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05/13/03 -

YEEsss indeed so I have finally ended the whole relationship with captain dipshit. What do i do know god damnit? I'm a failure in love.. I've decided that. Ok so this weekend... Chillin with KAREN MY CAT! (PUSSY,KITTY,MEOWWWWWW) and Scott to make... 200 babies i think it was? And to make things even BETTER.. it'll be in Red Bank so we might get a lil' Mexicano Spermie in it. WAHOO! then Saturday something with either Mo, Devin, or both, who knows in this weird, messed up place they call Middletown? WHY is it that every guy I find has some sort of little flaw. I mean I'm one big flaw but honestly I just want Mr.Personality (NOT WITH MONICA LEWINSKY) / Mr. Attractive / everything else I want? And WHY do I think I find someone and then it just gets FUCKED UP? erhh i think I'll just stick to Karen and her ping pong skills. (You know wut im talkin about) LOTSA SKILL WITH PING PONG. Mwahaha. This summer is gunna be GREAT. I can't wait until our annual trip to the west coast, Deleware.. and camp... which if you go to my camp and ur reading this.. YES I WILL BE THERE. yanno wuts funny? Tony wasnt going to let me go. fuck that kid who does he think he is.. my parents? Oh and plussss..... my KICK BOXING CLASS WITH STEPH. yessss this will be great, now Karen I will be the bitchmaster becuase I'll kick your ass AND BRANDON WATCH OUT! OH yeahhhh last weekend at the ocean grove thing was really fun! (ME AND CASSIE GIONG IN -100 DEGREE WATER!) ok I think thats about all I have to say for now.. plus i hafta work on the template of this mother fucker. LATER, much Carrrra <