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Don't think i forgot...

07.15.2003 12:31 AM -0400


So i went out with jon and jacky and we just drove around as usual, looking for stuff to do.

And as usual, we didn't find anything.

So like 2 hours later we all disbanded, and my uncle Rakesh was over, and he and my dad were drinkin scotch and discussing stuff.

My dad gave me some, so i was buzzed after a few shots worth. :)

Then harry calls me and tells me he's gonna pick me up.

I go with jon and jacky and dimple and harry and we drive for an hour or so. I just blab nonstop. Harry got a call, needed to go home, then jacky and dimple get calls and need to head home too.

LOL, i'm sober now though.

:) Well anyway, i'm just chilling now. First substantial entry in awhile. Been just chillin all summer, waiting on some internship responses, been waitin for blah.

GOt the family guy dvd, so good. Nothing too crazy been going on.

Peace fah now! :)

- Tarun


Don't think i forgot...

Monday, July 14th, 2003

LOL, it's like you get some work done , but then don't think about it at all.I finished this quick site design, and haven't updated still. Anyway. I'm just waitin on jon and jacky, who are sposed ta come get me soon. ?

I will actually write some meaningful entry later on tonight.

THere goes my phone, i'm out for now. Laters.

- Tarun, 8:03 PM


Friday, July 11th, 2003

Sorry for the lack of updates.My damn blog  company sucks, so i decided to just create my own site real quick to serve as a blog, with some extra. More later, simpsons now.

- Tarun, 6:47 PM

Wednesday, June 18, 2003

Arrrggh, i always miss Family Guy!!

Ah, so i jammed saturday. I forget what happened friday, though. Saturday was interesting, we jammed late, and since wan's parents weren't there, we went very late. We also met up with Jacky Borja, Peitz, and Cliff and hit up the bowling lanes.

They had cosmic bowling, which was really fucking annoying. Who can stand to play when shitty generic house music is blasting.

So me and the band got the fuck outta there, went back to wan's and jammed more.

Sunday was father's day; we were gonna get my dad a bottle of Johnny Red, but i think it's still IOU style.

My sisters were back from LA this wkd, so i got to spend some time with them.

Father's day was just us hanging out, but we didn't do much of anything ;)

Monday (yesterday from my current standpoint, cuz it's wednesday morning but i still haven't slept yet) i went out with Jon and Jacky B. We called drummond, but then jacky left soon after and me, jon, and d went to the Rio diner.

But of course, there's not much to do around here, YA HEARD!

Today, tuesday, me and drummond were just watching the shining and were around town.

What can i say? It's been too plain this summer...same old.

Oh yeah, drummond's off this week. Me, him, and Peitz are gonna watch godather 1 and 2 one day soon! I think i will ending seeing mark most of this week.

I am contemplating NYU summer courses as i work out my class schedule. I will sit down and do that tomorrow. Actually, i think i will hit the city tomorrow afternoon.

Alright, sleep now, talk laters--


- Tarun, 4:09 AM

Friday, June 13, 2003


Yeah, so at least friends are around. I don't have a job but at least i got stuff to do.

My room is done! It's way more spacious now. Pretty sweet. Way more attractive, way cleaner.

I ate cocoa puffs for dinner today :)

Been seeing people; me, jon, jacky, and harry went to the mall AGAIN on like, monday or tuesday or something. Always fun. I hate the mall though.

I saw AFI at Stone Pony and Chili Peppers and Queens of the Stone Age at MSG. Oh yeah, Mars Volta played too, which was cool cuz two of the guys from At the Drive In are in that band. They sucked though.

Of course this was like, in may.

Yesterday (well, wednesday) me, drummond, brennan, and wan were illen. Drummond, Lopinto, and I saw Finding Nemo, which had some sick ass animation. Bootylicious. Me and drummond watched my Clerks DVD afterwards.

Toiday (Thursday, actually--but now it's 2 hours into friday since i'm writing this at 1:07 AM) i played billiards with Bill, Wan, Jon, and Harry. Not too shabby. I had fun, and i ain't just hang out with Bill in awhile, so it was good to catch up. It was so rainy, the streets were flooded...we drove through em and it was like being on a boat. :)

Now home, missed family guy, but that's okay. Came back round 12 tonight, pretty early. I'm watching Conan now.

I'll see my sisters again tomorrow (technically today, friday), finally, after like, a month. They were in LA for MTV awards, and just got back last sunday. Then Teddy comes and we jam Saturday.

We need to do some work. The band has not done much at all as far as press kit sending goes.

We did finish a new song last time we jammed though.

:\ We need to book some NYC shows!

I have a headache. I think it's time for bed.


- Tarun, 12:59 AM

Saturday, June 07, 2003

Went job hunting with Jackie Borja and Johnny Peitz, left house round 4 pm.

Met up with Jackie's friend Geraldine to go bowling, musta been like eight-nine-ish.

We picked up phenomewan and hit up the bowling alley, but didn't go inside cuz we wanted to shoot some pool.

Fun, then went to Geraldine's house to chill. Good stuff, always glad to meet some new people. She's pretty into videogames too, so she gets brownie points.

I saw andrea today too, which was the first time in what felt like a long time. I told her to come 'bowl' with us, but she was too tired. I shall see her tomorrow or suttin. She seemed good, but she's been bitter lately because of various events (some of which i am not privy to), and has grown more cynical.

