About Mwah!

1. What is your name? Susan
2. Your name backwards? nasuS
3. Date of birth? Sep. 2, 1988
4. Gender? Female.
5. Astrological sign? Virgo.
6. Nicknames? Suse, Nikki, Susie, Susie Q
7. Occupation? pleease. me work? psh. your crazy
8. Height? 5'8
9. Weight? all that you need to know is that im fat
10. Natural hair color? dark brown
11. Natural eye color? dark brown
12. Where were you born? Wheeling, WV.
13. Where do you live? West Virginia
14. Age? 17
15. Screen-names? SsUhSeApN
16. E-mail address? ---------
17. What does your screenname stand for? my name
18. Pets? 1 cats, 1 dogs, and a bird
19. Number of candles on last birthday cake? 17
20. Piercings? ears
21. Tattoos? none
22. Shoe size? 12 hahaha
23. Righty or lefty? lefty
24. Wearing? navy blue sweat pants and a gray Magnolia hoodie
25. Hearing? Nickelback "Far Away"
26. Feeling? bored and tired
27. Eating/drinking? nothing
Love and Relationships 28. Have you ever been in love? i couldn't say I have
29. How many people have you said "I love you." to? only my friends
30. How many people have you been in love with? none
31. How many people have you kissed? hmmm.. around 5 maybe. not that many
32. Have you kissed someone of the same sex? i think i did when i was drunk once
33. How many people have you dated? 3 or 4
34. What do you look for in a guy/girl? he must be sweet, funny, romantic, and isnt afraid to have fun!
35. What's the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? smile and butt haha
36. What type of guy/girl do you usually go for? they muuust have a country vibe about them.
37. Do you have a crush right now? yea
38. If so, who is it? Justin Nice
39. Do you believe in love at first site? nope
40. Do you remember your first love? yea
41. Who is the first person you kissed? hmmm in kindergarden me and Nate kissed when we were getting "married" haha
42. Do you believe in fate? completely
43. Do you believe in soul mates? yea!!
44. If so, do you believe you will ever find yours? of course

45. How many siblings do you have? one
46. What are your parents names? Dave and Charlotte
47. What is/are your siblings name(s)? Chrissy
48. How many siblings does your mother have? 7 or 8
49. How many siblings does your father have? 7 or 8
50. Where are your parents from? they are both from WV
51. Is your family close? not really
52. Does your family get together for holidays? sometimes.
53. Do you have a drunk uncle? ahahaha all my uncles are drunks
54. Does your family have any health problems? yea
55. Does someone in your family wear a toupee? i dont think so
56. Do you have any nieces or nephews? nope
57. Are your parents divored? nope
58. Do you have step-parents? no
59. Has your family ever disowned another member of your family? yea
60. Did some of your family come to America from another country? yea
Music Stuff

61. What song do you swear was written about your life? I dont know why but Vanessa Carlton's "White Houses" makes me think of my life.
62. What's the most embarassing CD you own? Pocahontas CD
63. What's the best CD you own? my Miranda Lambert one and my Jason Aldean one
64. What song do you absolutely hate? i dont know
65. Do you sing in the shower? yea
66. What song reminds you of that special someone? i dont know
Name An Artist And You Give A Song

67. Pink? Stupid Girls
68. Aerosmith? Walk This Way
69. Madonna? Like A Virgin
70. Korn?
71. Backstreet Boys? Incomplete.
72. The Beatles? Yellow Submarine.
73. Sublime?
74. J.Lo.? My Love Dont Cost A Thing
75. *NSYNC? Pop.
76. Limp Bizkit? Faith.
77. Stacie Orrico? More To Life.
78. Creed? My Sacrifice.
79. Britney Spears? Everytime
80. Good Charlotte? Boys and Girls
81. Christina Aguilera? Dirrty
82. Eminem? Shake That Ass
83. Kelly Clarkson? Since U Been Gone
84. Kelly Osbourne? Shut Up
85. Mandy Moore? Walk Me Home.
86. Eve?
87. Aaliyah? Rock The Boat
88. Nelly? Heart of a Champion
89. Alicia Keyes? Fallin'.
90. Incubus? Meglomaniac

