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Take a Chill Pill!


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Hey everybody! This is the newest edition to our guild! I've made a seperate page so that we can have more text and stuff for our guild! This page will include the hints and tips I always meant to have for the guild, the writing contest entries, all other contest rules, and anything else we want! I hope you like it! Thanks!
-[Kellie] [sunshinechick07] [takeachillpillguild] [your guild leader]

May was sort of a slow month, so were going to wait until the Member of the Month for June. Work hard and you could win!

We have a Pet of the Month Contest every month! We will be judging the Pet of the Month Contest by the Pet's Web Page. Go to Pet Central and find "Pet's Page" at the top of the page and click on it. Here you can edit your Pet's Web Page. Nobody has entered this contest yet, but I hope people will! Post a message if you want to enter!

We will be having another Raffle. If you would like to participate post a message and I'll get you a "ticket". Each ticket is 10 NP each. I haven't really been keeping track of the purchased tickets, and i'm sorry about that, so if you could post a message asnd honestly tell me how many you bought if you did, i'd appreciate it.

We have a Battle Tournament! We're going to go in the battle dome and have a series of battles and see who wins! I have many prizes for this contest alone, so its gonna be fun! we're trying to have it asap, so hurry and Post a message if you want to enter!

We have a Guild Logo Contest. it is temporarily postponed because Neopets isnt accepting the logos, but when it works well have it! the prize is a stone paint brush!

We have a Point Contest. here are the different things you can do to get points:
ideas for contests: 5 points
entering logo contest: 5 points
winning logo contest: 15 points
entering pet of the month contest: 3 points
winning pet of the month contest: 7 points
entering battle tournament: 6 points
winning battle tournament: 16 points
buy raffle ticket: 1 points
win raffle: 5 points
get someone to join: 10 points
making a donation: 10 points for every 100 NP, and 2 points for every good item.
If you have and ideas or problems with the points, post a message!

This is the list of points members have so far:
tiger_loving_guy: 1050 points
dog_lover333: 0 points
hugznkizzes07: 0 points
blondbird: 0 points
jimmyhsingkwan: 10 points
jasonchanhk2: 0 points
jamsie117: 0 points
droolin626: 0 points

We're keeping the points because April and May were slow months. Work hard and you could win! If you have any questions about points, post a message! I haven't been good at keeping track of points either, so if you believe you have more points than you do, tell me!

Poetry Corner...

A shooting star is a wish for you.
A shooting star is a wish come true.
A shooting star, a star to be seen, a gift from the sky, a gift to the sea; a bit of hope, a bit of faith, a wish for all who see it.
A shooting star, a piece of the sky, a bringer of joy, a bringer of sigh, a shooting star that fell from the sky, and into our hearts forever.

by Mike [tiger_loving_guy]

If anybody has any writing theyd like up, neomail it to me and if will be entered in the Writing contest! This is the only writing piece so far, so keep entering if you want to win!

Tips and Hints:

Things you should go to every day:

      Fruit Machine
      Healing Springs
      Giant Omelette
      Coltzan's Shrine
      Giant Jelly
Cooking Pot Recipes:

* Apple Onion Rings = Green Apple + Onion Rings
* Asparagus = Sunflower Seeds + Magic Potion
* Banana Grub = Organic Bananas + Wriggling Grub
* Blooky = Anglepuss + Triffin
* Bomatoge = Negg + Sausage
* Bubble Blaster = Basic Hair Dryer+ Bubble Blower
* Cake Coffee = Coffee + ChocoPie Slice
* Carrotberry Smash = Organic Carrot + Blueberry Snow Puff
* Cheese Cookies = Vegan Cheese + Neo Crackers
* Cherry Neocola = Cherries + Neocola
* Chickayo = Chicken + Mud n Mayo
* Chicken Roll = Spicy Wings + Hot Cakes
* ComboBot = Neotrak + Avabot
* Cup of Hot Borovan = Apsaragus + Hot Chocolate
* Devilled Negg = Purple Negg + Milk
* Dung Cake = Chewing Dung + Snow Cake
* Ergy Brocolli = ErgyFruit + Brocolli
* Flaming Wuzzle = Flaming Torch + Purple Fuzzle
* Foobug = Buzzer + Fungree
* Froiler = Baby Fireball + Bloop
* Frosted Donut = Snowberries + Donut Fruit
* Fundus Fruit = Strong Berry + Fungi Fruit
* Fungi Pizza = Fungi Fruit + Pizza
* Ham and Cheese Sandwich = Grilled Cheese + Ham
* Hot Chocolate = Hot Soup + Chocolate Milkshake
* Huggy Bear = Cool Purple Teddy Bear + Huggy
* Jelly Donut Smoothie = Donutfruit + Large Jelly Smoothie
* Meatball Broth = Snowghetti and Meatball + Hot Soup
* Mechabread = Mechaberries + Bread
* Mechadonut = Mechaberries + Purple Donut
* Mechagrapes = Grapes + Mechaberries
* Mecha Tiger Jam and Toast = Mechabread + Tigersquash Mega
* Moink = Mongmong + Snorkle
* Muntando Fruit = Teal Juppie + Kraku Berries
* Negg Cream Cookie = Scrambled Rainbow Negg + Chocolate Chip Cookie
* Negg Stew = Yellow Negg + Blue Negg
* Orangetti = Orange Negg + Mummy Spaghetti
* Pizapple Suprise = Cheese + Green Apple
* Plum Cheese Bread = Grilled Cheese + Plum
* Plum Crunch Cereal = Plum + Neo Crunch Cereal
* Punegg = Purple Negg + Chocolate Ice Cream
* Ranegg = Rainbow Negg + Chocolate Ice Cream
* Sausage Wrap = Sausage + Bread
* Scabergy = Scabu + Ergy Fruit
* Scrambled Rainbow Negg = Rainbow Vanilla Negg + Chinnamon Swirl
* Sliced Neggs = Purple Negg, Orange Negg, Green Negg
* Solid Toast = Mechabread + Grapes
* Spoppy = Poppit + Spyder
* Sticky Stack = Golden Juppie + Hot Cakes
* Strawnlla = Strawberry Chia Pop + Vanilla Milk Shake
* Sweet Ham and Fruit = Joint of Ham + Muntando Fruit
* Sushi = Fish Negg + Muntando Fruit
* Thorn Cream Cone = Toffee Ice Cream + Thornberry
* Ultra Pinceron = Wheelie + Pinceron
* Ultra Mega Bot 2000 = ComboBot + Ultra Pinceron
* Vanilla Negg = Rainbow Negg + Vanillla Milkshake
* Veggie Chicken = Asparagus + Chicken
* Watermelon Soup = Juicy Melon + Bottle of Water
* Yenegg = Yellow Negg + Chocolate Ice Cream
* Black + Green Sands = Angular Sand Sculpture
* Black + Red Sands = Heart Shaped Sand Sculpture
* Black + Blue Sands = Triangular Sand Sculpture
* Green + Blue Sands = Curvy Sand Sculpture
* Green + Red Sands = Swirly Sand Sculpture
* Red + Blue Sands = Bottle Shaped Sand Sculpture

How to get lots of NP:

Open a Shop. If you don't want to use the omelette and jelly you get everyday from the giant omelette and giant jelly, you can sell them. Omelettes usually go for about 15 NP, but jelly a little less. You can sell other things and get NP for those too!

Open a Bank account. Once you open a bank account and deposit a lot of NP, you get an interest. if you collect this interest before you wthdraw or deposit NP, you can get a lot of extra NP!

Play games. Play the games that you like and are fun. My personal fav is Meerca Chase on the hardest level. You can get a lot of NP. and dont send small scores like 50. only send high scores, such as anything over 100 so youll make use of your nax 3 plays a day.

Go to Tombola, Fruit Machine, Coltzan's Shrine, and other great places in Neopia to see if you won something cool withough paying anything!

There's lots of ways to get NP. you can figure out the rest!

Here's what kind of NP you earn from different games!

What you score is what you earn:

* Advert Attack
* Carnival of Terror
* Chia Bomber
* Chomby and the Fungus Balls
* Code Breakers
* Deckswabber
* Defender Trainer
* Evil Fuzzles from Beyond the Stars
* Maths Nightmare
* Meerca Chase
* Mutant Graveyard of Doom
* Pterattack
* Scarl’s Scramble
* Spell or Starve
* The Castle of Eliv Thade
* Tug-O-War

Half of your Score:

* 200m Peanut Dash
* Bumper Cars
* Destruct-O-Match
* Feed Florg
* Gadgadsgame
* Nimmos Pond
* Omelette Defender
* Pocket Neopet Puzzle
* Swarm
* Wack-A-Staff-Member

Doubles your Score:

* Escape from Meridell Castle
* Faerie Cloud Racers
* Grand Theft Ummagine
* Grundo Snowthrow
* Jelly Processing Plant
* Kiko Match
* Meriball
* Splat-A-Sloth
* Techo Says
* Zurroball