I feel like i've been less cynical, though.

I just got back like half an hour ago, it's like 3:30 am now.

Fun having some new experience. ;)

No effects. Gonna watch TV--laters.

- Tarun, 3:30 AM

Thursday, June 05, 2003

boring day, boring night, boring week...


need a job. will i get one?

let's wait and see.

on another note -- you need to check out this great band--LINUS! ! download the mp3s and sign the guestbook! you love it! we love you!!

good night, sorry i can't be more interesting! :\

- Tarun, 1:51 AM

Wednesday, May 28, 2003

Goddamn, what was i doing last?

Couple weeks since last info.

So i FINALLY heard back from schools.

I got into both schools that i applied to; Tisch at NYU and Rutgers College, which is pretty exciting.


So if i was to go to Rutgers, i'd prolly get only a few credits transferred...if that. Meaning i'd be a freshman.
And i got my NYU tentative credits list, which tells me 32 of my SVA credits are eligible for transfer, pending review of my final SVA transcript.

Yeah, you can see where this one's going.

I'm looking at dorms right now, but they're limited for transfer students. It would SUCK to get certain dorms, cuz a few of em are very inconvenient and are way less accomodating than are others....

Gonna send my forms in. Doctor's appointment tomorrow. Redoing room.

Felt sick past week.

Sent out a band press kit to a label.

Having fun, vacation time ticking by.

- Tarun, 2:46 AM

Friday, May 16, 2003

Yeah...I haven't updated in awhile, i've been busy but not--like around, but not at home, sitting in front of the computer too much.

That's not to say it's been exciting and crazy.

Actually, i've been catching up on sleep and seeing some people. I got home last monday, been waking up and going to bed late...

The show on May 10th was fun, Creighton, his friend Courtney, and Alvin came up to see us! I had fun, but of course we went to like, a diner, and had to call it a night. Not enough time spent with em.

So now i'm in the same position i was last time i wrote. Just idling around, sorta. I started to redo my room, which is weird. This furniture is like, 14-15 years old, i guess.

Actually, i've been pissed at myself for not waking up before 12:30 every day. I know i should stop whining about that, but i can't help it...i'm becoming bored and useless (?)

I saw some people i haven't seen in awhile, and saw Xmen 2 AGAIN and the new Matrix. The new Matrix--the story was kinda a letdown, but the fight sequences were sick. :)

Yeah, i gotta figure out what im doing, like register for classes or get a job or something. I'm worried about wasting the summer. I also haven't heard back from NYU or Rutgers...

I'll talk more later...Going to celebrate Drummond's birthday tomorrow and AFI saturday! Then Chili Peppers Tuesday!!

- Tarun, 12:22 AM

Wednesday, May 07, 2003

Man, this is sweet. Four whole months of vacation. Hehe, i already wasted a day. The art history final did suck. :( I dunno, i always feel like she picks the ones i didn't study too much! :( I remembered most of the little details about the ones that i did study, though, so hopefully that helped. Werd.

It was strange getting back sunday. There was no one there. Not even creepy steve, who is always there and was planning on moving out tuesday.

It's not like i was expecting anyone to be there, anyway.

But it's way different. A lot of the times i got back on sunday and no one cept for steve is there. But it's like, there's still that person's prescence there, cuz all their stuff was there all the time.

I was there with mostly empty rooms. The place was still fucking nasty as hell, though.

Mom and dad came to pick me up monday around 3 pm, and i could tell dad was hating it. 3 kids, and he's still not done moving us all in and out. In fact, now it's probably not so bad as it was a few years ago, when my sisters were always moving around. I had to bring home what seemed like a lotta stuff. Now that i'm home though, it doesn't seem like that much.

It's all still in boxes in the living room.

I unpacked my computer and my guitar right away though. They're actually up here, and they've been getting the most attention.

A couple more days of being idle and lazying around, and i'll be ready to have some direction again.

When i left for last weekend, it was weird, didn't seem like a big deal. See ya later, then i got back sunday, everyone's gone. Prolly won't ever see half the people i knew there ever again, anyway.

I wonder what my final grades were?

I don't wanna jinx myself by making any predictions.

Bring on the parties! haha, it's weird being first out. Actually, lopinto was out before me, but he sucks.

A couple people out in the next two weeks. I will be around, i guess; try and get a job, get certified, whatever. ZzZ

Cameron said he was gonna have parties like every few weeks, which is cool, but for the most part, all his parties are the same.

I ate FOUR tacos today. FOUR! Although that was 10 hours ago. So now i'm hungry. I guess i should just sleep, but i woke up at like, 1:30 pm today! Arrrrgh! I hate waking up so late, as i've mentioned before.

The ants are invading out house again. I guess it's that time of year already? We're taking preventative measures, otherwise it will become out of hand.

Just like it is every year.

Wide awake!

Did i mention how goddamn awesome X-Men 2 was? How superior in every aspect it was compared to X-Men 1? And how soon i'll probably see it again? Go see it. Call me and ask me to come with you.

I'm on AOL right now, cuz we only have 56k at my house...and my sister's STILL at work. Sona has to close out issues of people on tuesdays. Doesn't that suck? She's been there for like more than 12 hours now. Fucking ridiculous. They take such advantage. Slavedrivers, they are. We keep talking about food. Both hungry.

Time for a change of hair styles.

