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Slurple3's beautiful webby

My Favorite songs

My Favorite Web Sites

Awesome bad ass buddy icons!!
Linkin Park is the best!!
Iron stomach (
South Park Kick the baby!
Minkle's Realm
WWE website
I hate clowns!

~~*Last Updated on 11/15/03'!*~~

I'm in the mafia!

My AIM sub profile!!!

Sincerley Yours-a poem I wrote

Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder

view my guestbook | sign my guestbook
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See what drug you are.

SPIRIT is your chinese symbol!

What Chinese Symbol Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

It's better to Burn out then to



had the BEST summer EVER ever...
Snuggeling under the Stars with my boy

so a little about myself

Hey!! This is Jess comin' at ya from the bottom of the Sandy Creek!!


damn! I'm still working on an evil plan to get my mom to let me get my Belly Button peirced!!

I grew 2 whole inches!!! haha I'm 5'4 now....not that it matters....everyone else got taller so I'll still feel short

I don't know what to think about Volleyball anymore....Mr.Stevens is an asshole and it just gives everybody else a chance to be bitchy and catty towards eachother...

I love grafitii..created a bit myself back in the day (haha)yeah...
Graffiti & other pictures

umm....most of the other info is in my little survey doo-thinger so check it out and...have a fan-friggin-tastic day!!

p.s. u can IM me @ slurple3 if I'm not there I might be on hockeypuck436 if I'm not there I'm not on!

SuMmEr LoViN
8/24/03 me and Genni met Nick and Will at the playground and hung stuff haha

10/11-12/03 went over to Mike's and hung out with him and Nick

10/14/04 me and Nick officaly started going out :)

11/04/03 Volleyball started

11/13/03 Mrs.Tetrault was killed in a car accident

11/14/04 everybody mourned the death of Mrs.Tetrault and the baby girl
Cassy reminded me and Nick that is was our 1 month anniversary

^How the stick people became extinct...

Top 10 Bands

my survey has moved to a new page

Fun Things To Do To Telemarketers:

** Turn on the TV. Change the channel to one that only gets static. Turn the volume up really loud. Say that you can't hear them over the static.

** Make up your own language. Speak it.

** Say, "This phone line is for emergency use only. Do you have an emergency?"

** Order a large pepperoni pizza, some garlic bread, and a meatball sub.

** Dial the phone and say, "Hey! I lent you 50 bucks. You better pay up or else I'm gonna come over there and hurt you! "

** Repeatedly dial the phone. Mutter that it isn't ringing.

** Say, "Moe's tavern Moe speaking."

** Ask him/her if he/she would like a magazine or newspaper subscription.

** Communicate only through Morse code.

** Try to sell the telemarketer something.

** Ask him/her if he/she can smell bacon. Insist that there is a strong scent of bacon over the phone.

** Pretend to be an escaped mental patient. Mutter things like, "They'll never catch me again," "No! Not the jacket! No, no, no!" After saying one of these mutter incoherently.

** Make him/her dance for a sale. Claim that you won't buy because you couldn't see him/her dance.

** Make him/her sing to get a sale.

** Pretend to be really interested. Then say, "No."

** Engage him/her in an "intellectual" conversation on an extremely boring subject.

** Say nothing until he/she hangs up.

** Say, "I told you. I don't know where your dog is!" Then hang up.

** After he/she hangs up, use *69 or Caller ID to get the phone number. Call the telemarketer.

** Ask the telemarketer for his/her home phone number. Claim that you need some time to think, and that you'll get back to them.

Complete Pointlessness!(if that's a word)Click it

What Kind of Drunk Are You?

Life Is Backwards:

"The most unfair thing about life is the way it ends. I mean, life is tough. It takes up a lot of your time. What do you get at the end of it? A Death. What's that a bonus?? I think the life cycle is all backwards.

You should die first, get it out of the way. Then you live in an old age home. You get kicked out when you're too young, you get a gold watch and you go to work. You work forty years until you're young enough to enjoy your retirement. You do drugs, alcohol, you party, you get ready for high school.

You go to grade school, you become a kid, you play, you have no responsibilities. You become a little baby, you go back into the womb, spend your last nine months floating......and you finish off as an orgasm."

<bgsound src="" loop=1 hidden="true">

-Swing Swing
-Don't wanna miss a thing
-Shook me all night long
-currently I'm just a kid

~*R.I.P Kyle J. Holmes*~
alwayz missing never forgeting