91. Color? any shade of pink
92. Food? chinese
93. Song? Nelly "Heart of a Champion
94. Show? Laguna Beach
95. School subject? FFA
96. Band/singer/artist? Jason Aldean, Britney Spears, Miranda Lambert, Keith Urban, Nickelback, Brad Paisley
97. Animal? cats
98. Outfit? anything comfortable annd boots are a must
99. Radio station? 95.7
100. Favorite cartoon? Spongebob Square Pants
101. Pair of shoes? my boots
102. Actor? Ashton Kutcher
103. Actress? Reese Witherspoon
104. Movie? Mean Girls and Remember The Titans
105. Potato chip? doritos
106. Drink? apple juice
107. Soda? dr pepper
108. Holiday? Christmas
109. Perfume/Cologne? Fantasy
110. Pizza topping? everything
111. Jello flavor? i dont know
112. Lunch meat? turkey breast
113. Card game? Go Fish and Drug Dealer
114. Website? myspace
115. Book? the Harry Potter books
116. Computer game? i dont have one
117. Number? 2
118. Cereal? fruit loops
119. Comedian? Larry The Cable Guy
120. Dessert? strawberry icecream
121. Disney character? i dont know
122. Clothing store? Debs
123. Past time? doing things with my friends
124. Teacher? Mr. Aberegg
125. Childhood toys? Barbies
126. Carnival game/ride? Tilt-A-Whirl and The Gravitron
127. Candy Bar? fastbreak
128. Magazine? seventeen
129. Salad dressing? ranch
130. Thing to do on the weekend? get drunk haha
131. Hot drink? tea?
132. Season? fall
133. Sport to watch? basketball and football
134. Person to talk to on the phone? Rachael
Your Bedroom/Sleeping Habits

135. What color are your sheets? blue and yellow
136. What color are your bedroom walls? blue and yellow
137. Do you have posters on your wall? nope
138. If so, of what?
139. Do you have a TV in your bedroom? yea
140. How many pillows are on your bed? like 57582972
141. What do you normally sleep in? comfy clothes
142. Descibe your favorite pair of pajamas? they are red and white stripes and all silky:)
143. What size bed do you have? i dont know. twin i guess?
144. Do you have a waterbed/bunkbed/daybed? no
145. Do you have your own phone line in your bedroom? my cell phone?
146. Descibe the last nightmare you had? i fell off the round up and spun through the air
147. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? yea! my beds full of stuffed animals
148. How many people can sleep comfortably in your bed? 1
149. Do you share your bedroom with a sibling? no
150. Do you snore? when im really tired
151. How about drool? sometimes
152. Do you have an alarm clock in your room? i could use my cell phone as one..
153. What is the carpet like in your room? just plain blue
154. What's under your bed? some of my extra night clothes
This or That?

155. Loser/Wannabe? loser
156. Doughnuts/Bagels? doughnuts
157. Day/Night? night
158. Wicked Witch of the East/Wicked Witch of the West? east?
159. Heaven/Hell? heaven
160. Make love/Have sex? make love
161. Coffee/Tea? tea
162. Hamburgers/Hotdogs? hamburgers
163. Rap/Rock? rap
164. Britney/Christina? Britney.
165. Swiss cheese/American cheese? American.
166. Real World/Road Rules? Real World
167. Backstreet Boys/*NSYNC? BSB
168. Silver/Gold? gold
169. Nike/Adidas? adidas
170. McDonald's/Taco Bell? McDonalds.
171. Sweet/Sour? sweet.
172. Punk/Emo? i dont know. punk?
173. Hot/Cold? cold
174. Winter/Summer? summer! no school.
175. Spring/Autumn? autumn
176. Operas/Plays? plays
177. Read/Watch TV? watch tv
178. CD/Tape? cd
179. DVD/VHS? dvd
180. Old/New? new
181. Jeans/Skirts? jeans.
182. Pink/Red? pink
183. Colored/Black and White? colored
184. Meat/Vegetables? meat
185. Mexican food/Chinese food? mexican.
186. Commercials/Infomercials? commercials.
187. Scary movies/Comedies? comedies
188. Bikinis/One piece? one peice
189. Sandals/Tennis shoes? Sandals.
190. Dogs/Cats? cats
191. Unicorns/Fairies? fairies
192. Water/Land? Water.
193. Sugar/Spice? Sugar.
194. Black/White? White.
195. Ribbons/Bows? Ribbons.
196. Chicken/Beef? chicken.
197. Colored lights/Regular lights? Colored.
198. Cars/Trucks? trucks
199. Austin Powers/James Bond? Austin Powers.
200. Popcorn/Pretzels? Popcorn.
201. Hip/Hop? Hop.
202. Passionate kiss/Peck? Passionate.
203. WWE/Real wrestling? Real.
204. Back rub/Foot massage? Back.
205. Picture frame/Photo album? Album.
206. Pens/Pencils? pencils
Name Association