Like, right now, i'm just chilling, but one day went by and i'm already bored. Haaa...?


I want a cookie.

- Tarun, 3:00 AM

Sunday, May 04, 2003

Finally found a bit of time to write. Been pretty eventful, actually. I had this weird ass dream last saturday after i posted. Wan and i talked about college, then we got onto the subject of his brother's experience--like how his bro has done a lot and all. He said he wished he had his life. Then i went to sleep, and i guess his comment somehow influenced me. I had a dream that wan committed suicide and i was the one who found him, and it was really very violent.

The reason it shocks me is cuz i don't remember my dreams too often. Also, it was really gruesome, kinda frightening. Weird, cuz it was so vivid.

This week was sucky. I stayed home sunday, didn't go back to the city. I finished my art history paper and started the lit term paper that was due. I went into NYC monday morn, accidentally took the Newark local, cuz i had my headphones on and didn't hear the announcer. I had to get off at linden station and hit the next train. So weird, cuz i've passed by all those stations so many times and never once stopped at one. I got to class like half an hour late.

Monday, i started on my book for digital imaging. Well, tried to anyway. i ditched the idea i started monday, cuz it sucked. I restarted tuesday-ish, but late, cuz i was doing other work. This week was every final class except for the Art history one, so i had a bit of finals work! :( Finished those up and got one or too character sketches in. Barely a start. Slept late.

Wednesday i got back from class and actually started for real my imaging final. Took me into the wee hours of the morning. It was nasty. Rodrigo was doing his simultaneously, said i would be his hero if i got the final all done in this one day.

And i did.

Anyway, took me till 3 am to finish up all the illustration, coloring, and layout. Next was kinkos.

Alvin, again, i think this kid is the man. He helped my roommate mark complete his book for his imaging class. And by helped, i mean he did most of it for him. Anyway, alvin came with me to kinkos and we took some hours to figure shit out, print, and cut. Dropped it off for binding, to be picked up later.

Me and alvin walked home from kinko's at like, 6 am. It was twilight time, a light purple sky ahead of us. I was really happy that the book was outta my hands.

I was also was real interesting being out in the city like that. Reminded me of when me, dorian, kristen, and rodrigo stayed up all night for the digital video final.

We were thinking about getting lollapolooza tix, maybe offa ebay? Maybe the day of--scalped :)

I got to my room as the sun came up and passed the fuck out.

I woke up at 12 pm to pick up my book from kinkos and go to the 12 meeting of this final imaging class. I felt like i'd get to kinkos and they'd be like, sorry dude...we forgot to bind your stuff, and basically screw me over completely. Like, that's what played out in my head when i was out the counter. It was like in Requiem For a Dream when Jared Leto starts fucking with the cop and him and Marlon Wayans are tossing the gun back and forth. Then i snapped back into reality and the guy handed me the book. iT was done.

I saw this kid from class, kevin, at kinko's finishing up his book. Haha.

WHen i got to class (half hour late) there was barely anyone there. We showed our books.

Some people's were nuts. Dorian's was absolutely crazy.

She liked my illustrations, but didn't like the lack of storyline. At that point, i was done. I didn't care.

Left to go to lit after that, but she was just showing a movie. I left immediately.

I got back and chilled. Hardcore. Actually, i don't remember what i did thursday during the day.

Oh yeah. I slept. A lot. Like 3 hours.

Me, Mark, and Creighton went to the Lyric Diner. We had our last crazy outing..? Yeah. I had the awful jumbo cookie.

Me, Alvin, and Creighton went to XMen 2 at 12:30 that night. Crazy. Really awesome movie. So sweet. Nightcrawler!

I finished up my Lit term paper by like 5 am.

Friday i dropped the paper off at noon. I was in the dorm, around, just saying bye to everyone :*(


So people were moving out friday and saturday, and i'm sure that when i get back tomorrow, there'll be people moving out then, too.

My roommates all left, i guess.

I met up with teddy and we went to my place. We met up with wan at rahway station.

Brennan got back, and we jammed a bit. Came back to my house, my cousin Neil and his wife Puja were over.

Today, Saturday, we played at Ramapo College. Outdoor thing, really cool. Very fun. Some hot girls at scott's school. He lives in a beautiful area. It's really cool there, but not my style. I'd go crazy--it's too quiet there. We were back home by 7 or so, we left early cuz teddy wanted to get back. He had to go to some girl's party.

Get this: one band that played with us had a celebrity in it. Remember Buzz from Home Alone?

Yeah, he was in it.

I came back and went to Best Buy with Lopinto...Then cameron joined us at Pizzeria Uno.

Now im home, got back at like 1 am. Watching Rocky II! :)

I gotta study tomorrow for the Art History Final Monday....:(

It's gonna suck. Everyone's already home. Moving out is gonna feel so weird. I felt like i just moved in! It's too vivid.

Me, my mom, and Sona waited in the huge move in line, where we we like number 267 or something. Hehe, one of the last numbers...i was really late.

We kept having to move up the block, so we had to move all the stuff with us. So irritating. Meena and my dad were looking for a parking. I eventually got closer to the door of the dorm. A group of three kids came up to me, and Mark, my roommate, introduced himself. I was confused, cuz he knew me, as he had seen a picture of me. I, of course, did not know what he, or any of my roommates for that matter, looked like. It was Emil, Creighton, and Mark in that group.

I finally moved in (last) and my family left.

