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Sith Legion

Welcome To Sith Legion/Academy Homepage.
Below are many links to many different topics. For newer member or personal that are looking to join our guild, heres a brief description of our guild and how it operates.
What We are
Whats our System
--Military For SL--
--Sith Ranks for SA--
--Public Senate--
--Sith Council--
--CLM Council--
Hello this is Rubberband'/Natashaa/Serge-, I'm the guildleader of Sith Acadamey/Sith Legion. The system of our guild is very advance, but it gives the guild the power to rule themself. As a former leader I have seen many different kinds of systems. From a Dictatorship to everyone being equal in every way. With this I found having everyone equal works the best and gives a very friendly and welcoming enviroment for newer members. But their is a price for this freedom, even tho everyone is equal yet again someone needs to be the leader and listen to the whole guild for everyone opinion on every given subject, and this proves to be very difficult in a large guild. So I formed a goverment were the leadership is strong and yet again the public rule is equally strong, given the whole guild a sight into leadership roles and for the community to be fully inform, and have control over all issues.