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The Deathwatch Guard Homepage

Officer List - Speak to any of these people if you need anything!

You may wonder where the name of The DeathWatch Guard comes from. Well if you've read the Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan you know but, for those of us who don't... "DeathWatch Guard - The elite military formation of the Seachan Empire. Fanatically loyal and fiercely proud they often display the ravens tattoo'd on their shoulders, the mark of the Empress. Their helmets and armor are laquered in dark green (so dark it is often mistaken for black) and blood-red, their sheilds are laquered black and their swords, spears, axes, and halberd's carry black tassles.

Here's a look at our tabard. If you cannot afford a tabard, let either TheLovefish or Coulai know and one will be sent to you promptly. :)

This is probably common knowledge to most of you but just in case..

1. No ninja-activity.
2. No spamming.
3. No repeated requests for help, a.k.a. every five minutes.
4. No charging into mobs during instances.
5. No begging for money, if you need finacial aid (within the world of WoW) send a letter of request to the guild banker with amount desired and reason for request.
6. No argueing in guild chat. Argueing will be done in whispers (keep it amongst yourselves), if there's something you would like the GM to know send me a letter and I will take care of it to the best of my abilities.
7. If you are not online for 15 days without notification your character will be assumed to be inactive and you will be kicked out of the guild.

Special event will be posted here, things such as; raids, raffles, gatherings, and so on.

This Week's Special Events:
We need to get together and start planning a raid group, send me some emails of places you'd like to raid and times that would be good for you, thank you!

Instance runs:
We are still not quite clear on how we're going to set this into motion. Dahlidon and Coulai are still working out the details. For now, if you need any help with instances, quests, etc. just let any of our officers know and we'll work with you to get it done! If no officers are available, I'm sure other guildies will be willing to help out. We have an awesome crew!!!

Bank Listing -
This is what we have in the bank at this very moment, remember there's always additions being made!

24 ten slot bags
3 eight slot
4 fourteen slot
Green hills of Stranglethorn pages:
26 (2)
24 (3)
14 (2)
27 (3)
21 (2)
1 (2)
8 (2)

The Scarlet Belt
Flying Tiger Goggles
Black Mageweave Leggings (6)
Thick spider's silk
Spiders silk
Shadow silk
Ironweb spider silk

Enchant - Bacer - Lesser Deflection
Lesser Stonesheild potion
Elixir of Demonslaying
Thick Murloc Armor

Thank you all of you for the donations!

Promotion system -
Alot of you have been asking how to get promoted so here it is;
1. You must be helpful
2. You must have a good attitude
3. You must show progress with your character
4. You must follow the rules

And showing pride in your guild is always a good thing!

Thanks for making this guild a fun place to be, guys!