Remind me to go more in depth on the beginning of school later, so i have something to write about.

One last day, i'm out. I'll letcha know how the final goes monday night.


- Tarun, 1:59 AM

Saturday, April 26, 2003

Can never get to sleep early enough. use fighting the urge to exist late nights, but i should try to be more productive when i am up...

Woke up at 1:30 pm today, that always sucks. Much of the daytime is squandered whenever this happens. I got a haircut, picked up my sisters, ate dinner, and hung out with lopinto and wan. Average day. Oh yeah, took a trip to blockbuster and bought Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring DVD for $10. Heh. Dorkiness ensues...

We were gonna watch a vcd of The Recruit but didn't due to laziness or whatever...too lazy to watch a movie...sound illogical? it happens.

Lopinto did the usual and left early, round 12:30, 1 am, claiming he had work. Whatever.

Me and wan were talking about college and all that, he ended up leaving around 3. I'm here just around right now.

I should either do work or play zelda, but i will do neither.

Uneventful? Definitely.

Still no word on school for next year. I wonder where the hell i'll end up.

More tomorrow?

- Tarun, 4:24 AM

Monday, April 21, 2003

Couldn't find time to post today, had to make time. Heh. Well, we're done with the demos. Like i mean, done done. Like, cover art and studio and all. They look good. Overall i'm very happy witht the results. Damn, it was a lotta work. We also played that show this weekend. It was fun, but we were really sloppy. That sucks, huh? :(

I hope everyone that went had a good time. I hate that people have to pay to come see us. I know how it is, man. I wish they'd at least get some free beer or something at the place when you pay to get in or whatever. Then again, that would be stupid, huh? Best place to play would be someone's house, and get a keg or grill up some food, so people would have a reason to pay or whatever. Maybe this summer. Juan, if you happen to be reading this...take it to heart.

Man, wan sure was a dick on friday. We had to create the demos and all, get them filled and put out the labels. Didn't show up. I had a feeling that's what would happen.


He also took creatine before the show. For those of you that don't know, creatine is a barely legal steroid type dealy. He thought it would give him energy before the show. He was wrong.

So back to counting down: 2 weeks left. One paper down.

9 Class days total. went fast. I can't believe it's been almost a year. That sucks--i'm getting old.

I feel like i have no direction right now. I haven't heard from rutgers or nyu, and i didn't register for classes here for next year, so...

Been a battle. Week off from band duties this weekend. Then show at Ramapo.

Hopefully we're cleaner. I just actually wanna write some new music first.

I'm so happy the demos are done though. :) It's like two years of sitting on your hands, now it's done.

Like, i dunno--it took us kinda long to come up with the stuff we did, but then again, we weren't so serious before.

Man, today was easter. What a shitty holiday. For me, at least. My day was actually kinda awful...i went to drop teddy off, but i woke up outta it. Me and this other guy almost collided when i was driving back from the train station, and we both just cursed at each other...but i dunno, that's when i knew that i definitely felt like shit today, and was really out of it.

We drove into the city, hung out at my sister's, helped her build a dresser. I came back and worked on the essay i had to write for art history.

If i could get this Imaging final, the book, done, i'd be really happy.

Of course i can't bring myself to do it...

Shows always kick ass-like i saw harry and bill and joe and some other people, which was cool.

I was talking to andrea the other day, and i wrote that i felt out of touch. I do, i guess cuz i haven't seen too many people. I don't even know, whatever. I guess also because my year at SVA was really uneventful...same people, every day, like my classes are set, same people in every class.

Don't get me wrong, i like the people i met in class here.

I guess i associate the dorm with work? Makes sense.

Family guy on adult swim now. It just kicks so much ass.

I can't wait for XMEN 2 and Matrix 2!! :) Man, i rented one hour photo and didn't even get a chance to watch it this weekend. What the fuck.

Anyway, i gotta get up in 6 hours. Goodnight.

- Tarun, 1:42 AM

Sunday, April 13, 2003

Finished recording the demo today. Sounds good overall, i'm mostly happy with it. Actually, Dan (the engineer) was getting ready to record us, but had deleted us off the harddrive because we has backup disk. He had to restore us--took an hour. We ended up starting at noon (we got there at 10:30)... Stuff was going well when he told us that he'd have to cut us short, and finish up the demo another day. We wouldn't have this; we had been working hard as hell to ensure that the demo dropped this coming saturday, the 19th, at our show. Insistant, we told him we must meet our deadlines. He decided to shift his plans around to accomodate us.

Finally, we have recordings that represent us.

Still, the end of the production was a bit rushed, which sucks, because it got real late. Dan had to be somewhere, and our funds were ticking away. In the studio, time is definitely money.

Finished up, it sounds good though. The quality is pretty sick. The sound fidelity is hott! We spent too much money.

With two t's.

I'm so happy it's done. Another 4-6 songs and we can go back to the studio and have 12 songs, like an hour's worth of material. Fucking awesome.

We're gonna work hard to get it out, but printing the covers, finishing up artwork, and printing labels will take some time. But i got finals and shit to do this week. Ridiculous amounts of work.

Oh yeah, we also registered Sweet. Finally, a domain name!

I've also been trying to redo our site completely, takin some time.

