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~Mun kotisivut~ (Teinixxx :))

Heyyyyyy U! ;) Tervetuloa mun sivuilleni. En tiiä miten sä löysit ties tänne, mut mä luulen että sä tuut katumaan sitä vielä... Ton ei pitäny kuulostaa uhkauxelta. :) Mä vaan tarkotan, et nää sivut ei oo tosiaankaan hyvät, koska nää on ekat sivut mitä mä teen ja nää on tavallaan harjotussivut... Mutta niiztä seuraavista tuleeki sitte täydelliset. ;P Mä liitän tänne sivulle sitte joskuz linkin sinne mun "uudelle, täydellizelle" saitilleni. :) Jep. Mut koittakaa nyt keztää näitä mun nykysiä sivuja. Kiva et kävit. :) Luv ya. Ota osaa gallupiin... ;) ...Ja kirjota mun vierazkirjaseen.
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"Don't call me, don't write, don't show up in the middle of the night you know that, we needed sometime and space to breathe in I still re-call the words you said to me It's what you did not say that set me free Now how can I, find peace of mind when you keep coming back again It's not okay, for you to play this game of see-saw with my head Now it hurts too much, and it hits too hard An I wont play this part Don't call me, Don't write, don't show up in the middle of the night you know that we needed sometime and space to breathe in So now I say the things I want to say Sometimes it's better letting go this way I'll always know, down in my soul We really had so far to go I've given all I had to give and now it's time for me to live, and I won't look back and I won't regret though it hurts like hell Someday I will forget Don't call me, don't write, don't show up in the middle of the night you know that we needed sometime and space to breath in Don't call me, don't write, don't show up in the middle of the night to say that you've been thinking coz I know it's just the drink in you It's funny how we seem to re-appear I never thought I'd see this soul disappear Don't call me, Don't write, Don't show up in the middle of the night you know that we needed sometime and space to breathe and this is letting go, this is letting go, and this is letting go, this is letting go Don't call me, Don't write, Don't show up in the middle of the night you know that we needed sometime and space to breathe Don't call me, Don't write, don't show up in the middle of the night to say that you've been thinking, coz I know it's just the drink in you" Sozzi - Letting Go

*~Parhaat biizit ever~*

-Nää saitit rulez-

Tee omat kotisivut...
Vaix mitä.... That's tha spirit...
I luv Eminem <3
Ilmasii mp3sii...
Löydä kaikki mitä tarviit...
Make upppph.
Parhaat sähköiset kortit!
Orlando Bloom