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Welcome to "The Music"

Well the unfinished version and stuff

I'm not quite done yet with this site but give it time and stuff and all will be good (hopefully)


Anyway...I think seeing as I'm here and you're here I might as well tell you what the music is about

Its like crazy voice in your head in a musical...which is inside your head. Yes, Yes I am quite insane..

Please note: Any individual who feels scared or threatened by this lunatic who somehow managed to get a website, should note the emergency exits. To the right is the X in the corner of the screen. Click it to close this window. To the left is your browsers back button. Click it to go back the way you came.


I'll leave you now.

 Here's some links to the rest of the site...  

About Me      Junk and Stuff

I know its small..... but as far as I'm concerned this site is UNDER CONSTRUCTION

Until I feel like putting an e-mail address up you can AIM me....

My handle is Musikal Spike...It sucks I know...