The studio was all day...we got back like 9:30, chilled. Me and wan just sat around, contemplating who to call to chill with, but ended up being too lazy to care. We played some Def Jam Vendetta till it was too late. Damn, i feel pretty outta touch. I haven't seen some of my old friends in a hot minute.

Haha! :)

My parents are in Atlantic City, how surprising! Haa.....boring cuz now i'm here alone and it's boring. I'm listening to the demo for the 3rd time today, and watching training day. Man, Denzel is the man in this movie. He scares me.

Anyway, the week's gonna be full. I don't wanna go back, but 3 weeks left anyway. So just deal.

Damn, i need to know what im doing next year for school. I skipped out on registration at SVa. I don't think i wanna go back there at all. I also gotta start thinking about the plan for this summer. Goddamnit.

I'm tired, bored, and lonely. But i do have a demo.

Also, Kyle from the Birch Hill called us back today, which is sweet. Three local venues in jersey are booked by him, Stone Pony, Birch Hill, and Krome. These gigs are pretty fun and can draw a decent crowd, but the bookers are ticket whores. We stopped bookin there about a year ago when scott had a spat with one of the owners. Sweet though, cuz we got gigs lined up and we're about to line more up.

ZzZzZ. I love training day, but it's rough. IT's a scary movie.

God damn, no more class, please! Still counting down the days. Goodnight.

- Tarun, 3:01 AM

Friday, April 11, 2003

Yeah, so another week goes by, and i am home again. I only update when i get back home, really, weird. I guess lack of time during the week?

Actually, i'm extremely psyched cuz we're going back to the studio this weekend to finish our demo. I can't wait for a finished demo, it sounds good so far. I've been trying to figure out what each song needs, but of course it's hard to take an objective view on your own music :)

Also, i gotta do a book for my imaging class. Hmm, sounds cool, cuz it's an artist book. I started sketching; i'm prolly gonna do anime and comic book inspired artwork, heavily detailed and well colored, scan it, and match it with text. I just started a sketch of my first character, a bushido. Hopefully the finished renderings of the characters will look nice. The book only has to be 8 pgs, so technically i can do eight really detailed drawings and get away with that. As long as i can make em beautiful. I actually like this assignment--i feel like if i do it well, it'll be something real cool to use in portfolios, so i wanna try putting some work into this and not halfassing it.

So yeah, studio saturday morning, fucking awesome!

Been spending mad money lately too! Bought Zelda, then Def Jam Vendetta, now this weekend i'm gonna get Final Fantasy Origins, then the weekend after, i plan on getting the Family guy DVD. :\ all the good stuff always comes out at the same time.

I've been putting off work. I still haven't touched my lit essay. I also have to do two art history essays (sucks) and go to the met to get info for them. What a pain in the ass. The other final is the aforementioned book. At the same time, i've been wanting to finish up the website and the booklet for the demo. Too much stuff, the rest of the band needs to help with this.

Damn, i could go for some pizza right now. Or some pancakes!

Sweet! Ducktales is on!

Actually, i could go for anything right now, i'm pretty hungry.

This is an awesome episode--the one with the hockey robots.

Damn, i need to shave.

Some good and difficult looking animation in Ducktales.

I suppose i should prolly go to bed, considering it's 3:40 am. I don't wanna wake up at like, 1 tomorrow.

Zzz. Goodnight!

- Tarun, 3:52 AM

Sunday, April 06, 2003

Yeah, so i jammed today. Pretty good, mostly jamming, straight up, but we complete the instrumentals to a song. It kinda rocks actually--pretty much done, except lyrics are like the most important part of the song, and they're not done, so there's a lot left to do, after all, i guess. It's cool. I love making new music, it's such an outlet.

Yesterday, i went out with my family for dinner to a restaurant that we used to go to a lot. I love indian food. When prepared right, it rocks. Anyway, my dad was like, i don't think you're making good use of your time...something weird to hear from him. My dad's like, schizophrenic when it comes to jobs for me. Sometimes he's like, oh, forget about working and concentrate on your studies. Other times, he's like, make some money. I agree with him on both counts. What matters to me, anyway, is getting a job, whether my dad wants me to or not. It doesn't make a big difference to him, but to me, it's a big focus for this summer.

Speaking of this summer, only 4 weeks left till a long 4 month break!! :) Man, wtf am i gonna do with 4 months? I guess making more money and saving it for band stuff would be best.

Also! By this time next week, the linus rough cut will be a collector's item, cuz we will finally have a DEMO!! HAHAAHAAAhaaAA!



It's so cool to think about.

I pretty much designed the cover, which is Hokusai's Great wave, and a very simple typeface with our name and the demo name. We gotta finish the rest of the booklet. It's gonna be hot.

Hopefully the finished product is that last bit of professional that the rough cut is not.


Can't wait for the year to be over. So much time has gone by so fast. I can't believe that it's done, considering i remember moving in so well. Feels like it was yesterday.

We got there with a ton of people waiting in line to be checked in. I was very late, and got such a high number in line. My roommates came out and greeted me. So weird. We went to the room, and my sister was like, oh, they gave you a single. This is a single. They gave you a single. I was like, least it's nice.

The dorms are so sterile, cold, and boring. I do have a kickass view though. Still, i'd rather be someplace with a campus, blah blah blah.

Whatever. Time's moved quick, i gotta start finals before all of a sudden i have no time. I don't wanna be so stressed out at the end of the year.

ZzZ. Time to go to bed. Goodnight.