Triples your score:

* Deckball (all three games)
* Extreme Herder
* Faerie Caves
* Petpet Rescue
* Rink Runner

Multiplies your score:

* Attack of the Marblemen = Multiplies by 4
* Dubloon Disaster = Multiplies by 4
* Extreme Potato Counter = Multiplies by 7
* Ultimate Bullseye = Multiplies by 6

Divides your score:

* Ice Caves = Divides by 4
* Ice Cream Factory = Divides by 4
* Volcano Run = Divides by 4
* Korbats Lab = Divides by 5

Three Quarters of your score:

* Igloo Garage Sale
* Usuki Frenzy

Here's what happens when you feed your pet a negg! (and how many points they are at the neggery!)

Happiness Negg
4 points Increases pet's happiness level

Glamour Negg
7 points Prize inside, also decreases pet's intelligence level

Smiley Negg
9 points Increases pet's happiness level

Blue Furry Negg
15 points Heals 5 hit points

Sweet Heart Negg
18 points Treat inside.

Crystal Negg
22 points Heals 8 hit points

Vortex Negg
24 points Turns pet a basic color (red, blue, yellow or green)

Genius Negg
24 points Book inside, will increase pet's intelligence level

Christmas Tree Negg
27 points Heals 20 hit points

Bang Bang Negg
33 points Snowballs inside

Fireball Negg
34 points Battle Dome item

Icestorm Negg
34 points Battle Dome item

Spinning Negg
36 points Pet gets Air Shield faerie ability

Basic Power Negg
39 points Increases max. defense by 1

Evil Negg
42 points BattleDome item

52 points Random positive or negative stat change or will change pet's gender, species or color

Faerie Queen Negg
57 points Increases hit points by 1

Rainwater Negg
61 points BattleDome item

64 points BattleDome item that gives Physic Powers

Radioactive Negg
66 points Increases level of 1 randomly selected ability

Silver Knight Negg
72 points Increases defense by 1

Power Negg
79 points Increases strength

Cracked Negg
90 points BattleDome item

Cackling Negg
96 points Pet gets Shadow Health faerie ability

Plaid Negg
108 points Increases level of 1 ability, can also change pet to basic color (red, yellow, blue or green)

Ferocious Negg
124 points Increases strength by 2-4, Makes pet sick

126 points Increases movement by 1-2 and strength 1-2.

Spiked Negg
195 points Increases hit points by 2-5

Super Negg
210 points Increases level by 1, hit points by 1-3, and movement by 1-3

Cool Negg
247 points Increases level by 1, hit points by 1-4, movement by 1-4 and strength by 1-4

Other Tips (i dont know if all of these are true but its worth a shot to try them!)

SHOP RESTOCK TIMES: Totally Random Now!


* 6:00-7:00 am NST
* 2:00-3:00 pm NST
* 10:00- 11:00 pm NST



All 9 secret lab map pieces are required for the Secret Laborator. You only have to gather them ONE time though. After you have collected all the map pieces you can "zap" one pet a day with the lab ray. The lab ray can improve or reduce pet stats. The lab ray can ALSO change yourpets color, species, or sex. The only way a person can get a ROBOT pet color is by the lab ray.


* Speed: Every fifth minute of the hour (example: 5:05)
* Defense: Every tenth minute of the hour (example: 5:10)
* Strength: Every thirty minutes of the hour (example: 5:30)
* Life (Hit Points) : Every hour of the day (example: 5:00)
* Level: Every two hours of the day! (example: 3:00, 5:00, 7:00 NST)
* Doubloons: Every 55 seconds past the hour
* Burnt Food: 11:00 - 12:00 NST
* Half Price Day - The 3rd of each month is Half Price Day in ALL NEOPETS shops -- except the Hidden Tower.

* Give Away Times
* All times are in NST and given away at the money tree.
* Balthazar's Mega Faerie Giveaway Bonanza = 6 am everyday or wednesday...
* Chocolate Giveaway = 5:50 pm on Sunday
* The Wheel of Excitement - If you play the wheel of Excitement exactly on the hour (NST), 90% of the time you win 10,000 np! (not sure if this is true...)

* Employment Agency Times

* 0:00:00 Past the Neopets Hour.
* 0:10:00 Past the Neopets Hour.
* 0:20:00 Past the Neopets Hour.
* 0:30:00 Past the Neopets Hour.
* 0:40:00 Past the Neopets Hour.
* 0:50:00 Past the Neopets Hour.

All the cool stuff we have in our guild!