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Friends Pictures

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These are pictures of my friends and I at different times :)

This is from when we went bowling for free (I was wearing glasses cause we decided to eat Habenero Peppers the day before, and my eyes hurt to much to have contacts in :) )

Obviously this is the Black Rabbit Technique, perfected by myself and Logan Godbey.

Picture of my firends and I bowling. From left to right, it's Blue, Jen, Katie, and Heidi. I can't tell who the others are.

Ok, the one with the scarf is Jo, the Galloway RD (she's cool), then Andy bending over, me under him, Blue on the left behing Andy talking to Jen, and Carrie will the ball.

Sharla then Chris, left to right, then people I don't know.

Some adminestrators who are cool (they have name tages)

That's Jason and Wheels (aka Josh). They're CRAZY!!! umm, not to much, actually

That's me and Adam, he's in a band, and the other night we had a fight, though we were just messin around.