- Tarun, 3:17 AM

Thursday, April 03, 2003

It's weird, man...the first part of the week sucks so bad. Like Sunday, when i had to head back to school, i was so irritated. I had a lotta shit to do in a little time. I felt terrible monday; i was so tired. Anyway, by Wednesday after class, i'm just like man--this is one of the best parts of the week.

So whatever, i'm home again, it's thursday night. I couldn't keep myself away from zelda. Also, my roommate's girlfriend was coming over...nothing against her personally, it just sucks to be in a place when someone wants to be alone with their girl, you just feel like a third wheel. Haha, what a terrible phrase. So basically, i got the fuck outta there.

Not like i wasn't planning on coming home anyway. :)

Came home, rockin out. Now watching Insomniac with Dave Attel. This show rocks so much...i love it. Dave is funny as hell, they always get the most interesting things.

I always find it so funny when people want me to stay on the weekends. I understand that NYC is supposed to be the place to be, like the happening capital of the world. It's cool to walk around in, and the ambience is wonderful at times. However, being there with little to no money sucks. I never feel like spending $4 a beer at some bar. I hate most bars, if only cuz they're so expensive. Yeah but anyway, today, Rodrigo was like, yo, you should stay and chill with us. And i was just kinda like, and do what?

Dorian suggested halo. That gets old nowadays after about like 2 hours.

Then, when we were leaving class, Kristen's like, Oh, Guys!! Wanna have Mexican night? I was like, Oh dear....


She wanted to rent mexican movies and get tequila and shit. I really didn't feel it.

So i was not convinced to stay. I want Def Jam Vendetta!!!

God. 4 Weeks till we're out. Right now some guy on insomniac was talkin about how much he hates people. i can relate, and i'm sure you can.

I asked my dad how his eye was doing, cuz some stupid punk ass kid punched him in an argument my dad was having with his. The kid's watch hit my dad, and screwed his eye up.

That's the only time i get angry enough to hurt. Whenever i think of that incident, i just wanna explode. I hate it. I like to think i'm pretty laid back, too. When someone threatens family, i get PISSED.

One day i was talkin to Alvin, he was telling me how some kids jumped him. Like a lotta kids. Like big kids.
One kid told him to put his teeth on the curb, american history x style...that was a terrible thing to hear. He stood right up and punched the kid.
That kid is the man. He's kinda depressed right now, though. I feel for him.

I wanna jam! Next saturday, we complete this milestone, the demo. It's probably one of the most important things i've done. I hope people like it, even though if they don't, i really am doing this all for myself and for the band anyway. If it has to stay more a personal thing, then so be it. Still, sharing it with others who like it would be sweet.

Maybe i'll go to the play tomorrow. What? My high school, Colonia, is having the senior play. I know some seniors there, so it might be a good experience.

Actually, I haven't been there since graduation! Ha...

- Tarun, 11:01 PM

Tuesday, April 01, 2003

Sup? Been an annoying week thus far...Had an art history quiz Monday, had to wake up really early to study, as i don't want to fail the class. Then i basically worked all day on shit that was due. Also, i had a huge headache. Sucky :(

Still no XBOX Chip, but Zelda is fuckin amazing!!
More later...

- Tarun, 7:58 PM

Friday, March 28, 2003

Alright, been a few days. Man, being home home is good. It's not like my dorm life is bad, it's just that here, there are certain differences. School's a drag because....well, it's school; like of course, i associate it with work and class and shit. That's why Sundays are terrible. I did hand off my recommendations for NYU to professors; both promised sterling evaluations, which is awesome. Big load off my mind. I got home this week and picked up zelda for GC, haven't played it yet. Looks incredible. I went with Brennan, Bill, and Dan, just hanging out and illin, doin the usual. While on our way there, i spotted some Channel 4 news trucks by henry inman library and had no idea wtf was us. Then, at bill's house, they started talking about a 3-year-old kid that was taken from the library to a small marshy/drainage part of the neighborhood by a 10-year-old boy, and was beaten to death and raped by him. That's some sick shit...i can't believe what the world is coming to--especially considering the age of the kids. I wasn't even that cogniscent at 10.

Anyway, we went aroundto a pool hall, had a beer or two, then just chilled. Talked about our show together with them on April 19th. I can't wait.

Scott stayed over because we got in too late for him to go home. His mom apparently freaks out when he gets home late. We were just listening to music and discussing band shit.

I'll update later, it's so early. I woke up when Scott left at like, 10:20 ish this morning.

Laters, for now.

- Tarun, 11:10 AM

Tuesday, March 25, 2003

Been a day or two since the last entry. Anyway, i got back to school, the internet was that sucked. Monday was so slow, it's excruciating. Also, it was Kiyak's wake. I felt really bad that i didn't go, but class and being in the city kinda prevented me...

School is the same old, except it's been like 50 times slower in the past couple of weeks. I keep telling myself to stop counting down the weeks, but it's just too prevalent in my mind. I wanna get back to living in NJ and start making some money, taking some classes that count, etc.

Damn, i'm pretty tired. Had a Nine O'Clock art history today. My eyes are STINGING.

For the past month or so, all me, creighton and mark do is play Command and Conquer: Generals. It's very addicting, but i need to stop hitting it so much.

