylie for being such a good friend to me.


Ryan and I are close friends I think I have known Ryan for almost the longest out of the guys in the group he has been really nice to me ever since I have met him in year 8. I can tell Ryan some things which I can not tell other people some times. He is currently going out with Kylie H. I hope I stay friends with Ryan for many years to come.


Brett Is another person from the group which I have known the longest and Im glad I met him but he is one of the meanest person from the group and he knows it but who cares. Brett is currently going out with Kylie A and I which them all the luck and I hope I stay friends with brett after we have finished school.


Kylie is so annoying but when your get to know Kylie she can be really nice except for when she wakes you up in the morning but what can you do. I have really started to get to know Kylie during last year but now we seem to be really good friends. Kylie is currently going out with Ryan I hope they will last for a while goodluck and I hope I will be friends with Kylie for a while longer.


Lynette was the last girl friend which I had we went out for about 2 months and the reason why me and her broke up was because it just wernt working. I hope little Lyn will stay my drinking buddy. I have got to know Lyn well over the last year and I hope I stay friends with Lyn for alot of years to come.


Michelle is the newest memeber of our group and im glad she is because she has been my closes friend since about grade 3 she is another person which I can tell all my secrets to. Michelle is like a sister to me and she all ways will be I am doing my deb with Michelle in august and I cant wait to do it. I have to thank Michelle for being there when I had needed her and I hope she will stay my friend for ever.

The quiz about the group PS. Answer truthly

WhAtS uP wItH tHiS pAgE nOw It HaS a MeSsAgE bOaRd

I hope you will write messages in my board and have fun

ThE GrOuP qUiZ

I hope you all will do my quizes and dont forget to send them to either Braeden, Renee or my self

GoD nOt CaRtOoN PiCs Of ThE gRoUp

I hope I didn't offend any one with these pictures and I hope you like them


ThE bAnAnA pAgE

This page was created by Renee & Kylie

WaYnEs WoRlD

This page was created by Wayne of course

WhErEs ThAt DaMn CaN oF pInEaPpLe?..oh wait!...ThErE iT iS!..hooray!

This page was created by Michelle

ThE gLuE pAgE

This page was created by Ryan

This is fucking bullshit we have to go back to school tommorow if you are happy your an idiot hope you enjoy