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My Mind — Profile

Name:  Amber

Location:  Canada
Birthday:  24 May, 1986
Bio:  I am 19, female, and live in Canada. Right now I am a psych major, and going absolutely insane, (people who already know me, would claim I alreayd am insane). I am in Manitoba now, but I am originally from Alberta. I really do not know what else to write on here. If you have any questions, just let me know.
Interests:  Almost anything, seriously, I can be pretty ecclectic. I love poetry, especially the stuff that doesn't make sense, reading or writing. I like music, but honestly, who doesn't. I am generally ready for trying anything, as long as it doesn't have to do with heights, or needles (terrified beyond reason). Gilmore Girls and Cosmopolitan are extremely guilty pleasures of mine. What else, what else? No idea, again, any questions just let me know.
Blog Created:  Friday, 3 March 2006
Last Updated:  Thursday, 16 March 2006 - 2:48 AM EST
Blog Entries:  3

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