Non stop war coverage has been going on here, cuz my roommates are all about leaving CNN on the TV. I guess, whatever. I just get sick of the media spreading propaganda for the government. I hate this war. The people of Iraq shouldn't be blamed for the acts of a power-mad few. Those fanatics deserve to be singled out, just as Al Queda was. Too many people have died already; seeing POWs and their families, then seeing that video where US POWs were supposedly shot is depressing as all hell. The media doesn't help: they try to drill it into the public. Although the POW things are terrible, i'm sure many innocent Iraqis have been caught in the crossfire over there, and they've already been moved from their homes, depending on where they are...'s a lot to think about.

Actually! Zelda for Gamecube came out today! I can't wait to go get it this weekend. Also, my Xbox mod chip is SUPPOSED to come this week (again), i hope it's there.

Every week or 2 weeks or month or whatever, i try to find something to look forward to in the coming weeks. This week it's Zelda, i think...Last week i guess it was Brennan's party, if only because i just wanted to vent there, let loose, see old friends, have a beer...The major thing i'm looking forward to is summer, of course. I also am anxious to hear back from Rutgers, so i can prepare myself for what's next. I just like to have a straight answer.

I got back Sunday night, and the only food left here was one half bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch, and about a bowl's worth of Count Chocula. Sad thing is, i didn't eat any of my food. I didn't even open the CTC and it was gone. Fucking pisses me off. I had some soup and shit, too, and it's all been eaten. So today, when i went to find some dinner, my options were cereal, and not even a lot. Buncha savages in this town.

I can only hope today (tuesday now) will go fast, same with wednesday. Then Thursday, i'll prolly end up heading back to NJ, as always. Ooh, tomorrow is Chevelle show at Hamerstein with Meena! That's awsome, i'll try to meet up with her a bit before or whatever, it's always good to see either her or sona or both. Too bad Sone can't go :( And thursday is Dad's hearing AGAIN. Who knows if those assholes who assaulted us will actually keep it this time.

I was telling my roommate how burnt out i've been lately, and how every week i want to come back here less and less (which was a bad thing, because i was home a lot last semester too). I've been nonstop burnt. Since before Spring Break...last week went quick as hell, at least. If April goes by fast, I'll be grateful.

Lots to look forward to in April. Finish demo, play a show, and finish up classes. Maybe it'll go by fast. I'll let you know how it went then.

I STILL HAVE TO DO MY NYU APP! ARRGGGH! I Can't bring myself to do it.

After this week is up, only 5 weeks! See what i mean? I can't stop thinking about summer.

My eyes are killing me. Goodnight.

- Tarun, 1:40 AM

Sunday, March 23, 2003

So i went to Brennan's party today. Pretty fun use of my Saturday evening. My family went to my aunt's cousin's job advancement party or something, who knows. I was contemplating going; the Indian food alone would have been worth it. I went to brennan's and hung with some random people, just some school acquiantances (sp) who weren't too bad. Scott hangs with a good crowd. I got pretty buzzed: a combination of beer and a bit of schnapps and goldschlagger got me kinda hammered. Juan was completely sober the whole time, so he can account for my behavior tonight. I invited Bill and Dan of the Fear Revolution, who are friends of mine from high school. Not a bad time--i laughed it off, and eventually sobered up with some milk. Scott's lucky to have a girl like he does. She seems to care for him a lot and have a great sense of humor as well. She seems very cool. Bill and I spent the last hour or so sobering up and talking about fish. Everyone else was passed out. We both left, and i hit the local McDonald's cuz i had a severe case of the munchies. Beer + empty stomach = no good. I was hungry since before i went to brennan's. Oh well...I just had a breakfast sandwich of some sort. I spent the earlier part of my day with my sisters, hooking up some crazy surround sound unit for my dad. It sounds awesome.

Good to see some people i hadn't seen in awhile. Scott played the unfinished demo for the people there, which was cool, i guess. I can't wait till it's finished, so i can show i to absolutely everyone i talk to.
Should be excellent.

Anyway. Headed home-- being somewhere else besides your own bed after passing out from too much alchohol is no fun. At least i sobered up hardcore. Normally i wouldn't drive after drinking, even if i had like one...but i quit drinkin at like 12, so by now, with the aid of the milk, i was totally fine. I hate people who drive drunk. Seems like there were some people there who did that. Seems like a terrible idea to me! :)

Anyway, time for sleep. Goodnight!

- Tarun, 4:15 AM

Saturday, March 22, 2003

Back from being out...Lopinto, Camacho, and I went to Ruby Tuesday's to eat around 4:30, which wasn't too bad. We saw Dave Decicco (sp)'s brother, who was our waiter...kinda weird. We met up with
Drummond, Cameron, and Juan, and ended up going to the mall cuz Lopinto had to pick up some DVDs or whatever. We ended up at Cameron's house to watch Lopinto's newly bought Die Hard Trilogy DVD set. Pretty sweet. He got a ton of movies. We watched Die Hard 1 and looked over some past High School Yearbooks. I snatched a wine cooler from Cameron's fridge on the way out, so i must be real cool. Now it's sitting in my room, haha. Wine coolers taste so good, and i don't even taste the alcohol in em. It's not like hard liquor where it would taste pretty harsh, but it's there to get you drunk; it's like drinking a snapple or a soda or whatever: you drink it for pure taste. Either way though, i'll probably just forget about it and never end up drinkin it.