207. Jack? Osbourne
208. Tiffany? Ater
209. Nicky? Frick
210. Maria? Mena.
211. Jennifer? Blake.
212. Nicole? Yoho
213. Amy? Taylor.
214. Adam? GONZO!
215. Richard? psh
216. Justin? Nice
217. Arnold? the cartoon Hey Arnold!
218. Tom? Delonge?
219. Melissa? Joan Hart
220. Charlotte? Shepherd.
221. Harold? Hey Arnold!
222. Bobby? Miller
223. Joel? Good Charlotte.
224. Vanessa? Carlton
225. Michelle? Powell
226. Kevin? Snyder
227. Brent? Blake
228. Jake? Potts.
229. Billy? Henthorn.
230. Matt? Nice.
231. Natalie? Spang?
232. Christy? Carlson-Romano.
233. Nick? Baxter
234. Linda? my aunt
235. Taylor? Henthorn
236. Jordan? Mullet.
237. Jamie? Lynn Spears
238. John? Taylor
Have You Ever?

239. Mooned anyone? yea.
240. Been on a diet? they were never successful.
241. Been to a foreign country? no
242. Broken a bone? no
243. Swallowed a tooth/cap/filling? no.
244. Swore at a teacher? not to there face
245. Got in a fight? no
246. Dated a teacher? no.
247. Laughed so hard you peed your pants? yea!
248. Thought about killing your enemy? yea but not for real
249. Gone skinny dipping? no
250. Told a little white lie? yea. who hasnt
251. Told a secret you swore not to? yea
252. Stolen anything? yea
253. Misused a swear word and it sounded absolutely stupid? yea
254. Been on TV? i dont know
255. Been on the radio? no
256. Been in a moshpit? yea
257. Been to a concert? yea
258. Dated one of your best friends? no
259. Loved someone so much it made you cry? no
260. Deceived someone close to you? yea
261. Came close to dying? no.
262. Cheated on your boyfriend/girlfriend? no
263. Gave someone a piggyback ride? yea! hahah
264. Terrorized a babysitter? no
265. Made a mudpie? yea.
266. Had a dream of falling off a cliff? yea.
267. Snuck out of the house at night? yea
268. Been so drunk you didn't remember your name? haha no but i couldnt remember my sisters name!
269. Had an eating disorder? no
270. Felt like you didn't belong? yea
271. Felt like the third wheel? yea
272. Smoked? yea
273. Done drugs? yea
274. Been arrested? no
275. Had your tonsils removed? no.
276. Gone to camp? no
277. Won a bet? yea
278. Written a love letter? no
279. Gone out of the way to be with the one you love? yea
280. Written a love poem? no
281. Kissed in the rain? yea
282. Slow danced with someone you love? yea
283. Participated in cyber sex? no
284. Faked an orgasm? maybe ;) hah
285. Stolen a kiss? no
286. Asked a friend for relationship advice? yea
287. Had a friend steal your boyfriend/girlfriend? no
288. Watched the sunset/sunrise with someone? yea
289. Gotten a speeding ticket? yea
290. Done jail time? no
291. Had to wear a uniform to work? no
292. Won a trophy? yea
293. Thrown up in public? yea
294. Bowled a perfect game? no
295. Failed or gotten held back? no.
296. Gotten perfect attendance in school? yea.
297. Roasted pumpkin seeds? yea
298. Taken ballet lessons? no
299. Attempted suicide? no
300. Cut yourself? no.
Childhood Stuff

301. Did you play with Barbies? yea.
302. Did you own Treasure Trolls? yea
303. Did you watch Beverly Hills 90210? yea.
304. Did you play Simon Says? Yea.
305. Did you watch Fraggle Rock? no
306. Did you wet the bed? Every once in a while.
307. Did you believe there were monsters in your room? yea!!
308. Did you wear days-of-the-week underwear? yea
309. Were you shy? yea
310. Were you spoiled? yea
311. Were you abused? no
312. Did you go to the circus? yea.
313. Did you go to the zoo? Yea.
314. Were you in a car accident? no.
315. Did you build snowmen? yea
316. Did you cry when you scraped your knee? Yea.
317. Were your older cousins mean to you? yea.
318. Did you think slinkies were cool? Yea.
319. Did you think Ninja Turtles really lived in the sewer? Yea.
320. Were you afraid of the dark? Yea.
321. Did you have slumber parties? yea
322. Did you have NKOTB sheets/sleeping bags/dolls? no
323. Did you tease your hair out like Tiffany? No.
324. Did you believe in the Easter Bunny/Santa Claus/Tooth Fairy? Yea.

