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Splashplatter Quotations.
Tuesday, 18 July 2006
A few words from Crazy....The second person on this account.
Mood:  incredulous
Now Playing: Goodbye by SR-71
HI! IM "crazy' and I'm a weird person. Me and my bestfriend are making a blog so we can chat, flirt,dance,party and go CRAYZAY! (YA!) ok, I'll chill out a bit. My real name is Kayla. Kayla Graft to be exact. I come from Estonia and I must say, America has some dirty cities....OH WELL! BUt I LOVE america, let me tell ye- your guyz's fast food resteraunts are so great! WE don't have to many of those back home....MAN I love,I gained 5 pounds in like 2 weeks here from all the stinkin burgers I been' eatin'! SO enough about Mua- How about you? We want friends and stuff! OH and the reason why Im not moderrator or whatever is because, I DONT CARE! (Go figure) SO, please pull up a chair-drink some tea(Although Americans favor coffee) read the paper have a crunch bar or dance to your favorit music playing here at our lil' club! By the way, Before when I said I was from Estonia I got alot of rude comments and then also they kept asking me to say or name stuff. DONT DO THAT! Please, I'm begging you all not to ask about me or my family. Kayla doesn't have a happy past let me put it that way(Awwwwww) lol, OK BACK TO THE PARTY!

Posted by crazy/splashplatter at 8:41 PM PDT
Updated: Tuesday, 18 July 2006 8:42 PM PDT
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