I also got some terrible news today...One of my high school teachers, Carol Kiyak, passed away. I was shocked to hear it, and am saddened at the loss. She helped me out a lot; i will miss her.

It also makes me think about how horribly sudden death is and how fragile life day a person you know and perhaps love is right by your side, joking with you, and the next minute they're gone--and you took their being there for granted. Sucks big time. That's all i could think about immediately after hearing the news.

Sorry to get all emo on you. Just a very surprising and disheartening event...

Unfortunately, i don't think i will be able to attend her wake, either. It's Monday afternoon, and i have class. I'm still considering it.

We were looking at the various yearbooks, from middle school to senior year of high school. Man, how people have changed. I'm not proud of any of my yearbook pictures, really, cept for maybe senior year. That picture wasn't so bad.

Fittingly, right now, 'Degrassi Junior High: The Next Generation' is on my TV. I can't find my remote. Yes, that's it...can't find the remote. Seriously though, the channel needs to change. This show is all teen drama style, not my scene. Right now, some kid is threatening to kick the shit outta another kid. Everybody looks so old on this show--makes me remember how we all thought we were so old back in the day. Some guy just pushed one of the girls on the show who looks like she's like 7 years old and like 40 lbs. Yeah right, she's in middle school. Although, we had some pretty midgety people in high school. I guess it's possible. Time to change the channel, as this is getting too in depth.

Hopefully I'll be able to party down tomorrow.

Oh shit! My friend Camacho was telling me about this terrible ass movie called Leviathan, with Peter Weller. He and Drummond were joking about it all day, making sarcastic remarks about Weller and pitting him in roles with Bruce Willis and other notable actors. Camacho and Juan watched it the other day, apparently, cuz Camacho rented it. I'm flipping through channels, and it's on! I dunno why i'm so excited though, as this movie supposed to suck. Just coincidental and funny.

Only 6 weeks of school left...thank god. Then four months of summer vacation. What the fuck am i gonna do for four months?! Oh well, leaves me plenty of time to do whatever; i guess take classes and and gain some experience, catch up on some video games :) Man, i'm such a geek.

I'm thinking i should pierce my eyebrow and grow massive dreadlocks. It would be such a massive change, and that's really tempting. I get a pretty mixed reaction on each idea from people.

Man, hopefully it won't be long six weeks.

- Tarun, 2:37 AM

Friday, March 21, 2003

Just testing out some crazy blogger software, no cause for alarm!
- Tarun, 3:58 PM

Just started this blogger thingy up, seems like it may be a fun thing to keep around. I hope i stick with it, and not crap out after like a month. Anyway, right now i'm just sitting around. I'm home, just like every weekend. I'm currently enrolled at School of Visual arts in NYC, but i've been a little burnt out lately. I've hand this idea of transferring to a different school ever since about a month into the year, and it's slowly been wearing me through with an almost senioritis-like feeling. I did get Dean's List first semester, so at least i know i'm not doing bad. So i put in applications to Rutgers and NYU (well...NYU is still pending, only about a week away from the deadline). Fucking college apps. I hate em. I have to ask for recommendations, but i dunno--i'm not really all that close with my professors at SVA....whatever. I'll figure it out. I was gonna ask my lit teacher, she loves everybody. I got an A in that class last semester. However, she bolted as soon a class was over on thursday...i didn't even finish packing my shit up and she was already out the door. I asked my drawing teacher, at least.

I'm waiting for my friend Lopinto to get over here, it's like 3:15, and he's coming around four. Man, I'm hungry.

I need to meet some cool girls. I'm getting sick of not having a girlfriend.

I'd say the thing that is pivotal right now is my band. Man, what a good use of time that is. No sarcasm there either. We're FINALLY in the studio recording the demo, and we're all so excited. I can't wait to get back in there so we can finish that up--we've been together like 2 years and will finally have some proof that we're not just smoking weed in a basement and calling it jamming or something.

One excellent thing that came out of my time at sva was meeting Teddy. Teddy joined our band like last far that's working out great. He's a capable guitarist and his voice is smooth. It rounds out the sound much better. I really feel like we're going places with this fourth member in place.

Man this layout is weird, yet strangely appealing to me. It's like a powdery blue.

I can't wait for the new Zelda, which of course is coming out Monday. I go back to to school sunday, so i won't be there to pick it up...
But i'm home practically every weekend. There's something comforting and soothing and mellow about being home. I'm only 40 minutes away from the city, so it's not a huge deal to come home, but i do kinda squander money on that. practically all i've been listening to this week is the rough cut of our Demo, and the Thrice CD, the Illusion of safety. Oh yeah, that new Used song, 'Buried myself alive' rocks, too.

I'm always kinda judgemental about music. My friend and bassist for the band, Scott Brennan, likes some Emo-ish bands...and i kinda hate emo, so much so that i won't really give any of it a chance. For some reason though, Thrice really appeals to me. Also, the Used is not bad either. Scott liked both of these bands for some time now, i just kinda dismissed em cuz of their genre. I should really stop doing that.

That's all for now, maybe later.

- Tarun, 3:32 PM

How the fuck does this upload to my angelfire page?!?!
- Tarun, 2:52 PM

Still iffy.
- Tarun, 2:49 PM

Does it work yet?
- Tarun, 2:46 PM

Nice. Trying to get this to work....
- Tarun, 12:50 PM

- Tarun, 12:31 PM

- Tarun, 12:28 PM