From where we left off last, Leon "Spike" Williams had entered an XWA building somewhere in California. Inside the building, Spike sits on a metal folding chair. The room is lit up by several candles resting on a cheap looking cardboard table. Next to the candles, is a sheet of paper and a pen.

Spike: Life, what is life? A dream, a nightmare? Will I wake up one day... and be..... normal? I used to ask this question to myself EVERY DAY! I needed hope, ever since that night...

Spike begins to have another flashback. Lights are flashing, and the sound of someone or something begins to growl. Suddenly, we hear the sound of a young woman screaming, begging her attacker for mercy. Then, silence. The camera pans up, focusing on a flashing neon XXX sign. The flashback ends.

Spike: Sin City, the City of sin. That was the day, I found out how diffrent I was.

All of a sudden, Spike's eye's go into a trance-like state, and he gently rocks back and forth.

Spike: Cravings, can't control them. No blood for Little William!

Leon's eyes return to normal, and he begins to calm down.

Spike: I tried to control them, for years the beast within me was trapped deep down in the depths of hell! But holding it back, only made the beasts hunger much more powerful. Then, he came to me... Told me I didn't have to hold back anymore, and all I have to do is sign my name on a bloody piece of paper.

Spike reaches into his trench coat, and pulls out a railroad spike. The tip is stained with dry blood. Spike grips it with his right hand, and uses it to make a cut on his left hand. Spike then picks up a pen next to the contract, and dips the tip in the blood. Spike then pulls the sheet of paper on the table closer to him, and writes Spike on it. Spike puts the pen down, and starts rocking back and forth again.

Spike: Blasted CEO, told me to use my other name!

Spike calms down, and picks up the pen. Next to Spike, he writes down Leon Williams. Spike then picks up the contract, folds it twice, and inserts it into his pocket.

Spike: Big Bad Spike in the XWA, here to wreak havoc on all who seek it. So who'll be first to feed my craving? Which ones blood will be spilt first? Maybe it'll be Pawn Boy Abel, gets used like a bitch every night. Maybe it'll be the sissy boy Beowolf or his bitch, that w**** Kelz. Who's got the balls to step into the ring with The Beast? Don't be afraid, because soon, for the XWA, it'll all end...

Spike stands up from where he sits, and knocks over the cheap card table. The candle goes out, and the room is now completely dark.

Spike: You think you know. What's to come. What I am. You haven't even begun.

The sound of a door opening is heard, and then the door quickly closes. End scene.

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