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Profile of the new upcoming elite

Baby Bears latest mugshot  

Project Baby Bear:

AKA King of the l33t

AKA Zorgon the Intruder

AKA elite Circumvention Guru (ECG)

Small boy needs repatriation due to unwanted security surveilance by Secret Service in 6 Countries.

He was the youngest human to hack into a military installation and start a nuclear weapons launch countdown, this was agravated by the fact that he routed the attack through all the rogue states and making the initial attack originate from China, this security breach followed with offers from MIT and the DOD in 3 countries, he was quoted as saying "A wizard must protect his knowledge from the ignorant".

The New York Times security reporter stated "his skill is extraordinary as he can hack at a binary level using a TCP interface program writen by himself in binary".

U.S. Secret Service spokesman said "this is a new breed for which there is no defence, as the child can crack 2048 bit encryption on the fly with no tools, all the security we have assigned to him is not to snoop on him, but to prevent kidnapping by foreign agencies, this has been agreed with the parents, and will continue indefinitely"
