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Dup's World

You Just Play In It.

    It has recently come to my attention that although I'm a Web Designer (please save applause for the end) I didn't have a non professional web page of my own.  So here are my interests, opinions, and gallery of pictures I've taken.  I am rude, vulgar, and generally go out of my way to piss off the general masses on a daily basis.

    If you should really feel the need to speak at me, I suppose you could email me at the link below.  If you're feeling real daring, check out my chat room at the link below.  Thank God the government hasn't figured out a way to tax email, otherwise I would pay a small fortune to listen to you generic sheep babble on and on about nuthin.  This is my world, only I get to do that.

    Enjoy the site nimrod.  For those idiots who feel they don't belong here, or they have been offended by yours truly...please click the link below to view a more suitably pleasant site.  Until then...just sit der and stink.


Can't Handle The Dup?

If you want to be ignored, or taunted if you were to offend me in any way, feel free to email me you inbred snot licking ball hair here