325. Do you believe in Aliens? yea
326. Name three things that are next to your computer? school books, colored pencil, and my make-up
327. Do you have any hidden talents? nope
328. Do you wish MTV would play music videos? no! i love those shows
329. If you were to star in a movie what kind would it be? comedy or drama
330. What would your movie star name be? Susie
331. Do/did you play any sports? yea, tennis, cheerleading, softball, and i tried out for volleyball
332. What was the scariest movie you've ever seen? The Grudge
333. What is the best movie you've seen in the theatre or rented recently? Date Movie
334. What is the dumbest movie you've ever seen? Oceans 12
335. Do you drive? yea
336. What is your dream car? a truck
337. Do you think you're good looking? im average looking
338. Do others think you're good looking? some might. i dont know.
339. Would you ever sky dive? nope
340. Do you believe in BigFoot? yea
341. How many rooms do you have in your house? like 16 or 17
342. Are you afraid of rollercoasters? some of em
343. Do you believe in God? yea
344. Do you believe in Satan? yea
345. Do you believe there is a heaven? yea
346. Do you believe there is a hell? yea
347. Do you own a pool table? nope
348. Do you have a pool? nope
349. Do you have a dishwasher in your kitchen? yea
350. Do you like chocolate? yea
351. Who/what is on your calender? kittens!
352. How many US states have you been to? psh i dont know. hardly any
353. Ever wished on a shooting star? yea
354. Best Halloween costume you ever wore? my jasmine outfit when i was like 5
355. Do you carry any weapons on you? nope
356. What is your weakness? ummm boys?
357. Name something you can't get enough of? having fun
358. Descibe yourself in three words? fun, weird, and annoying
359. How many kids do you want to have? 1 or 2
360. Future daughters names? Jasmine, orr Lillie
361. Future sons names? Malakia, orr Ralph:D
362. What is your ideal way to die? in my sleep
363. How do you release stress? cry, yell, sing, throw things
364. Do you consider yourself a trendy person? not at all
365. Are you an artistic person? noo
366. Are you a realistic person? i suppose
367. Do you untie your shoes everytime you take them off? nope
368. Are you a strong person? i guess
369. Are you a strong-willed person? i guess
370. Who is the last person to e-mail you? umm probably Janelle? i dont check it anymore
371. Who is the last person to IM you? ummmm Lisa
372. Do you hate chain e-mails? nope
373. Are you a deep sleeper? sometimes
374. Are you a good story teller? psh. no. i stutter
375. What do you believe is your best quality? im nice?
376. What is your greatest accomplishment? ummm i dont know
377. Do you like to burn candles or incense? depends on what kind of mood im in
378. Do you do yoga? nope
379. Do you have your own credit card? nope
380. Let's say you win the lotto, what do you do with all the money? go shopping!!!
381. Do you have a checkbook? haha heck no. im not responsible with money
382. Do you like your drivers' liscense? i guess sooo
383. Do you tan easily? yea
384. Have you had braces? nope
385. How many fillings do you have? ummm 6 maybe
386. How many cavities did you have at your last dental visit? haha a lot!
387. Worst feeling in the world? being lost
388. Best feeling in the world? feeling like you belong
389. Is the glass half empty or half full? half full
390. Last thing you downloaded? Oasis "Wonderwall"
391. Do you catch yourself using online terms in real life? haha noooo
392. What do you think people think of you? that im weird
393. Are you a likeable person? i like to think i am
394. Do you need therapy? hmm probably.
395. Do you take medication for a chemical imbalance? nope
396. What's the best way to be proposed to? in a room thats candle lit where its just the 2 of us and we have just had a romantic evening that went perfect.
397. If FedEx and UPS were to merge what would you call it? umm FedUps?
398. Are you in school? nope
399. Have you ever moved? yep..
400. What's your favorite phrase? hell yes!